Big Stupid Alliance

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Big Stupid Alliance (BSA)
Headquarters: The Phoenix Milita
Members: 8 members
Type: Defense, Economic, Comedic
Forum: BSA Recruitment(on Jolt)

The Big Stupid Alliance


Stated Goal

"To get every nation to ally with each other, and protect sovereignty, human rights, freedom, yada yada yada."

Mutual Defense

"An attack on one is an attack on all! But if you are in really big trouble then you are on your own"

Trade Relations

All member nations are allowed access to other member nations' economic markets for mutual benefit.

Membership Requirements

Nation must be cool (coolness to be determined solely by Field Marshall Maximus Seville II)
Nation must not produce, sell or stockpile bioweapons.


Method of Governance

The alliance is governed by two sections and a high council.

Security Section

A council made up of two representatives from each nation determines alliance military actions. Each nation is represented by one diplomat and one military leader.

Economic Section

A council made up of two representatives from each nation, one representative from the government and one representative from a large corporation in the nation. Determines alliance wide economic policies.

High Council

The executive branch that holds the alliance together and oversees major policy decisions.