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This article is about Greater Kirav. For Kirav's nation and territories, see Kiravian Empire. Note: This page is undergoing reconstruction.

Kirav is a technologically advanced nation of NationStates, and core nation of the Kiravian Empire.
Imperial Confederacy of Kirav
Flag of the Kirav Imperium
Motto "Do not ask Questions, to which you do not want the Answers" and "Permissum Astrum Subleuco"
Official Languages Standard Coscivian, English, >2,000 Other Coscivian languages
Capital Kartika
Largest City Valëka
Population 1.5 billion(registered), Estimated ~3.7 million Other
Government Type Democractic Semi-Bureaucracy/Technocracy, no unified constitution.
Nation Type Insular Confederacy
Geographic Type Transcontinental
National Animal Forest Leopard
National Tree White Cypress
National Herbaceous Plant Turquoise Rose
 - Code
Saar (◊)
Marine Craft Classification INS (Imperial Navy Ship)
ISS (Imperial Sea Ship)
Aeromer Classification KRV(General)
KCS(Kiravian Civil Service)
KINT(Kiravian Intra-National Transport)
Internet TLD .kv, .kir, .ke, (.kirav reserved for high-profile government domains)
Calling Code +3
PDAS rating A
Stats: NSEconomy Sunset
Permissum Astrum Subleuco


Kirav began as a colony of Coscivia, and became the most prominant Coscivian nation after Coscivia's demise.

The first settlers arrived in the year 27470 of the Coscivian calendar aboard the CCS Newfound. The fist permanent settlement was constructed on the sandy islands near the mouth of the Kiygrav River.

Other Coscivian Empire nations landed colonies in Kirav, most notably the Anglev, Scädev, Eurlev, and Tëutev. These colonies grew into seperate nations, each claiming territories and rescoucres westward and westwarduntil reaching stability along Kirav's eastern inlands. A small mixed-group nation arose named the Kirev. Soon after, the Pre-Kiravian States erupted in war. The powerful Scädev navies assailed Anglev ports, the Anglev' superior cavalry invaded the Kaldev settlements, Kaldev's intelligent tacticians had their troops brutally conquer the Dardev's small kingdom, and every other group fought all others. Seeing that the senseless violence would ruin the Cosciv race, the Kirevs swiftly took control of all the other groups. Their leader, Valkär K'alder peaceully united the Coscivs under one banner. He nationalised the military (though even today each group maintains a combat force, usually for civil defence), and improved the infrastructure, paving the way for Kirav's future. The new nation, named after its founders, became Kirav. After Coscivia's destruction, Kirav passed the Imperial Statute, and began settling, annexing, and conquering other nations, and creating new ethnic groups.

500,000,000th Citizen

On December 11, 2006, the five-hundered millionth Kiravian was born. This gave Kirav a giant leap ahead in the international community, and merited a federal holiday and a festival in San Xaviero.


Kirav has a unique form of government. It is Democratic, but nonpartisan. Federal funding is given to electoral candidates equally to ensure fair elections. Non-electoral positions are filled through technocracy and meritocracy. Unlike other nations, Kirav's legislature is not organized geographically, by provinces, but rather by certain social societies that apply themselves to a Senator who supports their views. The Kiravian Imperial Government system is very centralized. There is no Judicial Banch, as a panel of Senators called Imperial Judges decide on matters of constitutionality.


Kirav is a strange nation in terms of civilography and urbanology. For example, Kirav has no suburbs or continuous settlements. Towns are centralized and do not expand into one another. Also,, because of Kirav's special economy, wealth and population seem to be spread fairly evenly throughout the Empire.


Kirav now has a massive population of 1.003 billion. Unlike many countries of this size, Kirav has dealt with its population growth well, by expanding the economy and constructing more and larger cities. Also, export of Kiravian citizens and deporting criminals to other parts of the Empire has balanced supply and demand of rescources and benefited the Empire as a whole.


