Crazed Marines

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Crazed Marines
Flag of Crazed Marines
Motto: "Semper Fi! Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."
Region The Lansraad
Capital Parris Island
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Mike Kowalski
Population 3.055 billion (as of 30 Sept 05)
Currency the Bullet 
NS Sunset XML

The Armed Republic of Crazed Marines is a hard working, hard nosed, no-nonsense but cynical type of country that firmly believes in capital and corporal punishment. The citizens of Crazed Marines are led by a President, who must be former or current military. It also has a Congress composed up of a 300 member Senate and a 750 member House of Representatives. Its Government structure is very similar to that of the USA's. Crazed Marines also has an astonishing amount of common-sense laws, especially their famous "Burgulars are free-game" law stating that a home invader is open to be shot as many times as necessary or desired while the homeowner is not responsible for damages incurred. This law came three months after the compulsory gun law that made it illegal for all homes to not own a gun, save for convicted felons or the mentally unstable. Speaking of gun laws, the Constitution also states that any type of firearm is legal to own, as long as the person is not a convicted felon and is mentally stable.

Constitution of Crazed Marines


We the People of Crazed Marines, in order to perfect our union, and to establish brotherhood, equality, and liberty for all mankind, have seceeded from the United States which had become weak and corrupt after the election of Hilary Clinton in 2009, and we, the United States Marine Corps, have left their control. We find these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, and that every man, woman, and child have the inherent rights imbound by their creator, God, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Article I- The Powers of the President

The President of Crazed Marines is hereby given full control of military actions. The President may sign a bill into law or veto it; in order to repeal a veto, Congress must have a 2/3rds supermajority; a bill is automatically signed into law after 14 days if neither signed nor vetoed by the President. The President may engage other countries in treaties with or without consent of Congress. He may also declare Martial law or States of War with or without Congress' consent.

Article II- Limitations of Presidential Power

The President may NOT do the following: have an affair while in office, control military forces directly during Martial Law, accept bribes, have been convicted of a felony,or be a non-native born Marine.

Article III- Congress

Congress shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate shall comprise of 300 members, spread equally to all the States. The House shall be comprised of 750 members spread proportionally to the Population of each state. You must be 30 years old, have served in the military, and be a resident of the state you were elected from to serve as a Representative and Senator. All national laws are passed by Congress.

Article IV- Definition of Treason

Treason is defined as taking up arms against one's own country, aiding and/or abetting the enemy, taking part in a revolt meant to either destabilize or overthrow the Government, commiting an act of terrorism, or serving in the military of a country that is at a state or war against Crazed Marines. Treason may only be punished by death.

Article V- Judicial System

The Judicial Branch has the authority to charge and punish accused persons with crimes as well as to deem an act or law unconstitutional. The Supreme Court shall consist of seven judges appointed by the President, confirmed by Congress, and shall serve for either life or until they wish to resign.

Article VI- The Right to Bear Arms

Every individual citizen has the right to keep and bear arms. Firearms and blade weapons are described as such arms allowed. Those who cannot own these weapons are: convicted felons, the mentally unfit, those who do not have their citizenship, or those who have been stripped of/ renounced their citizenship.

Article VII- The Rights of Individuals

A citizen has the right to due process, privacy unless evidence is being gathered and a valid warrant is filed, keep and bear arms, demonstrate freely as long as they do not advocate genocide or such crimes, be kept from cruel and unusual punishment except in capital punishment.

Article VIII- Citizenship

One may be considered a citizen if they are born in Crazed Marines or one of its territories, born of a Crazed Marines' citizen, immigrates to Crazed Marines and becomes naturalized, or serves in the Military for at least five years. At 18, a Citizen may vot. At age 30, Citizens may run for office


Amendment I

Definition of Sentience The Government and peoples of Crazed Marines defines sentience as an organism or AI that can A) Keep a writter and/or oral history or itself and its race and/or species and/or group; B) Have the ability and function to reason and reason reactively; and C) Understand the actions it takes as well as understand the ability to choose.

