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Flag of Erlangen-Ansbach
Motto: Nec temere nec timide
No Map Available Yet
Region Europe
Capital Erlangen, ER
Official Language(s) German, French, Spanish
Leader His Majesty King RAIK III (Head of state)

Chancellor Graf Benedikt VON DREMPETIC (CVP) (Head of government)

Population 4.1 billion (+Brussels à 5.1b+HeAn à 3.5b)
Currency Goldmark 
NS Sunset XML

General facts

The United Kingdom of Erlangen-Ansbach and Peru, which is its official name in English, is one of Europe's most influential, affluential and renown nations. It is a constitutional monarchy whose government has been led by the conservative CVP since ages.

The United Kingdom is a newly-reformed federation of states ("duchies") whose federal government is situated in the capital of Erlangen. While the political leadership looks after the dail business of Erlangen-Ansbach, the King is keen to act as the people's highest representative, sometimes act as an additional opposition and keep sure the state's welfare on the long run. Compared to other European monarchies he holds a good deal of actual power.

Economically and socially the country is driven by the principles of Social Economy: The state provides a narrow social network for those out of work, but keeps sure to supervise possible abuse. Whereas companies need to abide by basic regulations to ensure common solidarity and fairness, the government ensures free competition by guarding corporate cooperation.

Although the large companies of Erlangen-Ansbach like VSU, Liemens, FMW or Sendelbeck are much more known to the international public, the true economic strength lies with the United Kingdom's countless middle-class entrepreneurs who receive special care by the government. Thus it is no surprise that the national unemployment rates are rather low.

Administrative order


The city of Erlangen is the ancient and honourable capital of the United Kingdom: The executive, legislative and jurisdiction (albeit be it only the supreme court KLVG) meet here.

Like many capital cities Erlangen is an administrative division of itself: The Duchy of Erlangen is governed by the Senate led by the President of the Senate or Senatspräsident alias the Lord Mayor. The city state's parliament is called Abgeordnetenhaus or House of Deputies.

Erlangen is divided into a number of counties led by a directly elected mayor and county council.

Administrative units

Herzogtümer (singular Herzogtum) Erlangen (cap. Erlangen), Ansbach (cap. Ansbach), Leutershausen (cap. Leutershausen), Roth (cap. Roth), Stadeln (cap. Stadeln), Großgruendlach (cap. Großgruendlach), Nordbrüssel (cap. Luxemburg), Südbrüssel (cap. Charlesroi), Hessen (cap. Wiesbaden), Neu-Ansbach (cap. Willhelmshaven), Peru (cap. Fennbridge).

The Herzogtümer are governed by a state government, which is led by an Exarch, who is elected by the Landtag (state assembly). The Exarchs are head of government and state of these partly-sovereign states. In all domestic affairs there is an optionally competing legislation between states and the federation: Generally a federal act overrules a state act. The states maintain supremacy in cultural and educational affairs, while the federal government (His Majesty's Government) looks after defence and foreign affairs with supremacy.

Overseas possessions

So far Erlangen-Ansbach has only one overseas possession out of the region of Europe.

The Principality of Neuroth


Head of state: Governor Prinz Adrian Friedrich VON ROTH-WINTER

Head of government: Lord Mayor Graf Ole VON BEUST

The Principality of Neuroth is an overseas dominion of Erlangen-Ansbach. It is located in the region of "The Sunbelt." This dominion is a city-state whose organisation can be somewhat compared to Erlangen's administrative order.

The constitutional legal whereabouts of the Principality's and the United Kingdom's relations are regulated in the Association Accord of 1970 (Assoziationsabkommen).

Its head of state is the Monarch of Erlangen-Ansbach in his capacity as the Prince of Neuroth. His Majesty's representative is the Governor of the Principality, who carries out the Monarch's duties. For that purpose he is assisted by the secretaries of the Princely Household.

The two most important secretaries are the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of Defence. Both are de-facto nominated by their counter-parts in Erlangen-Ansbach and finally appointed by the Monarch. In coordination with the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign Office they carry out their duties for the Principality.

The government of Neuroth is called the Princely Senate/Fürstlicher Senat led by the President of the Senate/Senatspräsident: Thus all ministers wear the title of Senator. The Senate's President is elected into office by a majority of the People's Chamber.

The People's Chamber or Volkskammer is the national legislature of Neuroth. Its 84 members are up for vote in general elections every five years. Like in Erlangen-Ansbach the parliament's head, Volkskammerpräsident Dr. Franz Maurer, is the highest-ranking civil officer.


The Erlangen-Ansbacher parliament consists of two chambers.The lower chamber of parliament is called the Reichstag. It may introduce bills for consideration, if these are endorsed by one third of the members. Furthermore, the Reichstag maintains the right of declaration of war and peace in concert with the Sovereign.

