Werewolf: The Dreamings

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Spectrum Werewolf/ Mafia
Name: The Dreamings
Game: Werewolf
Host: White-Rose
Commenced: January 2007
Winner(s): Innocents: Calumnius, Domas-Porada, Oldham Road, Sabrateur, Undracor

Werewolf: The Dreamings was a Werewolf game hosted in The Spectrum by White-Rose, his second hosted game (after previously hosting Werewolf: The Common Room).

The game was inspired by a similar game where the roles were each from different forms of media (films, television programmes, videogames) except during Werewolf: The Dreamings, players were asked to submit such a form of media for a role to be included in the game from themselves, rather than the host selecting.

Plots once again involved White-Rose's signature 'Goodnight ;)' and were intended to be more serious than the last game, although they gradually shifted to the more comical side. References to the selected media were present throughout the game, most prominent in day plots where the execution room was from a different media each day.

The host was also present as a 'player', and could be voted for although this would achieve nothing.


Rules used were standard with a few exceptions. Each Day period lasted two realtime days and each Night period lasted one realtime day. If majority was not reached, there would be no execution unless a role power decided otherwise.


(in signup order, media they chose in brackets)

  • White-Rose - Miles Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright)
  • Sherylannia - Agent Smith from The Matrix (Heroes)
  • Domas-Porada - Jim Royle from The Royle Family (Discworld)
  • Calumnius - Seth Cohen from The O.C (Harry Potter)
  • Nintenduu 64 - Professor Severus Snape from Harry Potter (Battle Royale)
  • Undracor - Kryten from Red Dwarf (Green Wing)
  • Dhatsun - Rick Deckard from Blade Runner (Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps)
  • Sabrateur - Donna from Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps (The Royle Family)
  • Buttery Boonswoggles - Matt Parkman from Heroes (Casshern)
  • Mushy Pea - Librarian from Discworld (Ichi The Killer)
  • Enthalpy Change - Professor Kotaro Azuma from Casshern (The O.C)
  • Adoggo - Dr Alan Statham from Green Wing (The Matrix)
  • Oldham Road - Jijii from Ichi The Killer (Blade Runner)
  • I Know Better Than You - Teacher Kitano from Battle Royale (Red Dwarf)


Alignment: Baddy (One man team)
To Win: Each surviving player excluding you must have a collar on them.

You are a cold, heartless man who wishes to teach order through an iron fist to the youth of Japan. You are one of the administrators of the ‘Battle Royale’ programme, which intends to do just that. But since there are no Japanese schoolchildren here, you’ll just have to kill your fellow players instead.

EXPLOSIVE COLLAR: Your method of control of youth is through explosive collars. Each NIGHT, telegram me with the name of a player you wish to attach a collar to. If at any point during the game, all remaining players (except you) wear a collar, then the collars will explode and you will win the game.

KNIFE: For your own defense, you carry a throwing knife. Once during the game, you may telegram me a player you wish to instantly kill by throwing a knife at them. This can be used DAY or NIGHT.

PROTECTIVE VEST: You are also equipped with an armoured vest. The first time you face death in the game (by execution or other means), you will survive the attack. Once you have escaped death once, the vest is used up.

Alignment: Baddy
[Your teammate is Adoggo, Dr. Alan Statham. There is also a Baddy heir who will take over your team if you both die, but their identity is unknown to you.]

To Win: Kill off enough players so that numbers of your team equals numbers of all other living players.

You are a ruthless AI program who takes the form of a human in a suit. Your purpose is to terminate any anomalies that bring imbalance to the world. And this dream has done certainly that..

NIGHTKILL: Each NIGHT, one of your team must send me the name of a player you wish to kill. Depending on who sends the telegram, the victim will be killed in a different way. Your kill method is shooting the victim, who will then be deleted.

INFECTION: This is your unique power, telegram me during DAY when you wish to use it. Once during the game you can take over the body of another player. This will result in them being sent a telegram about a presence felt in them that wishes to force them to use their role on player X that night. If they do not comply with this, they will be deleted and killed. When you wish to use this, send me the name of the player you wish to take over, and who you want their target to be. (If the player selected does not have a night-usable power, this will fail.)

Alignment: Baddy
[Your teammate is Sherylannia, Agent Smith. There is also a Baddy heir who will take over your team if you both die, but their identity is unknown to you.]

