Einmyrian Tourism Authority

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koe-emblem.jpg You are now browsing an article about the Kingdom of Einmyria.

Einmyrian Tourism Authority
No Coat of Arms Available
Formed 1980
Jurisdiction Federal
Employees 1,200
Annual Budget $500 million (07/08)
Ministers Responsible Erica Solstein
Child Agencies None
Contact Address
Einmyrian Tourism Authority,
Ministry of Internal Affairs,
P. O. Box 1241,
14300 Quetzal City,
Kingdom of Einmyria

The Enmyrian Tourism Authority is an independent organization set up by the Ministry of the Interior that regulates and governs all kinds of tourism in Einmyria; from putting up signs in different languages to help tourists along; to the quality control of tourism goodies like Komodo Dragon plushies; to giving out ratings (ETA rating) from "Must See" to "Off the Beaten Track," and so on. It's most important function is that of a tourist guide for prospective visitors, as follows:

Visit Einmyria This Year!

The Kingdom of Einmyria welcomes tourists all year round. Many visitors say that Spring is the best time to visit, with the Royal Gardens at Quetzal in full bloom.

Festivals, Public Holidays, and Events
Trying to decide when to go? Here's a listing of Einmyrian yearly events.

Date Event Information
January 1 New Year A national holiday that welcomes the new year. Einmyrians usually pay a visit to their friends and relatives from January 1-3 and ring the town bell for luck. Many often watch the sunrise. Einmyrians eat a special kind of seasonal food (hot pot) on this day so they don't have to cook so much over the holidays.
January 15 Coming-of-Age Day Einmyrians who turn 18 this year are celebrated on this national holiday. Cities and towns hold ceremonies, often with addresses by prominent members of the community. Many of these ceremonies serve alcoholic beverages, which are the privilege of adults. Disorderly conduct has led some cities to curtail these ceremonies.
January 31 Backwards Day A national holiday, solemnly observed, where Einmyrians are forced to reflect on their forward-thinking actions by doing them backwards.
June 25 The Monarch's Birthday The birthday of the reigning sovereign monarch is a national holiday. The Imperial Palace in Quetzal City is open to the public, and hundreds of thousands of well-wishers wave flags in honor of the occasion.
September 19 Talk Like A Pirate Day Einmyria's rich past includes those of the infamous Einmyrian pirates, like Balthus the Wise, and Einmyrians commemorate their ancestors by talking like pirates on this day.
September 28-30 Oktoberfest A yearly festival (also a national holiday) that celebrates both the founding of the Kingdom and celebrates it's many local spirits and cheese making ventures. It is celebrated throughout Einmyria, although it is said that the biggest celebration is in Bongo-Bongo.
October 31 Halloween Many Einmyrians believe that on this day, the spirits of the dead come out to play. It is hard to find many Einmyrians who won't be dressed up as something or someone else on this day.
December 5 Day of the Ninja Einmyria's rich past includes those of the infamous Einmyrian ninja, like Satoko Kagashima, and Einmyrians commemorate their ancestors by dressing up and generally behaving like ninja on this day.

Although Einmyria's crime is relatively low, low crime does not mean no crime. Be aware in public settings for pickpockets, do make a copy of your documents and have it on your person at all times, have the number of your country's closest embassy, and do not keep all your money in one location.

Transport and businesses come to a standstill for about two to four hours each weekday (depending on the business) for siesta, with the exception of international trains, as they need to keep to a schedule. Accordingly, appointments kept within the general time frame of an hour is considered punctual, and urgent deadlines kept within the general time frame of 24 hours is considered reasonable. Many cafes will deliberately open during siesta in order to facilitate those who are stuck between agenda items, and in turn, many hotels will open their doors for the short afternoon break, whether it be for those who wish to retire for a short while, or for lovers to enjoy an afternoon roll in the hay. Accordingly, certain retailers will either be open on saturday and closed on sunday, or be open during the weekend, and closed on monday.

When in doubt as to when to conduct a task, be sure to ask an Einmyrian.

Interpersonal Skills
All Einmyrians speak English fluently and often speak one or more foreign languages in addition, so asking for directions should not be a problem. Einmyrians are generally amused and friendly towards tourists, but beware of the flirtatious nature of the conversation; Einmyrians are used to flirting with each other in conversations (this is considered normal)--but tourists are often taken caught off guard! If you do not flirt back, this will often be seen as a brush-off, so brush up on your flirting skills. If the Einmyrian has other intentions, he or she will be very frank about it and not beat around the bush. Remember, many Einmyrians often go stark naked around the city to tone their skin to a healthy glow, so if you want to join in, go right ahead.

Sites By City

If you happen to like staying in one place for a while, this section is for you!


Quetzal City (previously the ancient capital Erdu) is the current capital of Einmyria. Somewhat quieter than Einmyria's economic capital Eyric, it is the government center. Many nobles have housing estates in the outskirts, and there are many movies and tv shows being shot on location about politics and the like.

  • The Royal Gardens at Quetzal.

This site is to be appreciated as it is full of priceless, donated, sculptures by international artisans. Aspiring artists from the nearby art school can often be seen sketching passerbys as well as the pretty scenery. This amazing lake-side garden used to be the private playground of the Royal Family during the 16th to 18th century. It was recently opened to the public, and is open from dawn to dusk.

  • Ex Libris
    • A famous specialty bookstore, famous for it's architecture and books.

Sites By Rating

If you happen to want to see all of Einmyria and don't mind hopping on a train, this section is for you!

Must See

  • Ruins at Oricon
    • The Ruins At Oricon near Adelphi is currently being excavated by HRH King Alexei (the previous monarch) and his team of Royal Archaeologists. While not open to the general public, one may write to the Ministry of Culture to obtain special permission for a guided tour, which occurs around once a month.

Good To See

  • Ex Libris
    • A famous specialty bookstore, famous for it's architecture and books.

Off The Beaten Track

  • Rainforest Reserves
    • The Kingdom of Einmyria has set aside a few areas for conservation of rainforests, and these areas are mainly to the south, near Lake Puritas. Ecotourism, led by government-trained tour guides, have been increasingly popular due to the pristine preservation practices, and strict laws are implemented to ensure that ecological habitats remain untouched. The rainforest reserve trails are closed to the public during the winter season. Rangers routinely patrol the trails for any sign of trouble, as hikers may get lost. Poaching and littering are forbidden, and can incur a hefty penalty.

koe-emblem.jpg The Kingdom of Einmyria koe-emblem.jpg
Main Article: Einmyria

Literature and Media: Y Magazine
Tourism: Einmyrian Tourism Authority - Ruins at Oricon, Ex Libris


Royalty: HRH Queen Joanne, HRH King Alexei
Ministries: Foreign Affairs, Energy and the Environment
Personnel: Alexander Leeuvenhoek, Roselle Fairbanks, Bernhard Bollpoll
Organizations:Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association

Other articles within Category:Einmyria