Past Wars

The Secession Wars 
won(breaking off from the USA 20 Jan 09 to 9 Aug 09)
The Great Chinese War 
won(China invaded CM, we pushed them back into the sea, pillaged everything in sight, took the women and children captive, and nukes whatever was left using multiple 500 megaton nuclear warheads. Circa 2010.)
The Alien genocide wars 
won(early CM stopping of specicide)
The First TFU War 
won(Won due to a lack of posting by TFU and a large fleet outside his homeworld)
The Triple Terror Incident 
won(purging nation of terrorism after three seperate attacks by three seperate groups. Geoncide commited by a group of hate-crazed Marines. All found guilty and hanged)
The Second TFU War 
won(stalled due to a lack of posting, but TFU did leave)
The Hatarian Glassings 
won(Nuclear disarmament, CM style)
The Neoman War 
won(and later occupation)
The Glassing of Gondor of Old 
won(currently nothing exists)
The Witch Hunt 
draw(peaceful solution found)
The Embassy Take over 
won(Taken care of...)
The Dumpsterdam war 
won(Dumpsterdam and allies surrendered, HALO Island Port destroyed, no mainland destruction of CM)
CM Civil War 
won(Iwo Jima rebelled and was beaten down)
Hippy insurrection 
won(hippies fought back after losing their sentience, the men are all dead and the women regained their sentience)


Religion and Spirituality

Crazed Marines is home to many sects of Christanity and a number of Jews. The official Stats are as follows:

  • Roman Catholic- 25% roughly
  • Southern Baptist - 45% roughly
  • Other Protestant denominations- 25%
  • Jews- 4.9% roughly
  • Other- <.01%
  • Muslim- Islam is banned, under punishment of incarseration and/or death

Racial Seperation

  • White/Caucasian- 55%
  • Black- 10%
  • Hispanic or Native American- 15%
  • Asian- 20%
  • Arab- 1ess than 1%
  • Other- Less than 1%

Active role in Regional Defense

Crazed Marines has volunteered itself for the defense of Earth Orbit/ Lansraad. The logical step was to build a large Space Fleet that would be created by over one thousand spacedocks completely run by AI and nanites. This method increased production speed to 1000% efficiency compared to most earlier mechanical and human-operated plants. Next was a minefield. It started with the Barbados point-detonation mine (nuclear bomb upgraded to a disruptor charge) then the Manchurian point-defense mine (a laser point-defense system that would support the Barbados mines), next was the graviton mines (which secured against Shivians' subspace shielding as well a good trash compactor). It is currently rumored within intelligence circles that cluster-mines are soon to come as well as anti-temporal distortion devices. The President of Crazed Marines had one thing to say when regarding the minefield, "Come and test it out for yourself if you wish to die. If you don't, I suggest you move away, slowly."

Expansion into space

Crazed Marines rapidly accelerated from a 2010 tech nation to a spach tech nation within ten years due to the help of New Exodus and Crystal Ireland. They activated their first colony in 2015 and launched the majority of the country into space by 2025. They have since expanded to accommodate their ever expanding population. Most recently, they announced an Orbital Stargate program along with the colonization of a new, uninhabited planet halfway between Earth and Yavin IV called Sigma Octaganus. Many see this as a step foward to trading more with CoreWorlds. There are also Fortress worlds and major military bases on other planets such as Reach, Rogan, and Elsi.


  • Crazed Marines: being a mostly Southern USA nation, tends to use terms such as, "Plum", "y'all", and a few other words of Southern slang.
  • The Nation: "Crazed Marines", such as when responding to. It is never pronounced "Crazy Marine" or "Crazy Marines", just "Crazed Marines"
  • A Citizen: Always called a "Marine", never "Crazy Marine" or "Jarhead"

The Nation (possessive): Always refered to as "Crazed Marines' such-and-such), never "Crazy Marine's so-and-so".

Arts and Entertainment

Arts : The arts are frowned upon due to their lack of productivity and are generally spat upon. Entertainment : There are three major TV stations are in CM, Teuful Hounden (literally meaning devil dog, like Spike TV, always posted in blue), Foxtrot News (just like Fox IRL, green preface), and CMN (Crazed Marines News, similar in slant/ bias towards liberals to CNN, red preface). Foxtrot and Teuful Hounden are the leaders of the pack, while CMN's ratings are slipping like an unnamed, fat, white film-maker down a Louisiana mudhole.

Entertainment : Public executions are now being shown of Teuful, and the ratings have skyrocketed. Foxtrot's main networt also has shows called, "EOD Fridays", "Machinegun Joe", and the critically acclaimed "Explodathon!" where they find clips taken from all kinds of ordinance from the previous few weeks and their effects. Viedo games are also popular, aa holograms replaced screens and neuroscanners dominating controllers. The newest hit was Halo: Chronicles of Reach where the players get to fight the Reach campaign as any of fifty Spartans. It also has a popular online campaign and multiplayer component.