New Avalon

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New Avalon
Nation: Rastabann
Function: Capital
Population: TBA
Leader: Prince Daniel Rastaban

New Avalon is often referred to as the city where time stopped. The buildings haven't change much since going from mud brick to expertly cut stone.

Electricity, plumbing, and such are probably the only touch of modern day technology that is in the city. Automobiles aren't allowed, but bicycles are. It is to help preserve the ancient buildings and not damage them with pollution. The choice of mode around the great city is foot, horse, or carriage.

Scholars believe that the traveling groups, or tribes, that eventually made up the Six Houses, were nomadic Druids (because of some magic), or possibly from Atlantis (mythologically speaking, it had influence on the Greeks and Druids), or a mix of both. The architecture seems to be an Atlantiean/Greek, but with a slight twist to it.

There is a year-round bazaar that draws all walks of life. All types of merchandise from through out Rastaban and other countries can be found there. Great theaters can be found through out the city. The most famous of them all is Fuchi Grove, known for its spectacular actors that come strait from the Grove family.

There are four main temples in New Avalon, one for each of its cardinal gods (Sui, Ho'huang, Toboga, & Ois'in). Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday one of the temple holds a type of celebration. (Check the temples for the exact times.) Each is worth seeing if you follow the nation's main religion or not. There are also temples for secondary gods (check with the temples for the exact times and dates for celebrations).

The temples aren't your traditional stone and mortar. Most visitors would think they were gardens or parks were it not for the priests and priestesses that are in them (though there are parks and gardens within the city). Rastabites believe of worshipping in nature, with no building that separates them from the natural energy they create magic with and helps them commune with the gods. The temple workers do though live in stone buildings.

New Avalon is also known for many other things, such as its artisans (everything from painters to tailors) and street performers (who often use magic).

For one to really understand what New Avalon is like one as to see the sights, smell the smells, and tastes the life that is heart of the Queendom of Rastaban.

New Avalon is one of the few cities that can be found within the Queendom that hasn't changed with the times. Most have cars bustling down the streets, and wires running everywhere, but not this city stopped in time. It’s a great way to see how the ancient people of Rastaban lived.

The leader, or rather mayor of the city is none other than Prince Daniel of Rastaban. He recently was elected by the people of New Avalon to govern them. The term of mayor is four years, Prince Daniel is just starting his term.