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Flag of Muftwafa
Motto: The Muftwafa is Bombing a City Near You!
No Map Available Yet
Region Ninja and Communist Facists
Capital Mufasra
Official Language(s) English, Spanish, Chinese, Muftwafish
Leader Ninja Mufasa
Population 101M +
Currency The Leaf (¬) 
NS Sunset XML

Muftwafa is a Nation that is just surviving in a region where there is turmoil after their nation's effective collapse into smaller states to create the region 'Ninja and Communist Facists' (See below). The nation has undergone more change in the last 10 years than most country's in their entire existance. There is hope for the Muftwafe that stay true to the state with the religion Mufasan saying that 600 Mufasa will rule over the land to great effect though the recent turmoil in the region iss not convincing anyone. The country however is only on the 2nd Mufasa with the 1st dying in a terrorist blast on the capital, this caused terrying results which echoe accross the globe to this day!

Nation: Muftwafa
Capital: Mufasra
Leader: Ninja Mufasa

The Province of Mufasrata and its capital Mufasra of the great Nation of Muftwafa has long been of great standing in the North East of Asia, it is in part in the old Manchuria and North Korea becoming more profitable and economically favourable in recent years.

Culture & History of the Muftwafa

The Muftwafan State Culture ranges from the Techno to a British Tudor Style, the country has seen many changes since its time in the British Empire (1400-1899). When the British Empire gave up its rule over the small nation (only a Port City large) it immediately began to grab the land around it (Manchuria, N.Korea) until in 1928 the chinese claimed sovreignty over the nation and sent in a task force of 2,000,000 and a massive struggle took place with over 400,000 casualties on both sides but Muftwafa defeated. Amazingly the rule of Muftwafa was short with the arrival of Japan and WW2, after the entire male population of the time was drafted into the army Muftwafa became a major Stopover point on the way down to further parts of China for Japan. After it was cut off by the US Japan began to suffer badly in its foreign landsp proving that Muftwafa is a great and influential State which gained independece from it US 'protectors' during a Russian invasion and a well timed rebellion which set up a new Facist goverment in 1948. The new state of Muftwafa lead by the 1st Mufasa was growing rapidly and was supporting by important figures throughout the surrounding region who quickly sided with and were assimilated into the new state. Some of these include 'Mitton' and 'Nom Kalonia' who later joined up to become the new province of 'Zrack' in 1992. Some of these new states however joined with a price of new terrorist groups sprouting up, and, in April 1996 the war of the True Lands came into passing splitting the country in 3 places where the current borders lie.

The War of the True Lands

The War of the True Lands defined the region and since no terrorist activity has been officially recorded in Muftwafa. The war began after the acclamation of a new region now in the country of Ninjatsu Triad on 4th June 1993, although the goverment at the time beleived that joining Muftwfa would solve the economic crisis gripping the country many people were against it saying that their cultural heritage was at stake, a new terrorist group Ninjatsu Trimanica sprang up in opposition and placed several attacks upon key city's in Muftwafa damaging mainly public places and monuments of the state.Mufasa State's (1/600) palace was bombed on 4th April 1996 with the entire west side being blown apart and the 1st Mufasa killed in a heroic way of covering the body of the 3rd Mufasa with his own. The repercussions of this spread and on 9th april the Ninjatsu Triad declared a state of war between themselves and its allies (Zuura, Complchi) and Muftwafa. The stunned goverment only realised the seriousness of the statement when another 2 states flocked to the seperatists with over 200,000 troops. Along with the other region's their army now numbered 1.5 million a challenge to the Muftwafan army of only 2 million at the time, all reamining Muftwafan regions were forced to place compulsory recruiting posts to create a larger army, these measures brought forth a further 600,000 men from the remaining 26 regions however another swore alleigance to the Triad when these were put into place. The new Muftwfan Imperialist and Facist Siege Army (12/26) was put into action for the first time on April 29th 1996 when on capturing a town were immediately attacked and forced to defend from a force 3000 stronger than themselves, they did so successfully though were then forced out embarrissingly by some local residents who were later found suspicously murdered when the town was re-captured. This town (Zumantha) was to become a major battle point in the war with over 47 battles taking place in its streets and over 1 million soldiers dying near. On August 19th 1998 the war was treatied with over 5 million dead and the country split into 11. The splitting of the countries was seen as expected with many suddenly declaring peace in the middle of the war and Ninjatsu Triad gaining 2 more regions to its cause. In the final parts of seperation from Muftwafa the state demanded no more seperation and concluded that force would be used in any was tried, in the eastern most part of the country 2 states tried to free themselves from Muftwafa's country but were quashed after a month with the entire remainder of the army and the Serene Repblic of The Red Dots on the western coast claimed independence and conscripted all its men and women on 18-35 into the military as well as a Chinese mercenary force of 2 million, Muftwafa was unable to stop this new force which became the last major seperation until 2005 (The Killing-Fields). The war was over and Muftwafa was only just able to struggle on though has since started to regrow with subsequent invasions of resouce rich islands of Japan.

