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Flag of Aerion
Motto: Long Live King Wasterin X!
National Anthem: None available
None available
Region Sisgardia
Capital Astevane
Official Language(s) English and Old Aerion
Leader King Wasterin X
Population 2 Billion
Currency Gold Leaf 
NS Sunset XML

The Grand Kingdom of Aerion had once been a land with numerous nomadic clans, which formed into twenty large tribes. These tribes formed a loose alliance under the Council of Tribes, which became the first national government, and led to the modernization of Aerion. Aerion has been through many successive regimes, most dictatorial in nature but not in name. Currently Aerion is a monarchy with many megacorporations having significant power as well.

Astevane is the capital of Aerion.


Aerion's history as a nation did not begin until the twenty tribes of Aerion formed into the Council of Tribes under First Elder Wasterin V'i (the namesake for the Royal House of Wasterin). Some of these tribes could have been said to be of different ethnicity, for they were so varied, however some had intermixed enough as to be considered of one ethnicity.

After the national unification of Aerion, civil war broke out when some tribes in the north united behind Emperor Leshloan, of the Corporate Imperialist who called for progress rather than tradition. The Council of Tribes had called for Aerion tradition to be preserved, and did not support rapid progress. The civil war resulted in international intervention, and finally the unification of the two factions into the First Republic based on the Roman Republic. The Senate would be composed of past tribal, and clan heads. The two leaders felt that this would help in the development of Aerion toward "greatness." Even the architecture of the time was Greeko-Roman.

Eventually, the First Republic fell, and through successive regimes the Aerion people were oppressed. No government since then could be said to be, even partly, of the people.

Following the fall of the First Kingdom of Aerion, the Royal House of Wasterin was locked away by successive regimes in their isolated northern estate. The King became an isolated ceremonial figure, with absolutely no power. The supposed legitimacy of the Royal House of Wasterin comes from the claim they are descendend from the First Elder V'i. Therefore, successive regimes did not kill them as there would have been outrage from the people.

The Royal House of Wasterin was finally restored to power when the people of Aerion restored the monarchy, and King Wasterin X was placed on the throne.

Past Regimes of Aerion

The Council of Tribes under First Elder Wasterin V'i
The Republic under the Consuls Leshloan, and Uson
The Holy Republic later under Dictator Erne Morn
The Principality under Prince Erne Morn
The Military Dictatorship of Field Marshal Divosus and the Junta
The First Kingdom of Aerion under King Wasterin II
The First Kingdom of Aerion under the Chancellors
The Divine Empire of Aerion under the "Divine" Emperor
The Prelacy under the PrelatesThe Military Dictatorship of the Three Man Tribunal
The Second Kingdom of Aerion under King Wasterin X (present)


Aerion is a monarchy with strong elements of capitalism. It is ruled by King Wasterin X, and his appointed Privy Council.

The Privy Council consists of the Nine Great Officers of State, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and general Privy Councillors whom the King appoints.

The First Great Officer of State, the Lord High Steward, is the Head of Government. He runs the day to day government, and serves as the Royal Regent in the case of death or the incapacitation of the King.

Aerion is dividied politically, and geographically into twenty provinces. Royal Governors govern each of these provinces, with the Royal Ministries having provincial level authority over certain areas of provincial government.

The King has firm control over the megacorporations of Aerion. By Royal Decree, every large corporation in Aerion must grant 10% ownership to the King. Also, a Royal Representative must sit on the Board of Directors of each corporation.