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Flag of EuroSoviets
Motto: "Reason in Revolt now Thunders!"
[1], ASE Map
Region Allied States of EuroIslanders
Capital New Athens
Official Language(s) English, Greek, Russian, Arabic
Leader Strategos Feyedor Konstantin Druslov, Strategos Roger Charles McDonagh.
Population 4.08 Billion
Currency Federii 
NS Sunset XML

The Socialist Vanguard Alliance of EuroSoviets

EuroSoviets has had a long and proud history in NationStates. Founder of the region, Allied States of EuroIslanders, that nation has occupied a prominent history in inter-regional politics.

When the ASE was formed, EuroSoviets' devoted it's governmental expertise to the construction of a system of democracy which had never before been seen in NationStates; 'participatory' or Direct Democracy, modelled on that seen in Ancient Athens between 465 BC and 404 BC. The ASE grew quickly because of the open nature and friendly banter of the representatives from each of it's member-states.

EuroSoviets in the Allied States of EuroIslanders

Representatives from EuroSoviets have occupied many positions within the ASE Government from it's formation up to the present time. EuroSoviet representatives wrote the first six versions of the ASE Charter, and with help from representatives from their old ally, Danitoria, drafted the most recent, seventh version. Under these democratic documents, EuroSoviets has been military leader of the ASE (Strategos Nemonos), Director of Intelligence of the ASE and Minister of Foreign Affairs (Strategos Proxenos). As Founder, EuroSoviets has historically guarded the ASE from invasion and under Article 23 of former Charters has ensured that the ASE is kept free from Nazis and spies, intent on curtailing the free democracy of the Allied States.

On the World Stage

The history of EuroSoviets in international politics has been just as long as the nation has existed. The first sortie outside of the ASE was to become involved in a war between the regions of Continental Empire, Imperial Britain and their mutual enemy, an invader originally from the Tropic of Pirates, the Eclipse Union, and his allies, reconstituted once they were thrown out of Tropic of Pirates as the region Communist Alliance XIII. The war was successful, breaking CAXIII into constituent parts - some of which became 0Allied Nations0 and were later subsumed into the ASE and Imperial Britain.

A low-grade struggle followed on and off between EuroSoviets and Eclipse Union under his different guises

This low level involvement with international affairs persisted for a few months but it brough the EuroSoviets into contact with Jako and with Jacobstalia. Jako was to be delegate of the Proletariat Coalition and this formed the beginning of an era marked by alliance between TPC and the ASE, sister socialist regions, much alike. So began the MASS Alliance. This marked a change in the foreign awareness of EuroSoviets.

The government of EuroSoviets realised for the first time the true vastness of gameplay within NS and discovered also the huge armies of invaders and defenders. The expanse of gameplay was really brought home to the ASE in August 2003 when Tobieski arrived, having been exiled from the Pacific. EuroSoviets and Tobieski constructued a new ASE - but the partnership did not last and EuroSoviets' government appealed to an old ally who had previously left the ASE. The New Proletariat - the current United Nations Delegate of the ASE: Danitoria.

By this time EuroSoviets was a leading player in the MASS Alliance and between September and December the ASE rose in power on to a totally different plane, thanks to recruitment efforts and the new information pouring into the ASE about the MASS Alliance, its members and their enemies. EuroSoviets learned this way of the Atlantic Alliance, particularly when the Atlantic Alliance tried to interfere in Cuba, a left wing region which fell under the sphere of the MASS Alliance.

The ASE led MASS armies into Cuba and expelled the Atlantic Invaders at the head of a multi-regional taskforce led by Danitoria. Krinon, Takeshistan, Milantos, United Soviet Ireland and others of the ASE rallied to the defence and a community took its first steps in power onto the world stage. The war that follow against the Atlantic Alliance saw EuroSoviets bring the ASE into the Alliance Defense Network.

Meanwhile, EuroSoviets spied on the Atlantic Alliance. The region Liechtenstein was an independent raider region. Using the nation Socialist Switzerland, EuroSoviets gained control of Liechtenstein and after several victories against defenders, under his command, the Liech armies applied for membership with the AA. This gave EuroSoviets access and training in the world of intelligence and in global politics, since the Atlantic Alliance had fingers in many pies, including the Blue Moon raiders.

Quickly appointed a PeaceKeeper of the ADN, EuroSoviets pursued a policy of democratisation at the ADN that won both friends and enemies. Following an opening debacle about Jennivier, a friend of the ASE who contested the delegacy in the RR with Kandarin (much to the indignance of his ADN allies), EuroSoviets witnessed the departure of The Professor, Phoenix of the OSA, from the ADN. The new ADN with constitution provided ample introduction to every single aspect of NS, from the politics of the feeders to the habits of raider organisations.

Between September and the end of ASE tenure in the ADN nine months later, EuroSoviets occupied many roles at home in the ASE, including commanding its armies, its intelligence forces and finally settling into a role, contested in election and won repeatedly, as Strategos Proxenos, director of foreign affairs for the ASE.

Abroad, things were not as settled as they should have been. EuroSoviets was appointed military commander for the MASS Alliance but the inadequate centralisation of MASS made marshalling forces virtually impossible - thus the ASE withdrew from the MASS Alliance and The Proletariat Coalition soon followed suit, heeding the call of EuroSoviets and his allies that the time was right for a new alliance of the left, one with a clear mandate outside of just looking after member interests.

In this way the RLA was born and EuroSoviets took over from Danitoria as a part of the four-member permanent Executive, commanding the armed forces of the RLA. The military theme of EuroSoviets career has been consistent from the manouevres against CAXIII to the battles for Cuba right up to Palestine and the victory of the RLA and the defender organisations which supported an RLA delegate against a Union of Sovereigns invasion. Also ranked as representative for the ASE, EuroSoviets was thus in a powerful position to set about shaping the RLA and its policy.

With appearances at The Meritocracy (and an alliance very nearly negotiated by Consul Jasque and his Quaestor Argyres between the Met and the ASE) and other important organisations, EuroSoviets star was clearly on the rise...