Kirav has a growing and diverse population.


Kirav's primary race is Coscivian. Of its various subgroups, the largest, but by no means the majority, are those from Northern and Western Coscivia. Some Coscivian-Kiravians self-identify as "Kiravian" due to deeply rooted or mixed ancestry. People of the Coscivian ehtnic groups tend to live together in block settlements, or other towns within areas spread across the country. Some newer Coscivian groups have been created in Kirav itself due to geographic dispersal.

Following the Coscivians in number, is the Khar race. The Khars have no definate centerpoint in Kirav, and reside mostly in semi-rural towns with no particular community attachment.

Native Kiravians, slightly smaller than the Khars in population, live throughout Kirav in large numbers. Some retain the traditional way of life, while others have integrated with Cosciv and Khar society.

The Caio, the fourth-largest group, came to colonize Kirav and then remained. Entire transplanted villages and towns of Caio have been continuously inhabited for centuries. The race occupies two large areas in the Midwest of the nation, and 3 smaller areas of dominance.


Kirav is one of the most religiously mixed nations in the world. Many Kiravians belong the Coscivian Churches, branches of Christianity. Others follow Humanism, Unitarianism, or other alternative religions. Elementalists, Animists, Spiritualists, Wiccans, and other faiths commonly reffered to as "pagan", are quite common.


10% of Kiravian are considered "upper class", 60% "middle-class", 25% "working class", and 5% "poor" by conventional terminology. Most Kiravians are able to afford their basic needs without government support. The urban-rural contrast is 90:5, because nearly all citizens live in some form of settlement, even those involved in farming or forestry.


Kirav began as a colonial nation, and thus grew due to immigrants, and to this day is gaining new citizens from legal immigration. Thousands of prospective Kiravians from the destroyed Coscivian nations are shipped into Kirav's Eastern ports daily. They are inspected, recorded, and evaulated, each immigrant is checked and re-checked through officials and authorities. Those deemed suitable for citizenship are registered, educated in basic skills needed for success in Kirav, and then allowed to enter society. Some go to Block Settlements, ethnic towns, or disperse around cities. Others form colonies. The Immigration Secriat sometimes rules to block out certain immigrants based on skill level, origin, or other criteria.


The Kiravian economy is based largely on Services and Industry.

Chief Products: Industry Computers, Software, Data Processing Equipment, Electronics, Electrical Equipment, Robotics, Biotech, Chemicals, Electricity, Communications Equipment, Food, Publications, Electronic Components, Office Equipment, Geological Products, Scientific Equipment, Industrial Software, Mechanicals,Utilities, Mechanisms, Ships, Aircraft, Containers
Cheif Products: Agriculture Cale, Industrial Plants, Forest Products, Vegetables, Tea, Feed, Llamas, Reindeer


The economy is based on proffesional and scientific-technological services, ranging from accounting to enviornmental engineering. The workers in these fields are supplied by Kirav's numerous colleges and universities. Most buisnesses are of medium size, keeping prices level and inflation low. Many jobs are created by Kirav's technologically sophisticated society, calling upon well-trained personnell to maintain and develop it.


Kirav is, for the most part, industrially self-sufficient. While, Kirav's manufacturing focuses on the High-Tech, other forms of manu industry are present. Electrical Machinery is the most widely produced good after Computers and the like. Industrial Equipment, Vehicles, and Consumer Goods are other major products. Industrial cities like Ēring and Saar-Cokebottle can produce thousands of these goods per hour.


Kirav has many mountain ranges full of minerals. However, most of these are protected by the government for future use. There are still many mines in operation, extracting metals, minerals, ores and other geometallic substances, as well as gems, salt, clay, and other such materials. The oceans are mined as well as the continent, yielding basaltic rocks and iron. Oil Shale has been discovered off of the NOrtheast Coast, but is being protected for enviornmental reasons.


