République Populaire Communiste Africaine

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République Populaire Communiste Africaine
Flag of République Populaire Communiste Africaine
Motto: Pour le Grand Conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africaine
Region Africa
Capital Sainte Onorée
Official Language(s) French
Leader Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun, Grand conducteur de la République Populaire Communiste Africaine
Population 20 Million
Currency Franc Communiste 
NS Sunset XML


Little is known about the history of the region until the arrival of the first non-Africans, although humans are known to have lived in the area since at least the first millennium BC. When Arabs and Europeans arrived in the 19th century, they encountered a number of kingdoms in the area, supposedly founded in the 16th century. The largest and most important of these kingdoms was the still-existing Buganda.

The area was placed under the charter of the British East Africa Company in 1888, and became a protectorate under the United Kingdom in 1894. Uganda was granted independence in 1962.

A 1971 coup saw Idi Amin take power, ruling as a dictator for the coming decade. His rule cost an estimated 300,000 Ugandans' lives. His reign was ended by a Tanzanian invasion in 1979. The situation improved little with the coming of Milton Obote, who was deposed in 1985, although rebels continued to fight long afterwards. Current president Yoweri Museveni has been in power since 1986.

In 2005 a european man, calling himself "Félix Alioune M'Bâ Assasun" took control over Uganda in a bloody coup, changed the language from English to French and renamed it "République Populaire Communiste Africaine". Since he came into power, Idi Amin Dada is being adored as national hero. Félix Assasun also established Communism in the State, but Experts mean, this is just a pretence to receive subsidies from China and Korea, PDR.


Area: 236,040 km²

Capital: Sainte Onorée, 2 million Inhabitants


  • slaves
  • bananas
  • guns
  • tobbaco
  • coffee