Riegaban Government

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Although for the longest time the government used to be a democracy it has slowly been drifting toward capitalizm and corporationalism, (an outline of the old government con be found here: Riegaban Government (old), there are mainly three branches of government, the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judiciary branch. The legislative branch is bicameral and is comprised of the lower house which is made up of small businesses and the upper house is made up of representatives from the actual populace of the nation. The executive branch is made up of a board of CROs or Chief Representative Officers, they meet and discuss matters much like executives in most nations do with their ministers or secretaries. Finaly the juducuary branch, it is a bit more complicated than the others and will be explained in deatail in the official government page but what can be said is that they are appointed from a regular pool of magistrates and are appointed by the legislative branch and are approved by the executive branch.

Legislative Branch

The legislative branch is bicameral consisting of The House of Personal Representatives and The House of Small Businesses.

The House of Personal Representatives

The House of Personal Representatives or the HPR is the lower house and is comprised of normal citizens but insted of voting for these positions there is a lotto drawn this way everyone eventuly must serve their country in some way. This also is the reason for our incredible educational system. There are at anytime three Personal Representatives or PRs from every district in the nation. Since there are eleven districs there are thirty three PRs in the house. PRs are elected every other year.

The House of Small Businesses

The House of Small Businesses or the HSB is the upper house and is comprised of one representative from every small business, that is, every business that so wishes to send one. A small business is defined as "any company that employs one hundered and under employees on a regular basis". Since the number of small businesses fluxuates the number of Small Businesses Representatives or SBRs fluxuates as well. Every three years a new SBR must be sent to replace the current one.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is comprised of The Board of Chief Representative Officers or the Board of CROs. Because we feel that no one company should have ultimate power there is noone in charge, so to speak like a president.

The Board of Chief Representative Officers

The Board of Chief Representative Officers or The Board of CROs is comprised of a Chief Representative Officer or CRO from every major company in Riegab, that is defined as "any company employing over one hundered employees on a regular basis, AND makes an annual profit of over one million Ziiks". The board meets every so often to discuss issues of foreign policy, and issues of domestics, anything from transportation to education. Every four years a new CRO must be chosen by the company to replace their current one.

Special CROs

There are also special CROs called ministers, these are CROs from a specific type of company, below is a list of all SCROs along with their names. There are several though which require specific attention, the minister of culture comes from a company that works with museums or libraries, the minister of defence comes from a defence contractor, and the minister of science comes from a labratory.

  • Minister of Culture: Samuli Hans Umoni
  • Minister of Defence: Gonutani Cody Numai
  • Minister of Education: Sutivi Sifano Doneseti
  • Minister of Energy: Nati Antonai Himosui
  • Minister of Health: Gakusoni Constantinos Kanimosi
  • Minister of Science: Viliami Jaime Denisi III
  • Minister of Trade: Kaelui Jeffery Ivani
  • Minister of Transportation: Eliziviti Sara Onimi

Public Ministers

Also on top of this there are several members of the public elected by the people to the board to fill certain positions, they are as follows, also you will notice the names are whom currently fills that post. The Chancellor is meant to be the head person, he is the person whom controls the meetings, the vice takes over when the chancellor is not there. The general-in-command is a general from the military and he advises the group on wars and various military matters. The minister of commerce is a CRO from a regular company but is voted on by the populace every four years from the pool of CROs from every company, the current one is from Smith & Deiters. Both affairs ministers are used to inform the group on tensions in and out of the nation. The intelligence minister is the head of the intelligence ministry. the minister of Novoi Vechnosti is from Riegab's neighbor to the south. and the minister of treasury is someone from the public which has a degree in economics and who distributes the budget to diferent sectors.

  • Chancellor: Haruvi Maxwell Aniderusi
  • Vice Chancellor: Sutani George Hari
  • General-in-Command: Doni Li Negimi
  • Minister of Commerce: Geregi Tanaka Gisutumoi
  • Minister of Domestic Affairs: Riani Matthew Sumini
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Davi Scott Gerui
  • Minister of Intellegence: Aseli Mikaila Xantar-Kazi
  • Minister of Novoi Vechnosti: Iulius Quintus Maximus Flavius
  • Minister of Treasury: Danori Osima Gofutoni

Grand Ministry

The Grand Ministry is a block in downtown Ethnemka, this is where all of the Ministries are located, each of these provide the board of CROs with a Minister. The Ministries are as follows: Commerce, Culture, Defence, Domestic Affairs, Education, Energy, Foreign Affairs, Health, Novoi Vechnosti, Science, Trade, Transportation, Treasury.

War & Intelligence Ministry

The War & Intelligence Ministry is seperate from the others because it is located at an undisclosed location outside the city. They also provide the Board of CROs with a Minister from both the war and intellegence ministry. (on a side note the represenative for the war ministry is the general in command of the military)

Judiciary Branch

The Judiciary Branch is comprised of not only the Grand Council of Magistates (the highest court in Anatania) but also is comprised of a Counil of Magistrates, the highest level in each zone, as well as local councils for small disputes. The national police force is also considered to be in this branch. The Grand Magistrates or GMs are appointed by the legislative branch with approval from the board of CROs, and are chosen from the current regular magistrate, which are voted on by polls in each zone.