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Flag of Baranxtu
Motto: United for
No Map Available Yet
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Ωn-Baranxiž
Official Language(s) Baranxeï, Asuaneï, Nidajii
Leader King Ateni Meinaratu Gguri-Eilari
Prime Minister Htalui Asabijitu Mersagi
Population 7,000,000
Currency Aimau 
NS Sunset XML

The Most Serene Republic of Baranxtu is a small, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its hard-nosed, intelligent population of 7 million enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

The enormous government concentrates mainly on Social Welfare, although Healthcare and Education are on the agenda. The average income tax rate is 34%, but much higher for the wealthy. A tiny private sector is dominated by the Gambling industry.

Voting is compulsory, all recreational drugs are legal, citizens can be frequently spotted going about their business stark naked, and young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables. Crime is relatively low. Baranxtu's national animal is the tiger, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Aimau.



Baranxtu was found as a theocracy by Baranxtuan colonists in the 17th century for whom the progressively liberal attitude in their homeland towards other cultures had become unbearable. Their first leader was the High Priest Ahogi Detitu Gguri-Ahadi, a member of the influental Gguri family. The first city to be founded was Ωn-Baranxiž, inhabited by about 1,200 people in 1687. The overall population of the Theocratic Colony of Baranxtu grew to a stable 10,000 by the turn of the century, with most inhabitants making a living with farming.

Growth and Independence

After the Religious Tolerance Act of 1725, many of the more conservative people of the Kingdom Baranxtu came to the colony, until in 1767 High Priestess Aleida Mallanatu Gguri-Ahadi put a stop on immigration in order to safe the stability of the land threatened by the too fast population growth - the country had already grown to more than 100,000 inhabitants which could barely survive off the land available to them. Eventually, Baranxtu was forced to expand southwards to gain possession of more farming land in order to feed the population. Frightened by the threat of famine, Aleida Mallanatu Gguri-Ahadi called the home land for help, but in the Kingdom Baranxtu, people protested against the support of a backwards nation like the Theocratic Colony of Baranxtu, so the Kingdom Baranxtu was forced to set its colony free. After long negotiations, the Theocracy of Baranxtu became independent in 1792.

The Constitution of 1814

Despite the original intentions of the founders, the Theocracy of Baranxtu shifted towards a more relaxed attitude regarding religion and democracy, and in 1810 a bloody revolution brought forth the reconsitution of Baranxtu as a constitutional monarchy. The ruling dynasty of Ggurυa-Ahadυa was disposed, and the High Priest Apri Naostatitu Gguri-Ahadi was executed in publice on March 24th, 1811. For the first time ever, the people were allowed to vote. The first election in 1812 served the establishment of a Constitutional Committee. The Committee's job was to draft a constition for the country, which was for the meantime governed by the Council of the Nation. Despite its best attempts to bring peace to country plagued by civil war, the next years saw a surge of crime, as a majority of the infrastructure had been destroyed in the revolution. Finally, in 1814, the Constitution of the Constitutional Monarchy of Baranxtu was approved of by the Council of the Nation and it became official law, with the Gguri-Eilari line of the royal family becoming the new ruling dynasty. One of their first steps was to repeal the ban of other religions, thereby triggering a new wave of immigration.

The Constitution of 1860

In the first quarter of the 19th century, the Kingdom Baranxtu faced a series of economical threats, and a great number of disappointed inhabitants decided to move to the economically more stable Constitutional Monarchy of Baranxtu. Among them were many intellectuals and influental philosophers of the time, like Uhana Estoratu Ebiscoba. Her book "On the Republic and Its Importance for A Truly Free People" was published in 1844, and it soon became the first 'best seller' in the modern sense. It also led to the founding of a party called "For A Baranxtuan Republic", which gained a surprising 26% of the popular vote in the parlamentary elections of 1852. It eventually succeeded in demanding a redraft of the Constitution, which shifted the majority of power from the regnant to the Prime Minister. The new Constitution went into effect in 1860. The country's name was changed to The Most Serene Republic of Baranxtu, though the royal family was still allowed to fill the position of head of state.


The 19th century also saw the advent of industrializiation. However, the government - wether during the Constitutional Monarchy period or from the Republican period on - strictly regulated the development of new industries, as the whole country was very suspicious of the new technologies. This had the effect that for a long period, Baranxtu staid a largely agricultural state. Only the recent decades have seen a slow growth of industry.

Recent Developments

The Most Serene Republic of Baranxtu joined the International Democratic Union in 2005, after a national referendum approved of the suggestion with a majority of 74.45%.


The population of Baranxtu consists mostly of three peoples - the Baranxtuans, the Nidajians and the Asuanituans.


About 65% of the Baranxtuan people identify themselves as belongig to the Baranxtuan People. They are further divided into three groups, the Traditional Baranxtuans, the Old Baranxtuans and the Modern (or New) Baranxtuans.