Kirav's agriculture is based on producing ethynol to fuel some of Kirav's diversified transport system. Also, farming clothing materials, industrial chemicals, and spices is practiced in Greater Kirav. Industrial Agriculture being predominant, much of Kirav's food is imported.

Natural Rescources

Kirav is rescource-rich, strewn with everything from valuable energy minerals to crystal-clear water.


Kirav's most important natural rescources are the minerals found in its many mountain ranges. Most of these are metals, Cheifly ferroalloys, compound minerals, rocks and stones, and gems. Clay, sand, and other such things are also mined. Kirav exports little of its silicon, copper, or silver, using these metals instead for the electronic goods that make up Kirav's trade base.

Kiravian oceans are mined as well as it's landmass. Vessels like the Kiravian Oceanic Mining Ship are used to collect mineral deposits on the seafloor.

Soil and Forests

Kirav also has botanical rescources, namely it's vast conifer forests. Kiravian law strictly governs forestry, mandating that 3 trees be replanted per every forest tree cut, and putting funding into Arboculture and forest-herding to protect the evergreens. Kiravian soil is also important. While most is of little agricultural value, there are wide swaths in the midwest of rich mollisols.


While many petroleum sites exist in the Kiravian Empire, almost none is in Greater Kirav. Kiravian cities are powered by hydroelectricity or wind power rather than coal or oil. Geologic Gas is used in further inland areas, and fusion energy is under research at Sardson University and Kirav University.


Unlike most industrialized nations, Kirav's juvenile education is not compulsory. The government recognized the need for specialization of workers. Despite this, most citizens attend schools until reaching maturity. Krav has a total of 153 universities. This does not include Colleges or Institutes(These are defined seperately by yht Kirav Secriat of Education). The most prominaent are the Imperial University in San Xaviero, Sardson University, in Saar-Kaleforest, and the Kiravian Military University in Westron Mountain. These Universities are more than educational establishments, but scientific institutes, art centres and cultural monuments. Often operating expeditions and Research projects.

Non-Academic Education

Kirav proudly maintains many libararies and museums. The Imperial Museum of Science, in Kartika showcases the Empire's work in the fields of zoology, natural history, anthropology, and space sciences. The Kiravian Cultural Museum displays artwork, artifacts, records, and models depicting Kirav's history, and that of the Cosciv race.

Science & Technology

Kirav is an extremely advanced nation. Science has a near-sacred place in Kiravian culture, and scientists and engineers enjoy very high social status. Knowledge workers make up a huge percentage of the Imperial workforce, both in Kirav and elsewhere in the Empire.


Kirav has harnessed mechanical engineering to its full potential. It has eliminated the need for factory labor by use of industrial robotics. Minituriszing and simplifying automotive mechanisms have improved transportation. Most all kiravian machinery has modular design, making it easily customized for differing tasks. The manufacturing of such machines works well with the Industrial Method.


Kirav has completely abandoned use fossil fuels by creating a hydropower, solar power, and ethynol net massive enought to provide electricity to vehicles and settlements. Being such a high-tech nation, the Kiravian demands for energy increase rapidly. The Kiravian Secriat of Energy has already developed systems for workable wind, biomass, geothermal, and tidal power. Chemical energy and Electricity storage methods involving nickel-cadmium-cobalt alloys are being used to stockpile electricity in case of an emergency.

Enviornmental Engineering

Kiravians work hard for their enviornment. A sophisticated waste-management system has biomass recycled as fuel, or returned to the enviornment to be decomposed and enrich the local habitat. Terracing and irrigation systems use waterbreaks and filters to prevent agricultural runoff from escaping into outside soil or water. Factory exhaust is not released into the atmoshpere, but instead diluted in water, which is later filtered, and the solute is either recycled industrially or put in a hazardous waste facility. Advances in Ecology allow the Kiravians to reclaim cut forests, and, through use of terraforming techniques, like stream redirects, can turn desertified plains into lush forestland, and create new habitats for Kiravian wildlife.


