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Flag of Lorkhan
Motto: For peace, for unity, for the people, for Lorkhan!
National Anthem: Blood of Heroes
Region Norgeland
Capital Järten Prime (population: 13 million)
Official Language(s) Norgetale,Post- Teutonic
Leader Grand Nasier Tiber Valias
Population 1.5 billion (including colonial population) as of last census
Currency Utto 
NS Sunset XML

Lorkhan, officially the People's Nationalist Republic of Lorkhan, is a secular republic led by the governing Grand Nasier: Tiber Valias, and the NSSC political party which is the dominating political group of the state and the encompassing body of the senate. The nation-state is located in the temperate-sub arctic area of central Norgeland. It's capital city is Järten Prime.

The country is divided into 7 provinces, 48 counties, and one district. Each with their own governing council presiding. The governing councils answer directly to the NSSC.

The nation is extremely rich in culture and deeply rooted in old world Scandinavia and Germanic civilization. The first settlers of the nation were from Norway, and it's present day citizens are extremely proud of their origins and disdainful of outsiders. The citizens enjoy a high standard of living and the country is generally perceived by others within the region as modern and progressive, with an organizational culture that is far more collectivist compared to its Anglo-Saxon counterparts.

The country remains isolated from foreign influence and has only recently re-instituted contact with select nations outside of Norgeland.


Etymologists have discovered that the name Lorkhan comes from the first settlers who came to the region. Because of it's geographic location in Norgeland and the massive Great Lake centered in Lorkhan's boarders, the country is often regarded as the heart of the region. Ancient tribes believed that Norgeland is the body of a great god who had exhausted himself by aiding in the creation of the Earth. The god fell and landed in the Atlantic, severing a large portion of landmass from current day Canada as lore tells it, and created Norgeland. He sank to the bottom of the ocean but his heart remained in the center of his land so that life would flourish. In the old language the word for this god and his heart is Loka, but because of the mix between native tribes and Viking settlers it came out as Lorkhan. The nation has been called this ever since.

Common abbreviations for the People's Nationalist Republic of Lorkhan include; NRL or the PNRL. The title is most commonly shortened to simply the Nationalist Republic of Lorkhan. The standard way to refer to a citizen of Lorkhan is as a Lorki with Lorian as both the standard plural noun and adjective.


Evidence shows that humans have been settling the southern regions of Lorkhan along the Great Lake since 10,000 B.C. These people were mostly hunter-gatherers and often conflicted with the local Bjørneske hordes that dominated the area up until early 800 A.D. By the early middle ages many of these tribes had moved south and west to present day Gravedom and Falgoust, or had been wiped out through war and disease.

The nation of Lorkhan and it's history dates back to the early-dark ages, and the Norwegian Järtenian tribes that originally settled the area. By the 1400s the nation had become a powerful kingdom and presided over what is now present day Gravedom, Doviov, and Lorkhan.

In the middle ages the country was absorbed by the expanding Empire of Norgeland. The fall of the Empire's control of the country was triggered by the radicalization of several agitated nobles who dubbed themselves The New Sons of Lorkhan, and in the fall of 1880 a widespread insurgency began over night. The Empire's own internal conflicts paired with the rising rebellion saw it crumble, and by the spring season of 1881 Lorkhan had won it's independence which it has held ever since.

The leaders of the New Sons of Lorkhan positioned themselves into power as the Royal House of Nobles, beginning decades of corrupt tyrannical rule that would be defended and encouraged by rogue nations across the globe who sought interest in Lorkhan's resources. The dictatorship went unchallenged until the mid 80s', when again the nation was thrown into civil conflict by the newly founded NSSC. The NSSC was considered a mere threat and many of it's members were jailed and killed until the rise of Tiber Valias and his allies in the early 1990s. The dictatorship crumbled and the NSSC rose to power in 1993.

Since then they have become a major political and economical power, exceeding Falgoust's industry by 48% and trailing only marginally behind economically.


