Johns Petersham

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T.R. Cairo
Former president of Magna_Cartman
Phillip Semler (1921-1946)
T.R. Cairo
1946 - 1978

Johns Petersham was the president of Magna Cartman from 1946-1978. He was the third president since the fall of the Magna Cartman Monarchy in 1904. His 32 year reign came to an end when he mysteriously disappeared whilst holidaying in the city of Impala.

Little about Johns Petersham's life before politics is known, apart from the fact he was a bus driver from Impala. He was able to identify with the "common man", which earned him respect across the nation.

The 1946 election

The election in 1946 was one of the closest in history. It was a three-way competition between Petersham, the then head of defence Thirlmire Hindlemeins and a relatively unknown Leonard Barklay. During the first count, the polling went Petersham 36%, Barklay 33% and Hindlemeins 31%. The second round in which Hindlemeins was taken out and preferences tallied went to Petersham 55%-45%.

Petersham began his work almost immediately after he was inducted, changing many of the policies the previous president had put in place.

The first decade (1946-1956)

During his first decade, Petersham spent huge amounts of the treasury on hospitals, schools, universities and the railway network. His goal was to ensure that the nation had the infrastructure to meet the country's needs well into the future.

The second decade (1956-1966)

The second decade under Petersham was very difficult, the nation's treasury was bleeding badly and citizens in the south, mainly in elante and Astron were becoming increasingly sour at what they claim to be a "snub" of their region. Mayor Burns from Elante claimed that Petersham had deliberately stopped supplying funds to the city's historical department in an attempt to erase all traces of the monarchy. In early 1964, civil war broke out in the south, which was quickly suppressed by the Magna Cartman Colonial Army.

The third decade and final hour (1966-1978)

The third decade of Petersham's reign remains controversial, even today. Petersham put to the people a plan for a "unified healthcare system, paid for by the government", this was criticised badly and dismissed during the 1970 referrendum on the topic. Petersham had the power to implement it despite the referrendum being defeated (the Magna Cartman Constitution empowers the president to make laws as he wishes) but refused to do so.

During 1972 Petersham began a campaign to "kick the economy off", which was hugely successful. Tax rates were cut to encourage more spending and a consumption tax was introduced on items such as alcohol, petroleum and tobacco.

In 1976, Petersham began again wrapping up his plans for universal healthcare for all in addition to free and equitable education. This was never implemented.

Possibly, the most controversial move of Petersham's career came in December 1976 when he announced an intelligence and security agency - the United Cartman Terrorist Agency. This agency had the power to investigate and report on any issue of national interest, it also had the power to sabotage in times of war to protect "national soverignty". The agency was founded in July, 1977.

Petersham went missing on 12 November 1978, and the fourth presidential election was held 9 days later, where Petersham's long time friend and constitutional adviser T.R. Cairo was elected.