World Cup Hall of Fame

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The World Cup Hall of Fame is for Players, Coaches, Referees, Commentators, Mascots and 'Other' Characters who have made a memorable imapct in the history of the World Cup.

From ancient, long-forgotten and mis-remembered players to the some of the newer participants of the Cup, all sorts of people (and other things) can make it into the Hall of Fame.


For a nation to gain a place in the Hall of Fame, they must meet the following requirements:

  • For every 7 World Cup Qualifying Campaigns, 1 place is earned
  • For every 4 Qualifications (World Cup proper appearances), 1 place is earned
  • For every World Cup Championship, 1 place is earned

Nominees by Nation



Cockbill Street

Harald Axewielder
Rikki Stone

Kaze Progressa

Faiwe Irafma
Sani Luvo


Liverpool England

NEWI Cefn Druids



Jenji Y



Simeone Di Bradini
Nick Matranga

The Belmore Family

Alan Belmore
Kshitiz Ghandi
Thomas Wickersham

The Weegies

Peter De Bruis
Jamie Smith


Callum Banda
Santo Kecker
Helmut Vilkaous