The ruling government in the state of Lorkhan is three tiered: The Nasier's House, the National Senate, and the National Courts. Executive power is invested solely into the Grand Nasier, Nasier in Norgetale translates to champion, and Lorkhan has traditionally strayed from common titles. The Nasier is elected into office by the National Senate and his powers and rights granted to him by the Courts. Once he is sworn into office he assumes complete control and only a unanimous vote in the senate can oppose his rule.

The Nasier's House answers directly to the Grand Nasier. The House serves as his collection of aids, advisers, and representatives. The National Senate is made up of senators and representatives elected and nominated into power by the NSSC and the citizens of Lorkhan. It insures that the will of the people is presented to the government on an annual basis. The courts are divided into provincial and federal branches.

The Royal House of Nobles also exist in an extent in Lorkhan, but since the fall out of the last civil war and the reforms of the 1990s, the Houses have lost significant power and influence in Lorkhan. This is due to the lack of trust and reliability that the people hold after the last century of an aristocratic monarchy squandering resources and betraying the trust and ideals of Lorkhan's people. Some royal houses still exist and hold civic power in various counties, and remain hostile toward the current government though rarely openly.

The Nasier's House - Ranking Members

  • Grand Nasier - ‘High Lord’ Tiber Valias
  • Executor of State- Jorten Vjork
  • Executor of Staff- Aaron Roderek
  • Executor of Armed Forces - Holden Kraft
  • Executor of Foreign Affairs - Doro Pesch
  • Executor of Justice - Lady Selvia Aesir

The Nasier's House - Staff Members

  • Minister of Health - Doctor Wulgerd Kutch
  • Minister of Transport - Surld Mejjk
  • Minister of Communication - Norj Kynra
  • Minister of Education - Doctor Brenar Nolden.
  • Minister of Trade - Ljek Bragi
  • Minister of Labor - Aldor Kromek
  • Minister of Industry - Cheif Arik Norblod
  • Minister of Energy - Countess Valari Ikol
  • Minister of Environmental Affairs - Chief Jargo Bjork
  • Minister of Health - Alerek Junge
  • Minister of Security - Reinhard Hodreich
  • Minister of Theological Trust - Radack Norjfurst

National Sentate

The National Senate is divided into 192 seats with three representative seats for each county and one senatorial provincial seat. The NSSC currently hold 120 seats in the senate, and have dominated the nation’s policy for over a decade. The Imperial Reform party is the second most popular group in Lorkhan and has gained vast momentum with 60 seats, the Nordic Brotherhood hold 10, and the Conservative Lorkhan Party holds 2. Whichever party has the majority seats has the right to reform the government and the power to veto a vote on a nominated Grand Nasier. It also drafts which Nasier's are selectable for the National Senate.

The NSSC: Nationalist Social Security Committee

The NSSC emerged as a major insurgent power in the mid-1980s as a response to the growing incompetence of the then current aristocratic monarchy and the self-proclaimed Emperor Wulf. The group stressed the national purity of Lorkhan and was extremely vehement toward foreign powers and their influence over the state, progress through maintained national independence and social-political collectivism, and the preservation of Lorkhan's cultural origins and rights, most especially religiously.

The group grew from several smaller organizations and clans opposed to the aristocracy and officially waged war against the government in the late 80s. The war lasted until 1993 when the NSSC took over as the major political power and re-organized all state and local run functions down to the local police force and transportation services.

The party has remained relevant and unopposed, often dismissing claims of corruption by rewarding the people with their demands and protecting the ideals of the nation. The party is credited with single handedly taking Lorkhan from it's severe economic and political downfall and turning it into a formidable force in a single decade.

National Courts

The highest court in Lorkhan is the Supreme National COurt and is the final court of appeal in the justice system. The court is composed of nine judges: eight Puisne Justices and the Executor of Justice. Justices of the National Court are appointed by the Grand Nasier. The legal system is a mixture of customary law, civil law system, and common law traditions; the National Court renders advisory opinions to legislature when asked with reservations.