To Win: Kill off enough players so that numbers of your team equals numbers of all other living players.

You are a pompous radiologist who works at the East Hampton Training Hospital. Constantly ridiculed by the rest of the staff, you’ve had enough and now you’re going to take your revenge out on the people around you, using your intelligence and your weird moustache.

NIGHTKILL: Each NIGHT, one of your team must send me the name of a player you wish to kill. Depending on who sends the telegram, the victim will be killed in a different way. Your kill method is fatally irradiating the victim with X-rays.

PETTY THEFT: This is your unique power, telegram me during DAY or NIGHT when you wish to use it. Once during the game you can be a sneaky thief and steal a random power from someone for one day and night. The person will receive the power back afterwards if it is a nightly power, i.e protecting. This will fail if the person you pick has no remaining powers.

Alignment: Baddy (Heir)
To Win: Kill off enough players so that numbers of your team equals numbers of all other living players.

You are secretive and sophisticated teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But in actuality, you are a double agent working for the Death Eaters, an evil band of wizards. Of course, no-one will ever know…

!! You are an heir to the Baddy team. This means that once all the Baddy team is dead, you will inherit the power to kill and carry on their work. However, you do not know the identity of this baddy team, nor do they know yours. !!

NIGHTKILL: [Will not work until you have inherited it] Each NIGHT, send me the name of a player you wish to kill. Your kill method is poisoning the player with a toxic potion.

OCCLUMENCY: You are a master of Occlumency, the art of protecting your ill-truths from others. If anyone tries to find out your alignment by reading your thoughts, you will appear as Innocent to them.

Alignment: Neutral
To Win: Survive till the end. As long as you do this, you will win alongside whichever team wins.

You are an informant in the underground world of Japanese gangs. You aren’t aligned with anyone however, and you often play gangs off against each other over false information. You don’t really care who wins, just as long you get cash out of it..

HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION: You are able to influence people using all sorts of psychological techniques. Once during the game, you may choose to activate this power by telegramming me either DAY or NIGHT. The next NIGHT, anything that would affect you will be reflected off onto a random player, aiding your survival.

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are an LAPD officer who is gifted with the telepathic ability of hearing others’ thoughts. Although at first you could not control your powers, you are gradually learning. Even now you can only investigate the thoughts of others in the vicinity..

TELEPATHY: Each NIGHT, send me the name of a person whose thoughts you wish to listen to. You will discover if their alignment, and you will also be given a small random phrase from their role.

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are a teen guy from California who manages a comic book store. You used to be a bit awkward in social situations but since you met your best friend a while back, you’ve become quite the charmer. In fact, you seem to be quite popular lately.

HANG OUT: Each NIGHT, send me the name of someone you wish to hang out with. If anyone tries to attack them it will fail, after the attacker realises how cool the protected must be to hang out with Seth. [Vague link I know but work with me here..]

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are a big Northern bloke who sits in his chair, swears a lot, and watches the telly. And that’s really all you do. Now make us a brew, Barb’..

HEAD OF THE FAMILY: You are the Head of your family, and you have final say. In case majority is not reached, you will decide who to execute. Each DAY, send me a telegram with the name of the person to be executed in case of no majority.

JIM’S CHAIR: You never really move from your armchair in the DAY, which is like perfection for you. Thus you are immune to being daykilled (this does not include execution).

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are an amazingly intelligent Japanese scientist who has developed a radical new technology. This ‘neo-cell’ technology could be used to restore missing limbs, heal organ damage and.. maybe even more..

IMMERSION: Once during the game, you may immerse a dead player in a pool of neo-cells. They will be brought back to life with superhuman health, making them immune to death for one DAY and NIGHT. When you wish to use this power, message me during DAY or NIGHT.

AUTOPSY: Once during the game you may carry out a scientific autopsy on a body. This will be able to give you information that could be related to their death. You will receive the name of a player who has used a power on the deceased during the game. However, this may be an innocent power such as protecting. When you wish to use this power, message me during DAY or NIGHT.

You may not use AUTOPSY and IMMERSION on the same player.

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are a foul mouthed Northern bird who lives in Runcorn. Fags, booze and beef dripping butties are your favourite things but I’m afraid there’s only booze in this game..

