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The United Socialist States of Neo-Rus
National Flag
National motto: "Mother Russia lives on in our minds!"
Official languages Russian
Leader Premier-General Josef Stalin II
Capital Red City, Red District
Largest city Neo-Leningrad, Leningrad U.S.S.
Government Absolute Monarchy
UN Status N/A
Population ~588 million as of 7/20/07
GDP (nominal)
 - Total
 - Per capita

8,626,098,850,072.28 Neo Rubles
14,670.24 Neo Rubles
 - Total
 - Per capita

Establishment April 4, 2007
Constitution ratified N/A
Major Religions Socialism
Neo Ruble
= $ 0.2724


The United Socialist States of Neo-Rus is a grand experiment by the self proclaimed socialist god and Sovereign of all Eternia, Premier Vladamir Lenin II (FKA John Williamson of The Confederacy of the Liberal Men and Women) Vlad II founded Neo-Rus in an attempt to bring alive the ideals of the of the late Lenin, of which he had only read in the myths of the other world.

Recently, Neo-Rus was attacked by Liilte China (See: The War of Liilte Aggression) The nuclear attack that sparked the war killed both Vlad II, and his chosen successor, Leon Trotsky II, leaving Josef Stalin II in charge. Josef II won the war, and has since begun a projecct of rebuilding Neo-Moscow, to be renamed Trotsky, and the other cities damaged in the bombing raids of the war. In addition, Josef II constructed a new capital city, Red City, and new capitol building, Red Hall, in the middle of the Country, at the point known as the Red Corner, where all four socialist states meet.


The economy of Neo-Rus has proven troublesome. The government operates under complete communism. The only thing keeping its people from starving is their reliance on the social welfare system, which is itself being pushed to the limits. There is an astounding 12% unemployment rate, and government corruption is rampant, with the largest single piece of the government budget lining the pockets of the bloated government itself. Yet despite its difficulties, and the recent economic implosion, there is a powerful Uranium mining export industry.


  • Exchange Rate: 3.6715 Neo Ruble = $1
  • Gross Domestic Product: $2,349,749,326,759.69
  • GDP Per Capita: $3,996.17
  • Unemployment Rate: 12.01%
  • Consumption: $0.00
  • Government Budget: $2,831,643,360,000.00
  • Govenment Expenditures: $2,265,314,688,000.00
  • Government Waste: $566,328,672,000.00
  • Exports: $379,397,488,759.69
  • Imports: $294,962,850,000.00
  • Trade Surplus: $84,434,638,759.69

Electrical Economy

Neo-Rus uses a combination of government owned and operated nuclear and coal plants. No oil however due to it's high price.

Neo-Russians have an average energy consumption of 5 kW per capita or 2.4 TW. This gives a yearly energy consumption of over 21 PWh.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is the highest funded section of the government, receiving over 2.4 trillion neo rubles (~$656 billion). However, thanks to the large funding, the shared ideals of the community, and policy of criminal deterrence, crime is almost nil.

The policy of criminal deterrence is one of cruel executions, including live burning, drowning, and starvation, and is used for everything more severe than littering. Torture is also used for the less serious crimes.


The Red army is maned by volunteers; however a draft is in place should a war occur. All men over 13 years of age must be registered for the draft. The military budget is in over 2.3 trillion Neo-Rubles (~$634 billion).

  • Red Army (RA)
    • 500,000 reasonably well trained men, armed with Mosin-Nagant rifles
      • ~500,000,000 extra Mosin-Nagant rifles for the draftees
    • 125,000 T-55 Medium Tanks
    • Under direct command of Premier-General Josef Stalin II
  • Red Air Command (RAC)
    • 48 squadrons of 12 MiG-21bis fighters each (576 total, eight wings)
    • 12 squadrons of 12 MiG-23MLD fighters each (144 total, two wing)
    • 36 Su-24M Attack aircraft
    • 6 Tu-160 bombers
    • 48 Il-78M aerial tankers
  • Red Navy
    • Kuznetsov Carrier Group
      • Admiral Kuznetsov II, Kuznetsov class Aircraft Carrier
        • 12 Su-33 Fighters
        • 5 Su-25 UTG Carrier training planes
        • 4 Ka-27LD32
        • 18 Ka-27PLO
        • 2 Ka-27S
      • Kirov II, Kirov Class Battlecruiser
        • 3 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Frunze II, Kirov Class Battlecruiser
        • 3 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Udaloy II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Vice-Admiral Kulakov II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Marshal Vasil'yevsky II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Admiral Zakharov II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • 16 Tarantul class Corvettes
    • Varyag Carrier Group
      • Varyag II, Kuznetsov class Aircraft Carrier
        • 12 Su-33 Fighters
        • 5 Su-25 UTG Carrier training planes
        • 4 Ka-27LD32
        • 18 Ka-27PLO
        • 2 Ka-27S
      • Kalinin II, Kirov Class Battlecruiser
        • 3 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Yuri Andropov II, Kirov Class Battlecruiser
        • 3 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Admiral Spiridonov II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Admiral Tributs II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Marshal Shaposhnikov II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • Severomorsk II, Udaloy Class Destroyer
        • 2 Ka-27 Helicopters
      • 16 Tarantul class Corvettes

Recent Decisions

Vlad II's first act was to create a law condemning democracy, and making it permanently illegal within the borders of Neo-Rus, which he sees as all of Eternia. He has yet to convince most of the other countries in Eternia of this definition of his borders.

A recent decision was handed done to increase the military budget, due to increasing pressure of Neo-Rus's two much more powerful neighbors, the oppressed People of Liilte China and the Principality of the Daes Dae-Mar.


Vlad II, fas learned one thing from the mistake of his idol, and has clearly chosen a successor. His successor, is his first son, Vice Premier Leon Trotsky II, as opposed to Leon's brother Josef Stalin II or sister Yoko Ono. This was very much a moot point when a nuke killed not only Vlad II, but also Leon II, leaving Josef in charge. Josef went with the army to retaliate, leaving Yoko as the de facto Premiere.

Josef II has chosen as his successor his infant son, Josef III.

Order of rulers

  • Vlad II
  • Josef II (Current)
  • Josef III (Heir Apparent)

Anthem of the United Socialist States of Neo-Rus

Official lyrics

Russian Transliteration


Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь!
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина — сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!


Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
На правое дело он поднял народы,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!


В победе бессмертных идей коммунизма
Мы видим грядущее нашей страны,
И Красному знамени славной Отчизны
Мы будем всегда беззаветно верны!


Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'!
Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov
Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!
Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Partiya Lenina — sila narodnaya
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vedyot!


Skvoz' grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put' ozaril,
Na pravoye delo on podnyal narody,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!


V pobede bessmertnykh idey kommunizma
My vidim gryadushcheye nashey strany,
I krasnomu znameni slavnoy otchizny
My budem vsegda bezzavetno verny!

Literal translation


The unbreakable union of free republics
Joined forever the Great Russia
Long live the created by the will of peoples
United and mighty Soviet Union
To Glory, free Fatherland
The stronghold of the friendship of peoples
Party of Lenin is the power of the people
It leads us to the triumph of Communism


The Sun of freedom was shining through the storms
And the great Lenin lighted us the way
He raised peoples to the right cause
He inspired us for labour and for acts of heroism


In the victory of the immortal ideas of Communism
We see the future of our country
To the Red flag of our glorious Fatherland
We shall always be selflessly loyal

External links

NS fact sheet