Citizenship and immigration in San Adriano

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This article deals with the facts and policies pertaining to immigration, citizenship and nationality in San Adriano. Immigration and citizenship are regulated under the 2119 Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration Amendment Act.

Immigration: overview

The Sovereign Village of San Adriano is a minuscule microstate with a tiny population and land area. With no available space to build new housing, the country relies on emigration balancing its natural population increase -as Sanadrianese reaching adulthood marry foreigners or leave for job opportunities abroad- to keep the population from growing beyond sustainability. Consequently, immigration laws are extremely restrictive.

Acquisition of citizenship

Any person who acquires Sanadrianese nationality automatically acquires citizenship upon attaining adulthood. However, only resident citizens may vote and participate in the country's political life. Dual nationality (and dual citizenship) is recognised. Any person with Sanadrianese nationality has the theoretical right to reside in San Adriano, but for obvious reasons no additional housing will be built to accomodate them.

Persons born in San Adriano and of Sanadrianese descent

Any person born on Sanadrianese territory automatically acquires Sanadrianese nationality, provided one of the child's parents at least has Sanadrianese nationality.

Persons born in San Adriano of foreign parents

A person born in San Adriano of two foreign parents does not acquire Sanadrianese nationality, except if his or her nationality cannot be ascertained, or if he or she has no nationality. If a child acquires Sanadrianese nationality under such circumstances, his or her parents are not entitled to Sanadrianese nationality, except if they have no nationality either or their nationality cannot be ascertained.

In such cases, Sanadrianese authorities would generally try to reach an agreement with Uhuh-Topia whereby the parents and child may be granted residency rights in Uhuh-Topia. This to avoid granting them Sanadrianese nationality.

Persons born abroad and of Sanadrianese descent

A person born abroad of two Sanadrianese parents obtains, at birth, Sanadrianese nationality. That person's children, however, will not have Sanadrianese nationality unless they are born in San Adriano and reside there at least 50 months during the first five years of their life.

A person born abroad of one Sanadrianese and one non-Sanadrianese parent does not obtain Sanadrianese nationality, unless he or she has no other nationality at birth.


A person with no Sanadrianese descent may not obtain Sanadrianese nationality -and may not, therefore, obtain permanent residency rights- unless he or she marries a Sanadrianese. Any person who marries a Sanadrianese automatically obtains Sanadrianese nationality upon request.

Uhuh-Topians benefit from special immigration rights. A person with Uhuh-Topian citizenship may obtain Sanadrianese nationality if he or see is deemed by the Sanadrianese Parliament to have skills "of significant value to the Sanadrianese nation". Any such immigrant is required to be proficient in either Italian or Wymgani.


San Adriano will, whenever possible, direct refugee applicants to Uhuh-Topia, and seek a bilateral agreement with the Uhuh-Topian government so that the prospective refugee may settle in Uhuh-Topia. If no agreement is reached, the Sanadrianese Parliament is empowered to decide whether to grant Sanadrianese nationality to the refugee.

Renouncing Sanadrianese nationality

There are few restrictions on renouncing Sanadrianese nationality, for oneself and for one's legal dependents. The child of a person having renounced Sanadrianse nationality may reclaim Sanadrianese nationality upon reaching adulthood, if the child had Sanadrianese nationality prior to his or her parent(s) renouncing it.

Uhuhland Union citizens

Citizens of Ariddia, West Ariddia, North-West Ariddia, Uhuh-Topia, Uhuh-Ropa and ESAT are covered by the Uhuhland Council’s Freedom of Movement Act 2119, and may enter San Adriano and settle there as they wish. They are required only to show proof of identity upon arrival.

This legislation was enacted by the Uhuhland Union's supranational Council against the Sanadrianese government's wishes. San Adriano immediately requested that citizens of these countries refrain from settling in San Adriano, and any applicant is told that his or her settling in the country would be extremely inconveniant. No person obtaining residency rights under this law may obtain Sanadrianese nationality. At present, nobody has settled in San Adriano by this means. The Sanadrianese government is currently seeking an exemption to the law for itself.