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Flag of Sidestreamer
Motto: Cruor vadum exsisto effundo pro nostrum abbas
[ ]
Region Balmora Gatesville
Capital The Altogether
Official Language(s) Latin
Leader Maximus IV
Population approx. 300,000,000
Currency Metal Jacket 
NS Sunset XML


The Holy Empire of Sidestreamer, led by the Emperor Maximus IV, is a temperate island nation noted for its religious culture and Catholic temples that appear like giant vases within its capital's Emberlight District. It is the headquarters for the controversial Moral Alliance, the former UN delegate for the Militaristic Legions and Plans, and is the founder of the Gatesville franchise of Balmora Gatesville. The empire adopted a strict Catholic doctorine under which it rules, and the religious ferver of the government is portrayed both through the establishment of the Moral Alliance (where St. Jude City native Archbishop Veracos presides as Chairman and representative for the Empire) and through its previous activism in the United Nations, before joining Gatesville.


The current government is considered an authoritarian empire with local governors and mayors elected by the public, but the Emperor and the Catholic leadership can overturn such elections at whim. The islands that comprise Sidestreamer are divided into eight provinces, each ruled by a provincial governor.


Papalia is located in the south-central portion of the mainland and comprises the Capital Valley, Sour Shores, Cisten Plains and the Neuse Pleatau. While the Sour Shores and Capital Valley to the immediate north are densely populated, the plains and the pleatu have also been developed extensively for agricultural production. Sidestreamer's most desired pasture lands are located near the extensive creek systems that cross the plains from the pleatau. The Altogether is located at the center of the valley, while Vastavia is 80 miles west upon the edge of Neuse Pleatau.

Shraver Shores

The entire eastern shore of the mainland is named after Preston Shraver, a famed poet during the time of the old republic. Along the southeastern shore lies Orca Bay, a major source for trout, clams and other commercially viable fish as well as the location of the Orca Bay Naval Port. Freehold, Sidestreamer's second-largest city east of the Montif Ridge (after the Altogether) and a principal commercial hub, is located along the southern tip of the Freehold Peninsula, lining the north shore of Orca Bay. It is a major manufacturing center, containing approximately 90 percent of all of Sidestreamer's automotive productions.


(under construction) Ironically, the name "Sidestreamer" derives from the anti-establishment mentality of Gale Newhardt, the founder of the Sidestream Republic that was the predecessor to what became, after years of civil uprisings and counter-revolutions, the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer. Showing a disdain for what he referred to as "the mudane mainstream cultural standards" of his native Christian society, Newhardt lead a new-age theist cult to a large, uncharted island at approximately 1700 A.D. to establish "The Sidestream."

Little is known about this cult as its texts and scriptures were destroyed by the Holy Inquisition of Cleric Mario Limbardi, who would later become Emperor Maximus I.