Ubhashinim Ahwa'u Stadium

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The title given to this article is incorrect due to technical limitations. The correct title is ubhashinim Ahwa'u Stadium.

ubhashinim Ahwa'u Stadium is a football and athletics stadium in the Ariddian island of Ahwa'u (the smallest of the two islands located west of Limea/West Ariddia).

Built to service the island's population and local football clubs, the stadium, although fairly small, is one of the most modern and well equipped in the country, and there have been talks of making it Ariddia's sixth national stadium for international matches.

It is named in honour of ubhashinim, an Errinunderan football player who died during World Cup 30, crushed by a falling tree while playing against Spaamanian Plijous in Frosty Hollow stadium, in her home country. The Ariddian authorities and Football Association were the first to express their heart-felt condoleances after the distaster, which strengthened relations between the two countries and contributed to the choice of the new stadium's name.