TWO PINTS: Twice during the game, you may take someone out to The Mayhew pub at to buy them a pint. Message me during NIGHT to use this power. They’ll feel so refreshed one of their suitable role powers will be doubled for the next day/night (i.e give protector a pint and they can protect two people next night). You can’t use this on the same person twice, otherwise Gaz might get suspicious.

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are a Blade Runner, a special officer of the LAPD in the future. You have a violent temperament towards your targets, the replicants, who you are assigned to ‘retire’. But now in this situation, you’ve acquired some new targets - baddies.

RETIREMENT: Being part of the LAPD, you have a firearm. You start with one bullet, and you should message me when you wish to shoot someone during DAY or NIGHT. Seek out the one who can upgrade your gun so that it will have an additional shot.

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are the Librarian of the Unseen University, an establishment of wizards in Ankh-Morpork. A long time ago, you were such a wizard but an awry spell turned you into an orangutan and you’ve stayed that way ever since. Life is much easier now..

OPEN BOOK: The Unseen University library undoubtedly contains many books, some so magical they know everything about the game. Once during the game, you may leave a book open on a page about a player, and I will post their whole role telegram within the plot or an announcement. However I will not publicly say whose role it is. Message me when you wish to use this power, DAY or NIGHT.

ORANGUTAN: You’re sick to death of being mistaken for a monkey, so much so that you punish those who use the word around you. If anyone says the word ‘monkey’ in The Spectrum messages, you will steal their vote power for the day (your vote will be worth two, theirs none). This will only work on the first person to say monkey each DAY.

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are a series 4000 mechanoid – basically a robot servant, but you have picked up emotion from your time amongst the Red Dwarf crew, particularly remorsefulness. Your designers gave you many abilities and gadgets.

POWERUP: Seek out the Innocent one who wields a gun. Once during the game you can boost their gun so that they have an extra shot, using one of your groin attachments. Message me when you wish to use this power during DAY or NIGHT, however beware, as if you use it on a baddy, they will gain an extra daykill, and if you use it on any other innocent, nothing will happen. Unless…

ARMORY TRAINING: You may only use this if the gun-wielder has died, and you may use this once only! You think you kept a few weapons in the armory. It will day a full DAY and NIGHT to do it, but you could train another player to use one of these guns, giving them a daykill power. Message me when you wish to use this power. Using this will also use up your POWERUP power.

Game Summary

DAY 1-
Oldham Road's vote power is reduced to zero whilst another player's increases to two.

Adoggo has 6 votes (Calumnius, Buttery Boonswoggles, Mushy Pea, I Know Better Than You, Sherylannia)
Undracor has 1 vote (Nintenduu 64)
Oldham Road has 1 vote (Adoggo)
Mushy Pea has 1 vote (Sabrateur)

No execution.

Enthalpy Change [Professor Azuma] was killed.

DAY 2-
A role was revealed.
Adoggo [Dr Alan Statham] was shot dead.

Nintenduu 64 [Professor Snape] was executed (sorry, no vote data available.)

Buttery Boonswoggles should've been deleted, but he was protected against it.
Sherylannia [Agent Smith] was shot dead.
The Baddy team has been defeated.
Dhatsun [Rick Deckard] was killed.
Mushy Pea [Librarian] was removed from the game.

DAY 3-
Buttery Boonswoggles [Matt Parkman] was knived.

I Know Better Than You has 5 votes. (Calumnius, Oldham Road, Sabrateur, Domas-Porada, Undracor)
Oldham Road has 1 vote. (I Know Better Than You)

I Know Better Than You was executed...but didn't die.

Nothing happened.

DAY 4-
I Know Better Than You has 2 votes. (Oldham Road, Domas-Porada)
Undracor has 2 votes. (Calumnius, I Know Better Than You.)

I Know Better Than You [Teacher Kitano] was executed.
The OMT has been defeated.
The innocents, Domas-Porada [Jim Royle], Calumnius [Seth Cohen], Undracor [Kryten], Sabrateur [Donna] and the neutral, Oldham Road [Jijii] have won.



Nationstates had had quite a busy day today. At some point, almost everyone had logged on, but now it was getting late, and the last of them, White-Rose, was just signing out and going to bed. Little did any of them know that this would be the last of Nationstates they’d see for a while..