The science of growing plants has been studied in Coscivia and Kirav for millenia. Agronomers have developed ways to use chemicals, bacteria, minerals, and rotational methods in order to improve agriculture Genetic Engineering has modernized Agriculture as well. Crop harvests can rotate in a short as a month, and plants can produce three times their product.

Use of genetic techniques can also create plants like vine-coffee and mèlate for their consumption, and to create diversified agricultural markets for tropical parts of the Empire.


Kirav has made great strides in metallurgy. Most of these have been in creating new alloys for different purposes. Kiravian metalworkers and metallurgists have moved beyond bimetallic joinings, and now tend to use tri-,quad- and even decametallic alloys to combine sets of desireable properties. Metal fusion and layering have also improved in Kirav.


Chemistry has been one of the most important fields of study in the Scientific Revolution. Biochemistry has led to thousands of new medicines and other medical substances, and improved the national lifespan and overall health. Materials Chemistry has developed numerous materials, polymers, and compounds used in industry and daily life, like lighter-than-air solids used in aircraft bodies, metal foams, and flame-retardant plastics used to hold fuels.


Kirav occupies most of the Northern Continent, and controls territory on northwestern Calienta. Several mountain ranges span the nation, providing enormous mineral wealth. 7 major rivers flow through Kirav, the Siber, the Osèll, the D————, the Erbríll, the Êilid, the Coin, the Kildar, and the Këlm.


Kirav has a temperate climate with large marine zones, and wide continental areas. Most air masses are Continental Polar, Marine Polar, Marine Tropical, or neutral. Little climate change has occured due to Kiravian disuse of hydrocarbon fuels.


Kirav's vegetation has been influenced by both primary and secondary world powers. The Eastern Coastal Plain is covered in Deciduous Forests in the midsections. To the south, Conifers are prevalent, adapting better to the sandy soil. To the North on the Northeast Plain, Mixed Forests cover the landscape. In the Eastern mountains, deciduous trees populate the lower, seaward peaks, and conifers the higher, more inland peaks. The Eastern Plains follow, with medium grasslands and few trees. Then, The Central Forests rise. These are Temperate Forests. Taiga and Boreal Forests border them to the North, and Continental Forests to the South. The West holds many Mountain Forests and multiple sheilds, bowls, and basins that shelter many Coniferous trees. The West Coast is home to West Coast Marine Forests, Steam Forests, and Temperate Rain Forests. In the Southwest and Basin areas, there is limited vegetation, leaving scrubland, semiarids, and wasteland.


Kiravians have used terraforming techniques to maintain and repair habitats, and create usable agricultural land. These projects are most common in the arid SOuthwest and Basin regions. Irrigation work and cloud seeding, as well as engineering of shurbs and grasses, are being used to create new ecosystems, and moisten the land for farming by humans.


Kiravian culture is different than most others of the world, and thus cannot be readily classified as "Western" or any other cultural group.

Kirav often acheives #1 on regional UN reports for "Most Cultured".


Kirav's main and official language, as well as the thousands of closely related languages spoken in the nation, Coscivian, are mostly identical to English, but with Latin elements as well as some purely Cosciv words and phrase structure.


Kiravian architecture revolves around geometry. Most buildings are rectangular, octagonal, or pantagonal, rather than composite shapes, although composite buildings are used in some Kiravian styles. Roofs are generally flat, although some of those for residential buildings may have the triangular European design. Kiravian buildings have many rooms, no matter their size, but usally only one entrance and exit. Gabled openings are used in larger buildings. Courtyards are rare, and only used in public buildings, but roof-gardens have become increasingly popular.


Kirav's music is as varied as it's city names. Rock, Electronica, Alternative, and ethnic music are available digitally throughout the Empire. Concert halls are found in many cities.


Theatre is one of the nation's most popular art forms. While subjects, styles, and forms are manifold, most Kiravians frequently attend preformances.