In addition, Lorkhan has a powerful Constitutional Court which evaluates the laws passed by the senate. The Constitutional Court also handles several other procedures such as disputes between state institutions over their constitutional powers, and the violation of human and constitutional rights in Lorkhan. Any one citizen can file a complain to the Office of the National Court and involve the Constitutional Courts in any matter that results in a charge. Only the National Court may swear in a civic duty official including the Grand Nasier. The courts most important significance to the other branches is their power to draft the rights and privileges of the Grand Nasier before he is sworn into office.

Constitution: The Decleration of the State

The Decleration of the State of consists of two articles written both prior to the formation of the current government and the second half written after the Grand Nasier was sworn in. To amend or to make a revision of a law, the Grand Nasier must request a Writ of Reformation from the National Court. The court goes into closed doors to hold no more than three meetings before granting the writ. The Nasier must then take the writ to the National Senate who must approve the changes. Alternatively the change can be approved by a popular vote coinciding with a general election and the Parliament resulting from that election, although this option has never been utilized. These options are irrelevant however; as the Grand Nasier has the power to grant and revoke most powers from the senate at his will.

The most important law of the constitution and the one law which no power can revoke is the Preservation of the Aesir. Under no circumstance can a entity or political power revoke the right, order the defilement, or destruction of worship to the elder gods. Part of the Preservation of Aesir orders that the selected Nasier be officialy a member of a recognized order of Aesir through out the course of his term.

The constitution is divided into five articles and chapters which vary between Rights of Expression, Rights of Arms, Rights of Justice, Rights of Freedom, and Rights of Faith.

Because the constitution is only 15 years old it has yet to see any relevant amendments. In it's short history only once was a Writ of Reformation drafted, which separated enlisted military personal from specific privileges in order to ensure appropriate conditioning.

Geography and Environment

Basic Geography:Lorkhan comprises the central part of Norgeland, a sub continent in the North Atlantic. It is boarded to the south by the Great Lake which leads out to the Sea of Vloria, Falgoust, and Diavola. It is boarded to the east by three city-states belonging to the Federation of DaxCorp Industries and the Teutonic Legions of Dasfurer. It's entire western boarder is flanked by the territories of Gravedom and the Great Wall of Kalma. Titanic ice sheets and ice shelves boarder the nation to the north along with the small Confederation of Doviov and the furthest boundaries of Dasfurer. Because of these many barriers, Lorkhan has never had a foreign military not from Norgeland capable of launching a successful full-scale invasion

Regional Populace:Most of it’s population is packed in the country’s center, claiming over 60% of the nation’s people. The eastern portion of the nation is dominated by flatlands rich with farming communities that extend to the Forest of Greenhelm and the mountain chain of Woderjun. Many of these farming communities are at conflict with regional clans, while others hold long standing treaties with several of the chieftains in the eastern territories. Lorkhan’s PDF training academy is also based in the eastern region.

Climate: The climate in Lorkhan shifts drastically due to the altitude and terrain changes. Along the coast of the Great Lake and central regions, Lorkhan’s citizens enjoy a temperate climate. Further out into the eastern regions the climate becomes very humid and shifts between temperate and a near-torrid weather climate. To the north the weather becomes increasingly frigid.

Points of Interest

Highest Point of Elevation: Mount Asgard

Lowest Point of Elevation: The Kasgi Drop

National Parks: The White Valley Park, Swevjgi Mountain Park, Mount Asgard Park,

the National Zoo of Norgeland and Lorkhan, Frostmare Fjords, the White Oak Park

List of Major Cities

Järten Prime (population: 13 million/capital city) Port Juno (population: 8 million/major financial center) New Oljiker (population: 5.3 million) Karjek (population: 5 million) Flynnj (population: 3.5 million) Usgard (population: 3.1 million)

Flora and Fauna





Clan Structure





Lorian cuisine is in its traditional form largely based on the raw materials readily available in a country dominated by mountains and wilderness. The farmlands to the east form a major agricultural based society that also serve as the backbone to Lorkhan's typical meal.