Everyone was soundly asleep, dreaming of something they’d seen or read recently that they were a big fan of..

“Huh? Mushy Pea? What are you doing in my dream?”
“YOUR dream..? But, but this is mine!”
“Wait, Adoggo, where did you come from?”
“WHAT?!” (That was Oldham Road btw.)

The pleasant dreams that everyone was once experience turned to a void of a room suddenly populated by fourteen people. The cross-flagged, the asphyxia-flagged, the star-flagged, the double dragon-flagged, the death-flagged, the ship-flagged, the leaf-flagged, the sky-flagged, the word-flagged, the combination-flagged, the stripe-flagged, the single dragon-flagged, the serpentine-flagged and the radial-flagged. (Now work out the players from that! lol)

Suddenly the blank room began to take form..an outdoor form.. a mansion was in front of the group of friends, who were all still insistent this was their dream, and only their dream. The mansion itself looked old, and was capped with a layer of snow. Amongst the dead trees was something very out of place. A gold platform surrounded by coloured lights was for some reason, right in front of them.

“What’s all this about..?” Buttery Boonswoggles moved closer to inspect it, and as he did, there was a noise like a platform elevating. Rising up from the hole in the platform…everyone was shocked.

“Oh my God!” “Who’s that?” “Is he ok?!” came the cries of the confused crowd, before an eerie voice spoke.

“Hi! I’m the corpse of William Shatner, and I’m your host for the evening!” spoke the body.
“Dude.. he’s speaking but his mouth doesn’t move!” Domas Parada noticed.
“But.. William Shatner isn’t dead..” Sabrateur pointed out.
“Well, this is a dream buddy, so anything can happen. I bet you haven’t even realised that you’ve all got an alter ego in this world?”

No-one said anything, probably due to getting over the fact a corpse was educating them. “Look, here’s the deal guys, you’re going to play my little game show I’ve got going here! The winner will get to wake up. And I’m sure you can all guess what happens to the losers..”
There was silence.
“Well..you...kinda..don’t wake up? Anyway! Let’s begin the show shall we? You’ll all enter that house there, where live footage of you 24 hours a day will be available on F5!”

Mr Shatner’s corpse went on. “Within there, you’ll have to try and single out the ones who have gained a bad alter ego, and get rid of them. Only then can the good guys emerge victorious!”
“Woohoo!” Sherylannia, Oldham Road, and White-Rose shouted.
“No, I don’t mean the Good Guys. I mean the Innocents! Anyway since I can’t enter the house, I’ll have to select a leader of the group… you!”

A gun appeared in White-Rose’s hand.
“Use this to carry out the majority’s wishes, and let’s hope no nasty surprises come along the way, eh? Any questions?”
“What are these.. alter-egos you mentioned?” Enthalpy Change asked.
“Ah, well you were all dreaming of something before you arrived in this dream game, yes? Your dreams sort of all got mashed together, and you’ve taken identities from each other’s dreams. Any more questions?”
”Yeah..” Undracor began.
“Tough, we can’t wait any longer. Hurry and enter the house, and get deciding who the first one of you is to be… eliminated?”

With that, the group went into the mansion and wondered whether this was real, or just some kind of crazy dream. And obviously it was both.

Something Has Happened!

As Oldham Road spoke the word 'monkey', a hairy orange arm came out of nowhere and clonked him over the head.

"Ow, what the..?" But when Oldham Road looked behind him, the culprit had disappeared. He felt as if he'd been punished for saying the word.

And he had.

Day 1

The group were adjusting well to their new house. Most of the day’s debate had been about the word ‘monkey’, and apparently, people have been lying..

Shatner’s voice echoed through the halls. “Will you please all gather in the Studio and we’ll play our first Execution Round!”
”I don’t like the sound of that..” Dhatsun remembered the turmoil of the last two game’s executions (which of course were set in totally alternate realities explaining why everyone is very much alive and well. But not for long, however..)
“I especially don’t like the sound of that.” White-Rose stared at the gun in his hand.
“Hang on.. what Studio? We’ve not even been in that room yet, have we?” I Know Better Than You pointed out.

“Ah, see the Studio is very special. It’s..yohghurty.”
”Um.. you mean yoghurty?” Sabrateur attempted to correct Shatner, but it was futile.
“Yohgurty? Anyway…see for yourselves.”