The Reichstag elects the Reichskanzler (Chancellor) following a nomination of the majority leader by His Majesty. The Reichskanzler is head of governement, maintains the right to set the guide lines for the governmental work ("Richtlinienkompetenz") and acts as chief spokesman of the state on international summits.

The upper chamber of parliament is the Reichsrat (Federal Council) and represents the executives of the states of the United Kingdom: It may introduce own bills to be considered by a 1/3 majority. The laws who are to be presented to the Reichsrat determined by the Reichsverfassung Art. 50-53 and/or separate laws.

Der Reichstag (605 Members); directly elected every five years

Der Reichsrat (55 Members); the members of the Reichsrat are delegates from each state government; the number of delegates of each state varies according to the states' population

Main parties: Christlich Volkspartei, CVP (conservative), Sozialdemokratische Partei, SDP (socialdemocrats), Freiheitlich-Liberale Partei (liberals), Die Grünen, Grüne/Greens (green party), Nationaldemokratische Partei, NDP (extreme right-wing)

Der XXXII. Reichstag des Vereinigten Königreichs


Reichstagspräsident (Speaker): Dr. Alois GLÜCK (CVP)

Most notably about the office of Reichstagspräsident or Speaker is that its tenant is considered higher-ranked than the chief of government. In fact the Speaker is highest rank of the civil executive.

CVP (Parliamentary Group Leader Dr. Richard DU BEVÈRE): 330 (last result 54%)

SDP (Parliamentary Group Leader Dr. Benedikt KOLB): 201 (33%)

FLP (Parliamentary Group Leader Graf Andreas VON SOELLNER): 39 (7%)

Grüne (Parliamentary Group Leader Anna LEHNERT): 34 (5%)

The Executive of the United Kingdom

The Monarch/Der Monarch


His Majesty King RAIK III Christoph Konrad von Gründlach is the sovereign monarch and head of state of the United Kingdom. The heir apparant is His Royal Highness Prince ALFRED von Gründlach (The Crown is inherited by primogenitur regardless of gender; When the heir turns 14 he will officially invested with the title of Duke or Duchess of Gründlach)

His foremost rights include the formal dissolvement of the lower house (Reichstag) before general elections, proposing a suitable candidate for Chancellor to the Reichstag's membership following general elections, appointing and/or dismissing ministers and state secretaries of His Majesty's Government.

In daily politics His Majesty acts mostly neutral: However, since the current monarch considers himself - like his father late King Daniel IV - the people's first servant, it may occur that he praises political moves.

Furthermore, he has to sign all bills into law by royal assent. His Majesty is entitled to veto bills, which he deems unconstitutional. Such a veto can only be overruled by a decision of the supreme court (KLVG): Any bill the King vetoes is to be checked by the supreme court justices.

In foreign affairs His Majesty is very active like his father and grandfather, who started this tradition: In concert with the Auswärtige Amt (Foreign Office) he actively promotes the national interest and negotiates for His kingdom.

Other duties of His Majesty include accrediting new ambassadors to Erlangen-Ansbach and appointing new ones to represent Erlangen-Ansbach as well as the formal supreme command of the Royal Armed Forces. In peace times, however, that's carried out by the Minister of Defence.

His Majesty's Government/Die Reichsregierung Seiner Majestät

Head of Government


(SD)Graf Benedikt VON DREMPETIC (CVP) is the Chancellor (Reichskanzler) of His Majesty's Government.


Carolin WYNNE (CVP) is the Deputy Chancellor (Stellvertr. Reichskanzlerin) of His Majesty's Government. Apart from this office she is the head of the Auswärtige Amt and thus Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The cabinet

These are the members of the cabinet: All shown ministers are entitled to vote in cabinet meetings. Their deputies - the State Secretaries - attend the summits as well, but they are only allowed to vote if their superior are not able to participate.

All members of this cabinet are CVP members unless stated otherwise.

Foreign Affairs Minister/Außenministerin - Carolin Wynne; State Secretary Damaris Adelmann;

State Secretary for European Affairs and Ambassador to the Europan Union - Dr. Manfred Weber

Interior Minister/Innenminister - Dr. Richard du Bevère; State Secretary Savane Al-Hasani

Chancellor of the Excequer/Schatzkanzler - Thomas Korn; State Secretary Anna Stadler

Economy and Labour Minister/Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsminister - Dr. Benjamin Ammon; State Secretary Christina Adelmann

Justice Minister/Justizminister - Graf Michael von Forchheim; State Secretary Ferdinand Mander

Defence Minister/Verteidigungsminister - Steffano Signorello; State Secretary Nina Riedel

Science Minister/Wissenschaftsminister - Prof. Dr. mult.h.c. Herbert Meyerhöfer; State Secretary Georg Strauß

