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Flag of Mengistua
Motto: Marxism-Leninism, Scientific Socialism, Islam.
Region United Arab States
Capital Mugabeton
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Leader Chairman of the Worker's Party of Mengistua Haile Siad al-Bashar
Population 408 Million
Currency dinar 
NS Sunset XML

The Democratic Republic of Mengistua is a military dictatorship that has been in effect since 2004 that now is turning itself into a Marxist-Leninist republic.


Mengistua was colonized by the Italians and British at the turn of the 20th century and 1 million people died in their reign. In the post-World War II era, the the two countries combined their colonies into one under the British authority. However, a lack of stability and horrible infrastructure led the British to decide the colony wasn't worth the effort and grant it independance in 1962.

Independance and War-
Following independance in 1962, the Italian regions and British regions tried to seperate each other, however, the Somalis who dominate the country, did not want this to occur and thus a 3-way civil war began with each nationality having it's own Capital. This began to subside in 1968 when the British and Italians signed a treaty, however, this led to a merger of their factions and the civil war resumed between the Somali and European sides. Finally in 1978 the Somali faction won and set up the Empire, consisting of all 3 nationalities. The Emperor took the name "Mengistu" and was praised as a hero by much of the West, but severly lacked popular support due to an on-going famine in the country.

Famine and Dissent-
The famines began and continued for much of the 1980s reaching a peak in 1988 when it is estimated that a fifth of the population starved to death. Despite the massive flood of food-aid from the West, it is thought that the Emperor kept the food for his administration and the military, which was his key to holding power. Political Parties, which had been banned at the beginning of the Empire began to appear and organize in opposition to the Empire. The main party was a Somali nationalist party which wanted to seperate from the Italians and British. They succeeded in theri aims when they gained military support in the region and declared independance in 1989.

Second Civil War-
The Emperor Mengistu led the Empire in fighting the seperatists in a 9 year war, but eventually, drained and still famine-struck, the Empire was defeated and half of the country seperated leaving an odd nationality situation where the British, Somali and Italians were roughly equal in population within the country. As a result of the defeat, the Empire was renamed the Kingdom of Mengistua in 1999. A mass exodus of people began to flee Mengistua because of famine and oppressive conditions within the country. Many people were quite angry at the Emperor because he took 6 wives and showed each one with palaces and luxury cars while the people starved.

Fall of the Kingdom, Rise of the DERG-
The Kingdom reached a breaking point in 2004 when the military turned on the Emperor and overthrew him, executing him, his wives and his entire administration as well as burning down his palaces and destroying all of his former-possessions. This brutal revolution lead to the Democratic Revolutionary Government, or the DERG which was essentially just a council made up of the high-military leaders led by Haile Siad al-Bashar. This military council was actually decently popular due to the people's demand for any change in the country.

Out of Isolation, Into Marxism-Leninism-
The DERG realized that to escape the decades long famine, that they would have to come out of the isolation that had plagued the country. They did this by allying themselves with Karuchea which had recently had a Ba'athist Revolution. To gain themselves aid, Mengistua declared allegiance to Marxism-Leninism and to Islam and Arab Unity and declared that his country would "Be Socialist within a decade." As a result, Mohammed Nyerere pumped billions of dollars worth of aid into Mengistua, driving them out of famine and for the most part, out of poverty. Rudolfo Axel Davinson, Vice-Chairman of the Council of State of Karuchea demanded that Mengistu form a vanguard-party if Karuchea was going to give any more aid, as a result, in June of 2005 the Workers Party of Mengistua was formed out of the core of the military and groups such as the Young Workers and Young Pioneers were set up. Mengistua has recieved 3 billion dollars worth of loans from Karuchea in order to fix their transportation systems, which have been virtually non-existant for decades. They also are running a massive campaign to fight illiteracy.

Politics and elections

There is no currently active constitution, although the Workers Party of Mengistua is working on a constitution based on the Socialist Constitution of Karuchea. Currently, all government officials are recognized by their high status in the Workers Party of Mengistua as there is technically no official government posts yet outside of the Party. This very hierarchal nature does not seem abnormal to the populace, who is used to years of strict monarchy. The only elections are elections by the Central Committee to the Politburo, although these are mainly just mock-elections as the Politburo is made up of the exact same people who were in the DERG.


Mengistua has re-organized it's economy onto Socialist lines, something not hard to do as 70% of the property had belonged to the Kingdom herself. The effects of a brutal collectivisation have led to near-famine conditions, but these are said to be much more preferable to the decade-long famine that slaughtered Mengistua throughout the late-20th Century. The economy is in shambles, but is recovering thanks to generous loans from Karuchea.


There is no constitution, so traditions continue as basic law. Almost the entire country is either Orthodox Christian or Muslim with a few tribal beliefs still lingering around.


Crime, which used to be a horrid problem, is now dropping considerably thanks to Karuchean forces training the Mengistua police and also because of massive drops in illiteracy and the better conditions of the country.

Foreign Policy

Mengistua was isolated for decades except for from the West who frequently gave food aid. Now Mengistua has strong relations with Karuchea and is beginning to develop ties with the other members of United Arab Republic. It is a founding member of the bloc. Because of it's active participation in this, it has emerged out of isolation as a player in the world scene as wherever it goes, chances are Karuchea is also near-by.

National Anthem

The old national anthem "Long Live the King" has been banned from use in any public area in the country, due to the lack of a constitution however, there is no anthem to replace it and so "The Internationale" is served as the anthem of the country.

The Internationale

Arise ye prisoners of starvation
Arise ye toilers of the earth
For reason thunders new creation
'Tis a better world in birth.

Never more traditions' chains shall bind us
Arise ye toilers no more in thrall
The earth shall rise on new foundations
We are naught but we shall be all.

Then comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face!
The Internationale
Unites the human race.


Compagni avanti il gran partito,
noi siamo dei lavoratori,
rosso un fiore in petto c'è fiorito,
una fede c'è nata in cuor.
Noi non siamo più nell'officina,
entro terra dai campi al mar,
la plebe sempre hanno tradito
senza ideale in cui sperar.

Su dobbiam ideare,
nostro al fine sarà,
futura umanità

Un gran stendardo al sol fiammante,
dinnanzi a noi glorioso va.
Noi vogliam per esso giù infrante
le catene alla libertà.
Che giustizia venga, noi chiediamo,
non più servi, non più signor,
Fratelli tutti esser vogliamo
nella famiglia del lavor.