Red North Korea

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Red North Korea
Flag of Red North Korea
Motto: "Korea Is The Way Forwards Together We Fight Strong"
Region Europe
Capital Pyongyang
Official Language(s) Korean, Russian and Chinese
Leader General Kin Mao 2005 - 2007 currently no head of state
Population 6.329 billion
Currency Yen 
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Country Summary

The People's Republic of Red North Korea formally The People's Communist Republic of Red North Korea is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service and prides in the knowledge of it armed forces. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 6.329 billion where kept under strict control by an oppressive Communist government, until the Death of the country's ruler General Kin Mao which brought an end to the main communist government, the country measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

It is sometimes said that its difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Education. The average income tax rate is 100%. The powerhouse of the country is the dominating Uranium Mining industry which like all industries in RNK is owned by the government because Private enterprise is illegal but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Uranium Mining.

Citizens are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits, citizens are regularly arrested in queues for 'loitering', cities are engulfed by smog, and guns are banned. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. The public are free to vote for whomever the government wants in office, heavy industry must go to expensive lengths to dispose of waste and avoid even more costly cleanup costs, cremation is compulsory for the deceased.

Red North Korea's national animal is the Goat, which is also the nation's favourite main course, and the remainder of the Goat population which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests lives peace fully and its currency is the Yen.


The Country was formed after a revolution by the countries workers lead by an aging ex solider called Kin Mao, who then subsequently formed the communist government under his control, he was known to rule with fear and oppression and quickly North Korea became a Corrupt Dictatorship, this lead to rebellions in parts of the country but where crushed by the secretive KSF (Korean Special Forces), during his rule he saw the economical collapse of the country's industry after all businesses were seized by the government in a bid to outlaw capitalism but this lead to industries moving out and the Yen plummeting to 1 Yen = $0.36 and combining this with a flat income tax rate of 100% lead to a depression that North Korea is in.

In Early 2007 the elderly Kin Mao now at an age of 84 suffered an unknown medical condition during a government meeting, which ultimately lead to his death on April 24th 2007, he was buried in the Naval Port of Kinho his home town, during his state funeral rumours emerged that he was assassinated by members of the rebel group Free North Korea but these were denied by the Communist Government.

After his death many questioned what would happened to the country and who would take power, with no son's to inherit the position of power and no clear choice of a new leader from the Communist party, quickly a civil war began with rival groups trying to take power, after weeks of fighting the government realised that they were losing control and on June 3rd announced that a parliament would be formed with all groups wanting to participate in this new government, this new parliament formed in Pyongyang with 560 seats and consisted of the following groups:

The Communist Party holding 120 seats, The Party of North Korea (formerly the Rebellion Group Free North Korea) holding 108 seats, The Conservatives holding 84 seats, The Democrats holding 82 seats, The Socialist holding 70 seats, The Green Party holding 42 seats, The Church of North Korea holding 28 seats, The Pro Fascist Party holding 26 seats,

On 16th July 2007 in its first session it was agreed by 414 to 146 that the Country would be renamed The Peoples Republic of Red North Korea, although it was to be renamed PR of North Korea but the communist party said it would walk out if the name was changed so a compromise was made and the Red was kept to please the Communist's. In the second session also held on that day the country's flag was to be replaced with a slightly different flag which had moved the star to the middle and put an outline of the islands around the star and have the Peoples Republic written in Korean on both sides this was one of 186 designs which had been submitted by the Parties and was a compromise between the Communist, Party of North Korea and Conservatives, this being a risky strategy as it didn't give them a majority but the flag was passed by 302 to 258.

The Next sitting of the Parliament of Red North Korea was 18th July when it is topic of agenda was the country's national motto which was reviewed and voted on to be changed and was changed from "Communism is the way forward and together we fight strong", the motto was simply changed to replace Communism to Korea, it is also hoped that soon the United Nations will review and change the UN category as it is presently "Corrupt Dictatorship".


Red North Korea's main pride is its Armed Forces, for that is where most of the taxes are spent. Its army consists of any fit well man between the ages of 18 and 40, as a citizen you may join the armed forces or you can be conscripted for at least 12 years. The military regularly parade in front of crowds in Red Square. The biggest Parade is on 12th August, this is the Nation Holiday of the Great August Revolution Day, in which the Communist Government first took power and the country goes to parades the biggest of which is in Pyongyang, the seven hour parade shows the entire strength of the North Koreans Military power, as there are march past from the Army, Navy and Air Force personnel, Air Displays and Flypasts from the NKAF (North Korean Air Force), A Huge Show of Armed Force from the NKTR (North Korean Tank Regiments).

In the City of Kimpo every year the largest Air Show in the entire country is hosted at the NKAF base, just on the outskirts of the city.NKAF Kimpo is the largest Airbase in the country and has ten squadrons of aircraft, the base also is the main testing site for the NKASDP(the North Korean Air and Space Development Programme)and is home to the NKAFTA or Kafta(North Korean Air force Training Academy). the show last the entire day and has about 175 aircraft flying in displays and over 400 aircraft, tanks, trucks, missiles and civil aircraft on display.

The City of Kinho is formed round a large bay and is the home of the NKN (North Korean Navy). The Docks at Kinho can hold 45 ships in dry docks; the largest dry dock can hold the NKS Moscow, the Flagship of the NKN. The Dockyard has also got four airbases as it holds the Headquarters of the NKNAF (North Korean Naval Air force) the Airbases here hold the NKNAFTA or Nafta (North Korean Naval Air force Training Academy). As well as this there is enough space to moor the entire NKN fleet. The Fleets of the NKN comprise of over 378 ships ranging from small MTB's to Giant Aircraft Carries like the NKS Moscow. Across the Bay is the NKNSF (North Korean Naval Submarine Fleets), the docks are much like the ones across the bay as the can hold the entire Submarine Fleet. The fleet has over 250 vessels from small missile submarines to the huge Submarine Air Deployment Sub's which are also referred to as SAD's these are the pride of the NKNSF Submarine Fleet as they are the unique Aircraft Carrying Sub's. Kinho is also home to the most important Naval Display of the Year, as annually the whole of the Navy line up in the bay for the North Korean Fleet Review, this also has displays and flypasts from the entire NKNAF.