Culture Minister/Kulturminister - Rainer Fliege (without party); State Secretary Florian Azelmann

Health and Social Affairs Minister/Gesundheits- und Sozialminister - Dr. Bastian Bradtke; State Secretary Monika Schwope

Agriculture Minister/Landwirtschaftsministerin - Dame Anna von Sendelbeck, Gräfin von Burgfarrnbach (CVP)

Infrastructure Minister/Infrastrukturminister - Dr. Matthias Hartung; State Secretary Adrien des Cevennes

Environmental Minister/Umweltminister Ricardo Àlvarez; State Secretary Richard du Pont

Minister for the State Chancellory/Staatskanzleiminister Dr. Norbert Moßburger


The Jurisdiction is seperated in a number of branches: The two regular branches are made up by the civil and pennal courts. The highest regular court is the Oberster Krongerichtshof (Supreme Crown Court).

Other branches are the administrative, fiscal, labour and social courts. The Royal National Constitutional Court (KLVG) - the United Kingdom's highest court - is virtually the very last resort for all aforementioned branches.

All justices of national-level courts are nominated by His Majesty, upon advice of the Minister of Justice. Moreover, this ministry is charge of administering all national-level and non-ducal courts.

Das Königliche Landesverfassungsgericht (KLVG)


KLVG Präsident (Chief Justice): Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Papier


KLVG Vizepräsident (Deputy Chief Justice): Dr. Hans von Leutershausen

The KLVG's foremost duty is guard and supervise the constitution of the United Kingdom (Reichsverfassung). Eversince its establishment in 1870 it has been an able watchdog for the basic rights of every citizen.

All governmental institutions (national, ducal and local) are to abide by the regulations of the Reichsverfassung. If there is any dispute about this issue, an appeal can be presented to the KLVG. The court's verdicts cannot be revised and all institutions must obey to them.

Furthermore, the KLVG has political impact, too: That is especially visible if the KLVG deems a bill or law unconstitutional. A bill is presented to the court if the King has vetoed it as unconstitutional, whereas a law is checked by the KLVG justices if there is an appeal for it.

However, the KLVG is not a political institution - it's sole benchmark is the constitution.

Der Oberste Krongerichtshof (OKGH)/The Supreme Crown Court


Präsident des Obersten Krongerichtshof (Chief Justice): Prof. Dr. Hannes Jagermeister

Except for very few cases the OKGH is a court which checks verdicts for revision. Apart from preserving justice in single cases the OKGH's task is to secure the unity and development of law.

Thus the court only checks the legal whereabouts of the subordinated courts' verdicts. For that task the court is to follow the proven conclusion of the subordinates.


Dominating industries

Military Organisation

durnwalder04.jpg Minister of Defence Steffano Signorello

The military of Erlangen-Ansbach is administered by the Ministry of Defence and its departments, except for some minor units and divisions, such as the Royal Coast Guard. The supreme command lies with His Majesty, but is excercised by the Minister of Defence in peace times.

Below the Minister is the Oberste Heeresleitung (Supreme Command): It consists of the Inspekteure (Inspectors) of the four branches of the armed forces. For strategical purposes the OHL maintains additional command centres in East Europe (near Stuttgart, SoG) and South West Europe (Wiesbaden,HEA). However, most operations are coordinated from the home command centres.

The armed forces are made up by professionals and conscripts: The latter young men and women are to serve their country's armed services for 10 months. They serve in each branch except for the Kommando Speziakräfte.

Die Königlichen Streitkräfte/The Royal Armed Forces


Generalinspekteur General Herbert von Arnim

The Royal Armed Forces are the entity over the four branches. Its command is the Oberste Heeresleitung made up by the commanders of the branches ("Inspekteure") and led by the Generalinspekteur (General Inspector).

Often the Generalinspekteur is an Inspekteur of a branch, too, but that is not necessary and maybe easier for the tenant. Currently Erlangen-Ansbach's highest-ranking professional soldier is General Herbert von Arnim.

Das Königliche Heer/The Royal Army


Heeresinspekteur Generaloberst Jean de Mirau

Compared to the other branches the Royal Army is the second-smallest one of all, ranking before the KSK. That is no surprise considering Erlangen-Ansbach's military emphasis on the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. However, 34% of the menpower is still a lot and the Royal Army isn't under-funded, since most of the young men and women, who are to do military service for one year, choose the Army. Furthermore, it is the Army which is required and deployed if Erlangen-Ansbach takes over peacekeeping operations of the European Union.

Die Königliche Luftwaffe/The Royal Air Force

Die Königliche Marine/The Royal Navy

Das Kommando Spezialkräfte/The Special Forces Command

Minor Units

Royal Garde du Corps et Garde du Grand Duc

Royal Coast Guard/Königliche Küstenwache