Negative Matter

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Negative Matter
Flag of Negative Matter
Motto: In God We Trust
Region Asian Continent
Capital Baotou
Official Language(s) English, Chinese, Mongolian, German
Leader Quentin Fahr
Population approx. 2,150,000,000
Currency Negatron 
NS Sunset XML

The Democratic People's Republic of Negative Matter is a massive, safe nation, notable for its complete lack of prisons. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 2.15 billion enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.


The Independent Tribes Period (before 1615)

Before 1615, Negative Matter was only a collection of various Mongol and Chinese tribes. The different tribes did not fight against each other, but it was not until China under the Ming Dynasty threatened to conquer the land that a young leader, Ping Tse, rose up to unite the various tribes. In 1612, he started to unite the tribes, although it did not happen without resistance, especially from the Mongol tribes. However, by 1615, what would today become Negative Matter was firmly in his control.

The Ping Dynasty (1615 to 1882)

Although Ping Tse did not officially name the dynasty he started, it is known to all today as the Ping Dynasty. Ping Tse, who ruled Negative Matter until his death in 1671, is probably the best loved of all of Negative Matter's rulers. He is known for being a kind ruler, balancing force with gentleness and justice with mercy. In fact, today he is sometimes known as "The People's Emperor." He also welcomed in European missionaries, who introduced their customs to Negative Matter, hence Negative Matter's European and Christian influence. The rulers that followed were decent rulers, and the people were content, until the rise of Emperor Bing Dao, who murdered his entire family in 1875 in order to take the throne. He was a tyrannical ruler, brutally crushing dissent and engaging in random killing sprees. There is a rumor that he used to eat the flesh and drink the blood of his victims. By 1882, the people had started several rebellions, all of which were quickly crushed. But also by then, newcomers were on the horizon.

The German Occupation (1882 to 1943)

It was the height of the Age of Imperialism, and the Germans were seeking new colonies in Asia. Eventually, they landed at the port of Qinhuangdao, and marched into Negative Matter. Emperor Bing tried to resist their advances, but the people were not on his side. The army staged a coup, and welcomed the Germans with open arms, who set up a colony in Negative Matter. Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who ruled from 1882 to 1904, and his successor Klaus Schloss, who governed from 1904 to 1933, are remembered fondly for keeping the people's interests in mind. However, by 1933, a new ruler, Johann von Affe, rose to power in Negative Matter. Following in the footsteps of his idol and boss, Adolf Hitler, he was a psychotic dictator. He set up his own concentration camp in Baotou, where "undesirable people," basically meaning anyone who was not German, were tortured, experimented on, and then killed, sometimes by von Affe himself. But, in 1943, Allied forces in World War II liberated Negative Matter and put an end to von Affe's evil regime.

Civil War and the Split (1943 to 1990)

Allied forces stayed in Negative Matter until the end of World War II in 1945. When they left, the country, without a leader, began a bloody civil war between the Mongols in the north and the Chinese in the south. In 1953, the country split into two parts. Each part was ruled by a dictator, at least until 1985. In 1985, the people of North Negative Matter rebelled against their dictator, and set up a republic under President Bayanmong Khan. President Khan, who claimed to be descended from the great Mongol conqueror Chinggis Khan, began talks with South Negative Matter, and in 1990, in an elaborate ceremony, the two Negative Matters were united again.

The First Republic (1990 to 2005)

The newly united Negative Matter decided to become a republic, and President Khan was elected President. The early republic, known as the First Republic, was very different than the republic of today, as it was more authoritarian. In 1993, President Khan stepped down, and Dr. Miao Pei was elected in his place. President Miao began to implement more democratic reforms, and realizing that the constitution dated back to the time of Emperor Ping Tse, ordered the development of a new constitution. In 1997, the constitution was ratified in a referendum, and the Second Republic was proclaimed. President Miao served for 7 more years, and his vice president Rev. Tom Grace was elected President in the 2004 election. In July 2005, President Grace stepped aside as President for 1 month, as his wife was about to give birth, and Dan Lee, Speaker of the Congress, took his place. In December 2005, Quentin Fahr rose to power in Negative Matter, by undiscovered means.

The Revolution (2005 to present)


Prior to Quentin Fahr's rise to power, Negative Matter was a liberal democracy, governed by its Constitution. The executive branch was composed of the President, Vice President, and Cabinet. The legislative branch consisted of the 500-member United People's Congress, and the judicial branch was led by the Supreme Court. It is not known how Negative Matter under General Fahr will run, except that the aforementioned institutions of the Republic will remain, at least in name.

Geography and Climate

Negative Matter is located in East Asia. It shares boundaries with (running clockwise from the northwest) The Iron Fish, Mongolian Swedes, Trilateral Commission, and Chunglora. Most of Negative Matter is steepe. The southeast is made up of hills and plains, the southwest is mountainous, and the Gobi Desert is located in the north central region. The climate of Negative Matter is heavily influenced by the monsoons. Most areas experience long, hot, humid summers, long, frigid, dry winters, and short springs and autumns in between.


Negative Matter is a socialist state, where most industries and corporations are either directly or indirectly controlled by the government. Despite this, Negative Matter has one of the strongest economies in Asia, leading it particularly in the Gambling industry. Its nominal GDP is nearly $80 trillion, and its nominal GDP per capita is nearly $37,000.


Negative Matter is an ethnically and religiously diverse country. The Han Chinese are the largest group, making up 43% of the population. The Germans make up the second largest group, with 15% of the population, followed by the Mongols with 10%. Negative Matter has a considerable number of mixed-race people, who make up 25%. 5% of Negative Matterians belong to other races. In terms of religion, Christians form the majority, with 68% of the population adhering to the faith. Buddhists form a significant minority, with 22%, as well as Muslims, with 5%, particularly in the southwest. 5% of people belong to other religions, including 0.2% who subscribe to no religion.

Other Facts

Negative Matter's official animal is the beaver.

Its official pastime is baseball.

It is a member of the Asian Union, and was formerly a member of the United Nations.