As they walked into the darkened studio, they were surrounded by all kinds of paintings, depicting very different scenes, from the sketchbook of a woman in the rain to the nuclear explosion drawn upon the floor. However, the one that caught everyone’s attention was a painting of a gun, all six barrels fully loaded. Before anyone could question it, Shatner’s voice reappeared.

“So, who have we all voted to kill today?”
”That sounded to me like Adoggo.” White-Rose said.
“Not quite.” Shatner intervened. “I’m into playing fairly. And not enough of you want him dead.”
“So.. no execution then?” White-Rose asked. “Anyone have any objections? No? Okay..” White-Rose placed the gun down, with none of the barrels fired, just as the painting had predicted.

Everyone went to bed, exhausted after their first day in Shatner’s Game. (Series 2 will replace the Charlotte Church show, thank God!) Goodnight ;)

Night 1

The group awoke naturally, thankfully no alarms in this reality-tv-game-show-house. However that’s not to say that something alarming hadn’t happened..

“Come quick, Enthalpy Change has been wounded!” a voice came from downstairs. Enthalpy Change lay bleeding on the floor out of a bullet wound to the heart. As everyone piled in the room to see the carnage and/or get breakfast, something strange happened. Enthalpy Change’s clothes changed and shifted, until he was wearing a simple black Japanese outfit, that might be suited to a scientist. “Take vengeance on my killer..” Enthalpy Change said as he disappeared.

Shatner’s voice echoed across the stunned room. “Well, we wave goodbye to Enthalpy Change, who was Professor Azuma. He could use neo-cell technology to resurrect or investigate a dead player. Owch.”

“This isn’t good at all for the Innocents..” White-Rose looked down at the bloodstain. “Come on, let’s get breakfast already.” Domas Parada was already hungry.
“Ok, but after that, we decide who would’ve wanted poor Enthalpy Change dead..”

Something Has Happened!

Whilst he was cleaning up the bloodstains off the floor, White-Rose noticed something on the kitchen table. "What's this... a book?"

The book had been left upon on a page that said:

Alignment: Innocent
To Win: Kill all the baddies.

You are a foul mouthed Northern bird who lives in Runcorn. Fags, booze and beef dripping butties are your favourite things but I’m afraid there’s only booze in this game..

TWO PINTS: Twice during the game, you may take someone out to The Mayhew pub at to buy them a pint. Message me during NIGHT to use this power. They’ll feel so refreshed one of their suitable role powers will be doubled for the next day/night (i.e give protector a pint and they can protect two people next night). You can’t use this on the same person twice, otherwise Gaz might get suspicious.]

"Strange.. the name at the top's been scrubbed out." White-Rose shrugged and got back to applying Cillit Bang Blood n' Gore.

Something Has Happened!

The group sat around pondering matters, when they noticed Adoggo wasn’t with them. (The subject of dogging had just popped up, you see.) Anyway, then they heard a gunshot from upstairs. Everyone rushed into the bedroom to see Adoggo shot square between the eyes, and bleeding all over a doctor’s coat that he was suddenly wearing.

White-Rose looked into his gravy covered crotch and his lifeless eyes. “Definitely dead.”
Shatner’s voice made the announcement, “Well, Adoggo has been shot. He was Dr Alan Statham, a very bad radiologist who could kill people and steal their powers..”

With this news, everyone cheered up and went to get some ice-cream. Except Calumnius, who dragged the body off to the freezers, convinced it was going to spring back to life any moment..

Day 2

“I’M NOT HAPPY!” Shatner could be heard throughout the house. “I’ve heard there’ve been instances of racially singling out people in this mansion and I will not tolerate it!”
”But we’re all Caucasian..” Sherylannia pointed out.
”What, really? Even..even him over there? Oh. Never mind then, let’s gather in the Archives for today’s execution round.”

“Archives? But yesterday, it was a Studio..” Calumnius was confused.
“No it wasn’t. You people need to learn your mansions.”

So the group went off to the Studio, whereupon entering they found a completely different room to yesterday, featuring an umbrella stand with a scythe in it. “Neat.” Dhatsun noted. The shelves were lined with hourglasses that constantly ticked away, but there was one hourglass on a central pedestal.

