Baranxtuan French

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Baranxtuan French is the name given to the regional varieties of French spoken in Baranxtu. Although the official form of French is the standard version, most dialects differ more or less from it; the influences of other languages such as Baranxeï or Halami are especially noticeable.

Four major branches of dialects in Baranxtu are distinguished - Siraggian French (le français Siranguenais), Gileγan French (le français Guilègrois), Leuβan French (le français Leuvien) and Izanan French (le français Itisandois).

Each branch has its own differences regarding vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. Whereas a few decades ago, most francophones in Baranxtu had little exposure to Standard French and difficulties understanding it, younger generations are more fluent in the standard language. This came at a cost of the dialects; the percentage of francophones in Baranxtu fluent in one of the dialects has decreased from 95.2% in 1960 to 67.5% in 2005.

Siraggian French

Gileγan French

Leuβan French

Izanan French

Languages of Baranxtu
Official Languages:
Asuaneï | Baranxeï | Baranxtuan Sign Language | English | French | Nidajii
Other Languages:
Baranxtuan French | Chicoutim | Masenar | Phipul | Qi