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Flag of Arjuntonia
Motto: "Darkness to all the land"
No Map Available Yet
Region Mordor
Official Language(s)
Population 0.5 - 1 billion
Currency Arjun. 
NS Sunset XML

A relatively old nation, most well known for being the founder of Mordor. Arjuntonia took on the responsibilities of all the officials before their positions were created. Arjuntonia was also the author of all the preliminary laws of Mordor, which are still in effect today. Arjuntonia created the forum and started most of today's associations and programs in Mordor. Arjuntonia still remains as one of the most prominent individuals in the region.

Arjuntonia has an extensive history with several regions, including Gonjikana, Diamond Alliance, and most notably, Mordor]. Arjuntonia plans to continue with Mordor for as long as possible.

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