“Hey, this one’s nearly out..” said Buttery Boonswoggles, picking it up. “And it says..Nintenduu 64 on it!”
“So, who are we killing today, people?” Shatner’s presence returned and asked.
“NINTENDUUUUUUUUU” everyone shouted, happy to get a majority today.
“I even did a real-life seerness on him!” said Mushy Pea, proud of herself.
“White-Rose, give him a taste of your magnum.”
”Ooh, like the ice-cream?” Nintenduu said before the trigger was pulled, delivering hot steel flavour and indeed, just as it happened, the sand ran out in the hourglass.

Nintenduu’s clothing became jet black robes, and it became clear. “Nintenduu 64 was Professor Snape, an evil character in this book. He could protect his lies from others so that he’d appear Innocent.”
Another cheer rang out.
“It seems that he was the heir to the Baddies, so that when one died, he’d replace them in the team. Adoggo’s death earlier today gave him the power to poison people at night. But he never got chance to.”

Shatner teleported the corpse to the freezer that had now become storage, complete with sound effect from original Star Trek series. “Isn’t there a royalty on that?” I Know Better Than You asked.
“SILENCE!” Shatner boomed. “It’s late, go to bed. No doubt we’ll have more fun tomorrow.. those of us that are still around anyway..”

Night 2

“Mr Boonswoggles.. come out, come out wherever you are?” Sherylannia walked across the hallway, but Buttery Boonswoggles was nowhere to be seen. “I know now that you didn’t correspond with my wishes. And so, you must be deleted.”
“Hold it right there!” a voice came from the end of the corridor.
“Who is so foolish as to stand.. in my way?” Sherylannia said as his clothes became a plain black suit and tie, complete with shades.
“Me. I’m gonna take you down, baddy!” Dhatsun stood wearing a brown trenchcoat over a patterned suit and tie.
They both drew their guns.

“QUICK! A STANDOFF!” Oldham Road screamed as he ran to watch the action. Only it seemed to happen in slow motion. Bullets were fired from either side, and they rippled through the air, as both Dhatsun and Sherylannia twisted and weaved their bodies around them.

Suddenly, blood was spilt as one ripped through the chest of Sherylannia, who fell to the floor as time sped up again. “I curse you vile humans..you are nothing...but a virus!” With this outburst, Sherylannia shot Dhatsun in the throat, who fell to his knees, his last breath saying, “Remember my sacrifice..” before both players fell into pools of their own blood. Dhatsun then simply faded away..

“Ooh, f*cking hell!” Buttery Boonswoggles broke the silence as he entered the room, as White-Rose wrote “Ginger Baker” on the wall.
Shatner explained what had happened. “Well, Sherylannia was Agent Smith, a bad piece of AI who was shooting and deleting people, and he could also control people by taking over them. In fact, had you not been elsewhere tonight, Buttery Boonswoggles, you would have been deleted yourself for telling of the time he controlled your body.”
“And Dhatsun?” Undracor asked.
“Dhatsun was Rick Deckard, a tough cop whose job was to retire the baddies. And he died doing just that job.. he seems to have had his gun upgraded during the game.”

“Well, just about done here. Can we eat now?” Domas-Porada asked.
“HOLD IT!” came a cry from the room. It was White-Rose, who explained this outburst. “A player has been cheating, Your Honour!”
Shatner’s voice sounded confused. “Cheating? Can you show me evidence of this?”
”The evidence the player has been cheating is.. TAKE THAT!” Everyone took a step back as White-Rose threw some papers in the air.
“Written testimonies from other players saying the culprit admitted their guilt to them! You’d better explain yourself… Mushy Pea!”
“I didn’t say that! This is an attempt to frame me by the baddies!” Mushy Pea exclaimed.
White-Rose shook his head. “I have been told this by at least four other players. There aren’t even that many baddies left in the game!”
Shatner shouted. “Order! I will have order! Mushy Pea, you have broken the rules and are forced to leave us.”

With that, Mushy Pea’s clothing was revealed to be a costume of an orangutan, and she was teleported out with the Star Trek sound effect ™. "Mushy Pea was the Librarian, the one who had left the book open about a player, and who was stealing votes over forbidden words."

“What a hectic night. Anyone fancy a brew?” Sabrateur asked.
“I sure do.” I Know Better Than You said.
“Well, kettle’s over there then. BAHHHH!” exclaimed Sabrateur.

