Pantocratorian Archipelago

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Map (click on map for larger version):
Pantocratoria, The Resurgent Dream, Gaiapolis
Western Atlantic

The Pantocratorian Archipelago is a network of islands in the North Western Atlantic first discovered by Europeans in the 15th century when the Knights of the Order of the Pantocrator and a fleet of refugees from Byzantium landed there by chance. Some islands have a native population of Aboriginal Pantocratorians, sometimes called Pantocratorian Indians. The largest island comprises the Pantocratorian mainland, and Pantocratoria occupies the majority of the archipelago, although two islands, the Principality of Kagerlund and the Kingdom of Finara, are part of the Confederation of The Resurgent Dream. Gaiapolis is a Vivliothekian colony directly south east of Kagerlund. There are several unoccupied islands, but Pantocratoria asserts its right to approve settlement on any of the archipelago's land masses. Heregos, one such island, is inhabited by a community of Allaneans considered illegal by most of the region.
