Carlos Van Frigh

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Carlos Van Frigh
Footballer (Striker)
20 (As of 2007)
International Goals

At the Age of 17, Carlos Van Frigh, signed from the Jerkravk Academy to Coshast United were he remains until the Present. In the 3 years he has been with the team he has scored 63 Goals and had 112 Appearances. The Striker faced a lot of Injuries during his first year but after that the goals kept on coming. At the age of 18, Carlos joined the National team where in 10 Matches scored 12 Goals. The people of Solenial predict he will have a long and Fruitful Career

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Liverpool England Sports: History to Present
Liverpool England Football League | National Baseball Championship | National Racing Series
Historic Events: World Cup 8 | World Cup 9 | World Cup 22 | World Cup 24 | World Cup 26 | World Cup 27 | FHWC8 | FHWC11 | Cherry Cup 7 | Cup of Harmony 12 | Baptism of Fire Pre-WC16 | Under-21 World Cup
Famous Football Players and World Cup Hall of Fame Entries: Caddy Cannon, Sir Paul Dussis, Steven Blackwell, Chris Hawkins, Mark Hearne, Sir Jim Whites, Sir Douglas Freech, Thomas Lunson