Something Has Happened!

It seemed to be a quiet day in the mansion, just over half the original number remaining. However, this was soon to decrease to just under half!

Buttery Boonswoggles was found slumped against the corridor wall, a knife lodged deep into his chest. The group were all stunned into silence because I can’t quite think of anything for anyone to say right now.

White-Rose looked closer at the body, which was wearing an LAPD uniform. Shatner once again revealed the identity of the deceased. “Buttery Boonswoggles is a sad loss for the innocents, for he was Matt Parkman, and each night he could read the thoughts of another..”

With that, everyone hid the rest of the cutlery from each other in a war of paranoia.

Day 3

The mansion was deathly quiet. The group had lost four people over the day, and now they knew they had to lose another. Sabrateur put Panic by The Smiths on the CD player to try and lighten the mood using the Spectrum National Anthem.

“Panic on the streets of Dhatsun,
Panic on the streets of Sabrateur,
I wonder, Un-“
”Shall we play execution now?” Shatner interrupted the proceedings.
“Tch, just when it got to my bit!” Undracor complained.
“Who knows what kind of cray-zay room we’ll be in today!” Oldham Road said.
Shatner respondedly simply with “Please gather in the Cockpit.”

As they walked into the room, they found a small technical room with four stations at which there were screens and other controls.
“Now, please clearly state who we will be executing today?” “I Know Better, I Know Better, I Know Better..” the group picked up the Spectrum anthem once again.

“Seems a clear majority to me, White-Rose, shoot him. And step up to red alert!”
White-Rose asked if Shatner was sure before changing the bulb, and then shooting I Know Better Than You, who staggered backwards slightly.

“WHERE’S ALL THE BLOOD?!” Domas-Porada was disappointed with the lack of violence.
“Now look what you’ve done..” I Know Better Than You said, with a tone as if his best shirt had just been ruined in the wash. He brushed at his clothing which now had a hole, under which seemed to be a protective vest. “This costed money, you know.”

White-Rose shrugged. “So..anyone up for a curry?”

Night 3

As the remaining players gathered in the living room, they realised something was out of place. Very out of place indeed.

The group looked at each other, confused, trying to figure out what was different. After a moment, Oldham Road realised. “I know what’s so strange around here! The difference is.. nothing has changed!”

This caused uproar for a few seconds before everyone forgot about it and went off to get breakfast.

Day 4

“Please gather at the Rooftop for today’s execution.” Shatner told everyone.
“What the hell is that from??” Domas-Porada questioned. “It could be from any theme WITH A BUILDING.”
“Don’t question it, just let’s go, quick, maybe it’ll be all over today..” Sabrateur said.

As they went through the door they found themselves indeed on a rooftop, looking across a Japanese cityscape through a chain link fence.
“And the lucky one will be..?” Shatner asked.
“I Know Better Than You!” was heard to be shouted twice, along with “Undracor!” shouted twice also.
“Wow, indecisive today, aren’t we? Then there shall be no execution today as once again there is no majority.” Shatner said, as the group began to trudge back into the mansion confines.

“HOLD IT!” White-Rose shouted.
“White-Rose! What is the meaning of this outburst?!” Shatner cried.
“I have just discovered at my feet, a piece of paper. This little note states:
‘No majority my arse! Execute that bloody I Know Better Than You!’ “

Everyone stood, in stunned silence. White-Rose aimed his pistol at I Know Better Than You.
“What are you doing?! This is ridiculous! You’re going to obey some crappy little piece of paper?!” I Know Better Than You was infuriated.
“I have to. For it is signed by... the head of the family.” White-Rose walked closer towards I Know Better Than You, who backed off to the chain fence.
“You’re all dead! You hear me! Every last one of you WILL DIE!”

With this, a bleeping noise was heard. The noises appeared to be coming from Calumnius and Undracor, who had collars around their necks. The rate of bleeping ominously increased bit by bit.

“What the..?” Undracor began to panic.
“THEY’RE GONNA A-SPLODE, EVERYONE RUN!” Oldham Road was helpful in a crisis as always. Everyone began to panic. White-Rose shot at I Know Better Than You who had run off during the commotion, the shots missing completely. As he cornered I Know Better Than You against a railing, he realise there were no shots left.

