West Pacific Slang

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-- West Pacific Slang was originally authored by Biteland, Ineedsleep, Looming Doom, Minineenee, The Acutely Obtuse & Zetaone.

If one ever visits the off-site forum of the West Pacific or spots a conversation in progress on its regional HQ, one may come across an array of in-jokes that has given The West Pacific a distinct dialect. The following is a list of some common phrases for the traveller.

A Hataria

  • Any RP post that is so ridicules as to invoke memories of the one who is considered the worst RPer every to grace both the On-site and Off-site boards

A Sinopic Argument

  • An argument that by the end has you hitting your head against a brick wall

Attempted take over of the WP club

  • Refering to the many nations that have unsucsesfully tried to take over the democraticly elected WP government


  • (noun)Used as an idol threat in jest for the process of banning some one from the West Pacific off-site boards. Used often by The Shotgun Seat
  • Used as a real threat of Banning to a particular annoying member of the off-site boards


  • Shortened form of the player Biteland's name

Country Music

  • Some wierd musical form found playing in the homes of the Minineeneees

Chocolate Guard Bunnies

  • The security of the Cabinet hall

Defense Ministry Budget Meeting

  • Also known as a "burger run"

Drive by chat

  • A term given to the Msger group chats made by Biteland that come without warning. Frequent victems include Minineenee, Zetaone, The Shotgun Seat, Ineedsleep & Dilber

"Dude wheres my Post", " Ow look a Scapegoat, it must be election time"**this motto has been removed due to regional security**"

  • Refering to the time towards the end of Norion's reign when posts 'disappeared' on a regular baisis

"He Spells as bad as Biteland"

  • i.e. not very well

F&P/ FandP

Hank/ TSS

  • Other names used for the player The Shotgun Seat


  • The censored form of the word Indeed; the use of this word is not recommended as it will most likely lead to the wrath of Minineenee. The most noted offender is Biteland

Mr. Plan B

  • A term that now encompasses any Regent

New Shotgun Order (NSO)

  • "The NSO is the beginning, and the end. It is the wind on a summer day, and the feeling you get when seeing true love for the first time. The NSO is freedom, it is life. To know the essence of the NSO is to know the meaning of life."

New TAO Order (NTO)

  • Ficticious invader/defender organization lead by The Acutely Obtuse. It was created during the Warzone Sandbox wars against Carinthe. As reparations for losing the war, Carinthe had to provide TAO with a never ending supply of Dutch-Cholocate milkshakes made from half&half instead of that 2% crap

Ninee, Neenee, Mrs PM, The Radiant Beauty of the West Pacific

  • All terms for the current Prime Minister Minineenee. Commonly used by Biteland, ZetaOne and The Shotgun Seat.

PM's Magical Wand

  • The Wand used by the current Prime Minister Minineenee

Post Whore

  • Term used (rather affectionately) to describe Zetaone

RP Mod Stick

  • Used as a treat of the use of Moderation by the moderator in the role play forums

Pull an F&P

  • To max out one's signature with as many personal kudos as possible

Remote (Thingy) / Super Duper Remote Thingy

  • Origionally Zetaone's creation as a fun toy, it quickly became a tool in friendly attacking. The Remote was upgrated by Napcoman as a gift he called it the Super Duper Remote Thingy.


Tar and Feathering

  • (verb)What many members talk of doing if they were to find some of the regional headquarters spammers

The Cello Spike

The Dilber Distraction

  • Any obvious Distraction used in the WP forums

The Map Nuke

TSS manuever

  • An act where one sets up a unescapable loop in the Randomly describe the Above Poster Thread. The term is first credited to ZetaOne.


  • Named after offical post whore ZetaOne, the first to hit 1000 posts on the West Pacific's offsite forum. Players that hit 1000 posts are offically put into the Z1K Club.
  • Z1K is also called ZetaMark

Zeta, Z1, ZO, Zet