Traditional Baranxtuans

They make up about 5% of the whole population and consider themselved to be the descendants of the first settlers. Most do not approve of modern inventions and the majority lives in the rural provinces where they try to live the same lives as their ancestors did about 300 years ago. Before the introduction of Compulsory Voting, they had no political organisation, but in 1990 (the year the law of Compulsory Voting passed), they founded the "Conservative Party of Our Holy Traditions", which promotes independence of the province of Abasina, where about 82% of Traditional Baranxtuans live. Interestingly, the Traditional Baranxtuans still speak Middle Baranxeï, which was replaced by New Baranxeï in the Kingdom Baranxtu in the 18th century.

Old Baranxtuans

About 12% of the general population identify as Old Baranxtuan, which means their ancestors came as immigrants to the country between 1725 and 1814. Like the Traditional Baranxtuans, they promote conservative values and regulating the influx of people of different faith and nationality. However, they do embrace industrialisation of Baranxtu, as most of the old industrial families come from this background; their also make up the majority of the upper class in Baranxtu. Their political represantion is the "Organisation for Tradition and Economy", which has not been able to enter the Baranxtuan parliament for 8 years now, due to the 7.5-percent-hurdle.

Modern Baranxtuans

Representing about 48% of the total population, the Modern Baranxtuans (also called New Baranxtuans) are the largest group in Baranxtu. Not only do they represent all immigrants who came to Baranxtu after 1814, but also those who do not wish to identify themselves with one of the other two groups belong here. There is no common political view within this group, so they are represented by a variety of parties in the parliament.


The Nidajians are also a group indigenous to the Kingdom Baranxtu. In the Republic Baranxtu, they represent about 15% of the total population. Most of them came to Baranxtu after 1814, when the strict immigration laws were repealed. The majority speaks the Nidajian language, which was granted status as official language in the province of Ωþ-Neila in 1862 and in all of Baranxtu in 1897.


Although they only are a small minority in the Kingdom Baranxtu with 5%, they are the third most important group in the Republic Baranxtu with about 13% of the total population being Asuanituan. Like the Nidajians and Modern Baranxtuans, no general assumptions about their political point of view can be made. They speak Asuaneï, a close relative of Baranxeï. It was granted status as an official language already in 1707, as their culture is relatively close to the Baranxtuan.


Baranxtu is currently divided into four provinces and two city districts.


A mostly rural province in the east with mostly Traditional Baranxtuan inhabitants. Its capital city is Lamaggra.


The northernmost province which is mostly inhabited by Nidajians. It is the most populous province and also the industrial center of Baranxtu. Its capital is Nei.


Lying south of Ωþ-Neila, its inhabitants are largely employed by large-scale agricultural companies. Its capital is Misma.


The westernmost province. Its capital is Leiris.


The capital district is the second most populous administrative district after Ωþ-Neila. It is situated between Ωþ-Neila and Abasina.


The second largest city of Baranxtu is an enclave of Dorista.

Political System

For the last century, the Republic Baranxtu has enjoyed relative political stabilty. The regnant's rights and duties have been more and more passed ontu the prime minister and his role is nowadays reduced to representation and approvement of laws and official treaties, though he cannot veto any law that has passed parliament.

Executive Branch

The Regnant

Current King: Ateni Meinaratu Gguri-Eilari Official Titel: His Royal Majesty, Ateni Meinaratu Gguri-Eilari, Ruler of the Baranxtuan Territories, Great and Just through the Eternal Glory of the Divine

The Government

Prime Minister: Htalui Asabijitu Mersagi
Party Affiliation: Party for the Union of all People of the Republic

Minister of Social Affairs: Labaη Nehogiatu Semisetia
Fields of Work: welfare, education, health
Party Affiliation: Party of the Union of all People of the Republic

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Secui Haideritu Atili
Fields of Work: international agreements & treaties, embassies
Party Affiliation: Liberty and Justice League

Minister of Security: Ajegge Lidanatu Radula
Fields of Work: police, military
Party Affiliation: Liberty and Justice League

Minister of Finance: Ubtaï Jjubylitu Lakati
Fields of Work: drafting the annual budget, setting taxes
Party Affiliation: Independent

Minister of Miscellaneous Affairs: Adánela Misóriai Heftúea
Fields of Work: ???
Party Affiliation: Party of the Union of all People of the Republic

Legislative Branch

The House of the Moon

The currently 72 members of the lower house of parliament are elected for a four-year period. All future laws must first be passed here first. The last election was held 2000, the current make up of the parliament is as follows:

Party Seats 2000 Seats 2004 (change)
Party of the Union of all People of the Republic 19 21 (+2)
Liberty and Justice League 15 14 (-1)
Organisation for Tradition and Economy 1 0 (-1)
Conservative Party of Our Holy Traditions 0 0
National Party of the Republic 14 17 (+3)
Party of Spiritual Alliances 6 4 (-2)
Independent 5 7 (+2)
All others 8 9 (+1)
Totals 68 72

The Most Serene Republic of Baranxtu is currently governed by a coalition of the Party of the Union of all People of the Republic, the Liberty and Justice League and three independent members of parliament of which one, Ubtaï Jjubylitu Lakati, has been appointed minister of finances.

The House of the Sun

The upper house of parliament currently has 23 members, which are appointed by the provincial governments depending on the size of their province. Laws that have been passed in the House of the Moon have also to be passed here, however the House of the Moon can override a veto by the House of the Sun.