There was nothing left for it. He’d have to pistol-beat him. White-Rose was incredibly faithful to his job and would do anything within his power to get it done. I Know Better Than You was grinning evilly, trying to stall for time so that Calumnius and Undracor’s collars would explode.

White-Rose smashed him in the face with his gun, the force catching I Know Better Than You off guard as he fell many many stories downwards.. He could be heard to say something about it being amazing on the descent.

“Quick, down to the bottom of the building!” Sabrateur exclaimed, as they all ran down to discover the truth..
The body of I Know Better Than You was found to be wearing a grey and blue tracksuit.

“Yes, it is as we thought. I Know Better Than You was Teacher Kitano, an evil character who could place explosive collars on people at night, use knives and owned a bullletproof vest. With his death, the collars have been deactiv-“
White-Rose was interrupted by a phone ringing. The noise came from the body of I Know Better Than You.

“What the..? Should we answer that?” Undracor was trying to work out who could possibly be phoning him. Then something happened that stunned everyone, even Shatner’s corpse.

“Hello? Common Room? Listen, I won’t be coming back to Sixth Form again..” I Know Better Than You descended into an argument before throwing the phone at the wall, breaking it, saying something about “Irresponsible? Who the hell asked you?!”

“Mushy Pea’s cookies were excellent..” He said to the group, before he lay back and died.


Later, the group were due to leave the mansion. Shatner announced things, making it seem like a crowd outside was gathered Big Brother style (or not if Jade Goody’s eviction was anything to go by.)

“Please welcome your winners…”

“Calumnius!” Calumnius left the house in his true outfit, the clothes a teenage boy might wear (big difference there then.) “Calumnius was Seth Cohen, a somewhat ordinary but cool guy, who could hang out with people at nights to protect them.”

“Domas-Porada!” Domas-Porada walked out wearing a yellow striped shirt and mucky jeans. “Domas-Porada was Jim Royle, the head of the family, who could decide who to execute in case of no majority, and was immune to day attacks.”

”Oldham Road!” Oldham Road left whilst wearing a shifty orange top under a seedy orange coat. “Oldham Road was Jiijii, the neutral informant, who only had to survive to win. He could reflect effects onto others using hypnotic suggestion.”

“Sabrateur!” Sabrateur exited in an interesting outfit – a strappy top and boot cut jeans. “Sabrateur was Donna, a Northern girl who could take people out for pints to boost their morale.”

“Undracor!” Undracor’s leaving garb was even more curious than Sabrateur’s. It appeared to be some kind of black robotic armour. “Undracor was Kryten, a service mechanoid. He could upgrade or train people in the use of guns.”

“White-Rose!” White Rose walked out last, wearing a red suit with black waistcoast and white ruff. “White-Rose was Miles Edgeworth, a gifted prosector who was chosen to convict the guilty ones, and he could also raise objections.”

The six victors left their dreamworld as the corpse of Shatner attempted to wave, forgetting about such thing as rigor mortis, and returned once again to their lives.

The next morning, they found that in the Common Room, those who died had also returned to their lives. “That bastard Shatner! We played his stupid game and we don’t get some kind of reward?!” the winners were very annoyed.

However then they woke up from their dream of the dream of the dream of the dream oh no I’ve gone crosseyed. You get the idea. Innocents win, anyhow.


1st place: Innocents + Oldham Road 2nd place: OMT, I Know Better Than You 3rd place: Baddies, Adoggo, Sherylannia and Nintenduu 64.


  • Nobody got the role from their own theme, bar White-Rose, the moderator.
  • During the game, Mushy Pea had a real life dream that Nintenduu 64 was evil. This is especially strange, considering Nintenduu 64 was indeed evil but was dreamt innocent.
  • The game, much like the last, contains references to all sorts of media, such as the comedy series Catterick, the reality TV show Big Brother and the videogame Killer7.
  • The execution rooms and corresponding themes were as follows:

Day 1: Studio (Heroes)
Day 2: Archives (Discworld)
Day 3: Cockpit (Red Dwarf)
Day 4: Rooftop (Ichi The Killer)

The Spectrum Werewolf/Mafia Games
Werewolf | The Common Room | The Dreamings | Heroes | From Sabrateur With Love
It's Like Werewolf But Better | Harry Potter | Dark Turnabout