Modern cuisine, although still strongly influenced by its traditional background, now bears the marks of globalization: Pastas, pizzas and the like are as common as meatballs and cod as staple foods, and urban restaurants sport the same selection you would expect to find in any western european city.



Lorkhan’s television broadcasts historically have strayed away from entertainment until recently. LorNET, the leading television broadcasting company in the country has begun to take steps to film sitcoms that follow the tradition of focusing on real-world subjects and dramas that center around cultural themes.


Music is Lorkhan’s largest source of income in it’s entertainment industry, having a consumer base exceeding film by over 300 million dollars annually.

Lorkhan’s most popular music style is Hard Folk, an off-shoot of popular modern rock music that combines old Norse folk influence. It is trailed behind slightly by Lorian Europop which strays distantly from general pop music in other western nations, having strong similarities with Swedish club pop music like Roxette and Ace of Base.

Folk metal and post punk have a large following in Lorkhan’s youth. Entire youth political factions have been born through punk rock and metal movements that cite the importance of protecting Lorkhan’s culture. Many claim that metal’s success is due to the extremism it takes with social and political issues that coincide with the NSSC’s nationalist agenda.


Lorkhan’s film industry tends to be based off of cinema that promotes strong nationalist and progressive themes. Culture, Viking culture in particular, is a very important aspect in most of the nation’s films. Unlike many countries Lorkhan maintains a very realistic approach to their major box office ventures, touching on dramas that center around global and local issues such as religion, social divide, and sexuality.


The history of Lorian literature starts with the poetry and folk tale brought over by Norwegian Viking settlers in the early 9th century. Many of these tales were written of great adventure and the travel and changes between life in Scandinavia and life in Norgeland. This process continued up until the 10th and 11th centuries, which saw a transitional period that developed the Forråde Era. Many of the Vikings coming over had at this point been exposed to scholars and began writing tales of treachery and sadness, vehemently attacking the Christian dominance in Europe and those who turned their backs on the Aesir.

This continued up until Lorkhan's unity as a nation. In 1421 one of the countries most shape shifting epics was written by a scholar named Kirj. The Hjemreise is a tale that leaps away from the tragedy of the Forråde Era, and stresses the importance of unifying and preserving Lorkhan and it’s culture. The title of the epic is touched on within the book, and is based off of Kirj’s belief that Lorkhan is the true home of the Aesir’s people and will serve as the cradle from which the Vikings will rise again. It’s influence is unprecedented and it’s relevance immortal, as a copy of the book to this day are posted in every government building and school in the country.

This was followed by the The Hjemreise Era which lasted until the late 16th century - early 17th century. Several plays and poetic verses were written around this time following in the trend of the The Hjemreise by underlining cultural themes and additional scripture of the gods. As more literary works were released the language of Lorkhan's people evolved further away from it's ancient roots.

By the late 19th century, Lorkhan had accepted many great Norwegian and Swedish authors. The so-called Great Four of Norway: Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Alexander Kielland, and Jonas Lie, had been adopted by the country. Likewise, Erik Gustaf Geijer, the loner Erik Johan Stagnelius, the professor of Greek language Esaias Tegnér and the professor of aesthetics and philosophy P.D.A. Atterbom of Sweden also saw a rise in popularity.

Contemperay literature focuses mainly on nationalist and political themes.


1 January - New Year's Day

28 Febuary - Joy Day

18 April - Midgard Day

21 March - Nasier's Birthday

23 May - Day of Victory

21 June - Solstice

13 July - Festival of the Tree

23 August - Aesir's Night

22 December - Evening of the Norns

The Next Generation

Media and Communication


Print Media

Public Transportation


Prominent Persons and Groups in Lorkhan

NSSC Party Leaders and Officials

Military Organizations

  • People's Defense Force
  • Varjsoldat Corp
  • Aquamagt
  • Aeromagt
  • Oculmagt
  • Special Operations Groups

Paramilitary Organizations

Police Organizations