New Genoa

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New Genoa
Flag of New Genoa
Motto: Uh-oh... it's seeping in!
New Genoa
Region The Allied Powers
Capital New Genoa
Official Language(s) English, Italian
Leader President Derek Jackson
Population 3.5+ billion
Currency Allied Credit 
NS Sunset XML


The Free Republic of New Genoa is a massive, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its complete lack of prisons. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 4.301 billion enjoy extensive civil freedoms, particularly in social issues, while business tends to be more regulated.

The medium-sized, liberal government is mainly concerned with Education, although Commerce and Social Equality are on the agenda. The average income tax rate is 1%, but much higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing industry, followed by Book Publishing and Information Technology.

Anti-government web sites are springing up, the latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller, teenagers across the country are celebrating the defeat of a national curfew bill, and surveillance cameras are banned. Crime is totally unknown. New Genoa's national animal is the Greyhound, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Allied Credit.

Civil Rights: Excessive
Economy: Frightening
Political Freedoms: Excellent


New Genoa is a member nation and one of the two founders of the Allied Powers Treaty Organization and the now defunct NAIA. It is also a member nation of the United Alliance of Progressive States. It is also a signatory of the KIST treaty under the Free Trade clause and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It founded the Human Rights Council