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Chronos VII
High Lord of the Sith
Primarch of the Imperium

Chronos VII

The High Lord of the Sith, Venerated Primarch of the Imperium; Chronos model experimental Number 7... First birthed of a collaborative project discussed between the Imperium and the Sith; the goal was to create the genetic template for a wing of the Imperium skilled in the arts of the Sith. The origins of this ideal was modelled closely on the Primarch project; and the respective Primogenitors worked their craft again. 7 experimental templates were created from the Emperor himself; six dieing in the embryonic stage; the 7th survived; haunted by the memories and spirits of his deceased siblings.

The Rise of the Sith

The Primarch, Chronos model; was trained extensively in the arts of combat and the Sith; taking each gift he was given; honing his skills; he was eventually ready for his first mission; to become a father. Using the geneseed of this successful Primarch, a legion of Sith were born; trained in the ways of Space Marines and Sith; these lightly armored warriors were competant in minor force powers and light sabre combat; none matching the godlike glory of their Primarch...The Chronosian Sith were few in their genesis; but soon they began to multiply; reinforced by the science of the Imperium.

The Hunt

During the Sith Wars, Chronos was deployed on a secret mission by the Emperor; to capture the rogue High King of Weyr; Alicia li'Wye. He succeeded all too well; destroying one of the main Source Engines of Paradigm and plunging Weyr into disorder and panic. Escaping in a shuttle, he took the High King to an Inquisition ship; where she was tortured, interrogated, and apparently remains even now.


Chaos speaks to all men; and it spoke to Chronos through the twisted whispers of his siblings. As the first corrupted of the Imperium; he let loose the tide of heretics and mutants that enveloped the Imperial Guard; and waited triumphant as wave after wave of cleansing, changing energy swept the planet....

Chronos was reborn with his brethern, combining the gifts of the Sith with the dark sorcery of Tzeentch