The Killing-Fields

The Land known as 'The Free Land of the Killing-Fields' was the last country to claim independence from Muftwafa on 4th April 2005 at the beginning of the war celebrations which many claim ot was unjustified to do so on such a date. The independence movement had only started 4 months before but had threatened militant action if independence was not granted. In the first 3 months nothing happened and the movement was ignored but a weeks efore the celebrations were to take place the 3rd Mufasa and 1st in line to the throne was kidnapped during a presentation on the wonders of Muftwafa after the War of the True Lands. After an agonizing wait the Goverment promised independence for his safe return, it is however debatable on whether this was a good move as it shows that only force is listened to in Muftwafa a message repeated even after The War of the True Lands. The Killing-Fields is a small nation and economists beleive it might even be a good thing for Muftwafa's economy that the nation seperated as it is a nation where beef is the MAIN business proving their 'backward' status.

The Capital City of Muftwafa - Mufasra

Nation: Muftwafa - City of Mufasra
Function: Goverment House and Economic Capital
Population: 26 Million
Leader: Lord Mayor Lancras

The capital of Muftwafa as was explained before an English port town though was previoulsy built on an old and ritualistic civilistation which the current people now look upon with disdain and contempt. The city is rather successful as a city not seeing one battle on its streets and few plaugues, though it has had 17 bombings in recent revolutionary years the most recent being that of the bombing of the Palace in 1996 and to this day the death of Mufasa is remembered annually. The city itself is renowned throughout the world as one of the only facist regimes NOT opposed by the USA or China and is therefore a city where science of illegal subjects in other countries flourishes and new technologies are invented every month. This causes massive living costs in Mufasra with constant updating systems, it is for this reason analysts beleive that the average house price has risen to ¬4,000,000 (leaves) in central Mufasra. There are few countries prviildeged enough to own an embassy int he capital as numbers are limiting in the extreme but a few of these include :

Cravan Toopoxia Pythogria

These places situated in Satyr square would typically cost over ¬12,000,000 though were given to the countries as gifts of the people. The only custom of the city is the anual 'Leaving of the Colonies',on 15th August at 2:16pm exactly all the members of the populas shout '生活对海的领土!' or 'Life to the realms of the Sea'. The economic progress shows no signs of slowing and Mufasra looks forward to many centuries of Mufasa rule.

The Grand Army of the Colony

Ever since the war of The True Lands Muftwafa has maintained an army larger than 20 million consisting of the conscripted and the volunteers. The army was given the title of grand after the successful invasion of a previously Russian held city in Kamcatchka were oil was rich an sometimes gushed right out onto the streets. The grand army is now spread out across the region of Ninja and Communist Facists as a peace keeping force and a political maneouvre to re-enforece their political views on certain influential discisions. Some of the nations pressurized by the Grand Army include 'The Federation of Pregnant Chickens' who were forced to minimalize their economy to relatively nothing compared to other nations in the region at the time of 2nd of May 2006 the GDP was only $6000 dollars compared to the $28,000 of the red dots and $26,000 of the Muftwafa; this in the mind of the Muftwafans is a good move to restrict the growing and emerging powers of the new Republics states in the region.

The army currently contains 23M people and has over 200 nuclear arms to use if war becomes a major priority, so many are in the army inMuftwafa simply because it the offers the highest paid jobs in the country.