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Flag of Scythirus
Motto: "Enlighten the unenlightened."
Region Middle East
Capital Jihamed
Official Language(s) English
Leader Emperor Krildahd Voramix
Population 2.8 billion
Currency Scythlon 
NS Sunset XML

The Sacred Holy Empire of Scythirus is a large, wealthy, and powerful nation renown for its great military strength and prosperous international trade. Dominating many parts of Persia, Scythirus has access to the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. It is a monarchy led by an Emperor that rules from the capital, Jihamed. Other notable locations are the unequatable port city of Abu-Dahbi located on Indus Mound, and the secondary capital city, Stratika, formerly New Rome in the conquered territory of New Harumf, now styled Western Scythirus. The city of Belgash is best known for its markets, second only to Abu-Dahbi and Jihamed respectively.




Political map of Scythirus.

The terrain of Scythirus is mostly a continuing, unforgiving stretch of desert land. The country hosts many forests which are currently dwindling due to deforestation by loggers and nearby civilization. Thanks to Scythirus' many advanced and perfected irrigation projects, water is readably available and the wells are kept from drying out. Life is abundant along the verdant banks of the Indus River and hosts the large city of Abu-Dahbi at its delta where the river meets with the Arabian Sea.

A range of mountains dominates the north-eastern part of Scythirus. There are very few settlements in this part of the nation, and is home to the species of large lizards known as dragons which are endangered due to the encroachment of civilization. These mountains are also where Scythirus places its high level nuclear waste from the reactors of its several nuclear power plants which further endangers the dragon population.

Scythirus' southern shore covers much of the Arabian Sea and its navy is found regularly patrolling the waters. The recently conquered territory of Western Scythirus, detached from the rest of the country, allows Scythirus influence inside the Persian Gulf thanks to its shoreline. Most of Western Scythirus is blasted away by warfare from the Harumfian Folly during the War of Succession leaving much of the land sparsely populated and left in disarranged chaos. Scythirus is spending a fraction of its Gross Domestic Product to rebuild this land. Stratika is currently the only functional city that doesn't lie in a majority of rubble.

Scythirus borders the country of Abadan from the south, Idaniztan and Malevolo to the east, and effectively surrounds Wadj from both the east and west.


Most of Scythirus is a harsh, dry desert with consistently high temperatures. Precipitation is rare and quite welcomed when it occurs. Sand storms are not uncommon in Scythirus.


Race and Ethnicity

Scythirus' population is primarily composed of people with Persian descent. During the rise of religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam in the west, these Persian people fled into the lands of Scythirus to escape religious persecution because of their anciently held beliefs. The second largest group of people found in Scythirus are Arabs who immigrated into Scythirus after the nation was officially settled.

Finally, there is a mixture of many small minorities counting for only 5% of the population in Scythirus. The most prominent minority is of Indian ancestry. These minorities are forced to live in slums.


The official language used primarily in all international affairs is English. However, not all natives of Scythirus know this language, and thus speak primarily in Persian.

Scythirian Culture

Scythirus is often recognized as a rather aggressive nation by the rest of the Middle East and its people reflect this. Heroic warriors from the country's past constantly receive praise in the history books. Dates of past wars fought are memorized to heart and victories annually celebrated. Scythirian citizens are reputably recognized as being rude and unpleasant to be around.

The Scythirian people are increasingly xenophobic and is bound to be recognized by even the most casual of travelers. Outsiders and all that relates to the Western World are readily shunned and scorned. Scythirus harbors a fierce and quaint hatred for the United Nations, believing it to be a ploy of the West's to conquer the world. As a result, the government has never joined the world's governing body of nations.

Scythirus' television and media often fuel the anti-West propaganda and mentality of the country. Dispite all of this hostility, the Scythirian people are a grateful people and if a favor is done for them, a friend is usually guaranteed for life. Unfortunately, treachery has been displayed in the past by the government, and this has added to the perceived unpredictable nature of the people.