Paul Pullman

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Paul Pullman
Term of Office
March 11, 2005-
Annete Pullman
Political Party
New Conservative
Vice President
Kevin Dunne

Paul Pullman (born January 11, 1950) in the current President of New Felix. Previously he had served as the first Wysterian Union Chancellor, The Vice President of New Felix from 1990-1995, and as a senator from Neagleville.

Early Political Career and Life

President Pullman was born in Neagleville, New Felix to Nikolai Pullman, an influential senator and President Pullman's major inspiration. He Graduated from Neagleville University with degrees in political science and history in 1975 and got himself a job as an assistant to his father.

In 1979, Nikolai Pullman decided to retire, and endorsed Pullman to take over his post. Pullman won the senate election and became the youngest New Felix Senator in 1980. As a senator, Pullman supported middle class tax cuts, and expansion of the War on Drugs, and a more fiscally conservative government. He was re-elected to his senate seat five times.

Vice Presidency


In 1990, Incumbent Vice President John Petersen chose Senator Pullman to become his running mate in the upcoming election , facing Liberal Candidates Governor Erik O'Neil and Governor Stephen Sheldon. At first, Pullman was heavily criticized as being too young and inexperienced to take on the Vice Presidency, but a brilliant performance in the Vice-Presidential Debate quickly halted the attacks. The Petersen/Pullman ticket went on to defeat O'Neil/Sheldon ticket by a 54-45 margin. Pullman was sworn in as Vice President of New Felix in 1991.

During his first term as Vice President, Pullman worked with Foreign Minister Thomas Iselin to craft a new age foreign policy for the 1990s, which included a stronger assertion of Felixan Values to the International Community and creating a new era of alliances where the combined actions of multiple nations could work together to solve the problems of Wysteria.


In 1992, President Petersen and Vice President Pullman faced re-election, but their prospects had dimmed. The economy was slowly recovering from a recession, and the election season began with moderate New Conservative Senator Alexei Spalding challanging the President for re-election. In a bitter primary season, the Petersen/Pullman ticket barely survived the challenge with lasted up until the conservative convention. In addition, when Spalding failed to secure the New Conservative Nomination , he started a third party candidacy that attracted many moderate voters.

The Progressive Liberal Party nominated Senator Leonard Sykes and Congressman Ivan Marchant to challange the Petersen/Pullman ticket. For most of the election they held a commanding lead over the Petersen/Pullman ticket, but with three weeks before the election, a scandal involving Sykes receiving bribes from special interest groups as a senator broke out. In addition, President Petersen gave two great performances in the debates held that year. In one of the closest elections in New Felix history, The Petersen/Pullman ticket barely survived re-election with 44% of the vote to Sykes's 42%, with Spalding receiving 14% of the vote. Vice President Pullman was inaugurated for a second term in February 1993.

During his second term as Vice President, Pullman concentrated on economic affairs. He frequently addressed Parliament in hope of passing economic legislation to boost New Felix's automobile and information technology sectors. In addition, he lead a massive campaign to stop the spread of AIDS across Wysteria.

Despite President Petersen and Vice President Pullman's efforts, the economy still did not improve. During the 1994 election, the Progressive Liberal Party nominated Governor Boris Smith and Senator Ned Pistapoch to challange President Petersen's run for a third term. The Smith/Pistapoch ticket lead consistenly throughout the camapign, and won the election by a 55-44 percent margin. With the election defeat, Pullman's Vice Presidential years ended in February 1995.

Post Vice Presidency

Pullman showed dignity in his Vice Presidential Defeat. After the loss, he retired back to his home in Neagleville to take a break from politics. That didn't stop him from addressing the 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003 New Conservative Conventions. He helped raise funds for New Conservative Candidates, and maintained a behind the scenes role in his helping his party.

Wysterian Union Chancellory

In 2004 with the formation of the Wysterian Union, a candidate from New Felix was chosen to get the organization on its feet. In an attempt to show bi-partisanship, President Ned Pistapoch nominated Pullman for the position. Pullman was sworn in as the first Chancellor of the Wysterian Union.

Pullman's term as Chancellor helped establish the organization on an international level, establishing the Wysterian Union captial city of Vereinstadt, establishing a Rapid-Reaction WU force, and setting basic human rights in the WU.


After Pullman's term as Wysterian Union Chancellor expired in December 2004, Pullman entered himself in the 2004-05 election race for President. He prevailed in a very easy primary season, and chose Senator Kevin Dunne as his running mate for the election.

The Pullman/Dunne ticket challenged Incumbent President Ned Pistapoch and Vice President Geoff Bradley in the aftermath of the Munisha War. With the economy booming, the Pistapoch/Bradley ticket held the lead in the beginning of the election. However, Pullman shifted the focus to the New Felix War on Drugs and launched a series of attacks on President Pistapoch, attempting to appeal to middle class suburban families. In the closest election in New Felix History, Pullman prevailed in a 50-49 election battle.

Shortly after Pullman became the President-Elect, President Pistapoch's daughter, Jacquelyn, being kidnapped and murdered by Koivuusi drug lords. Pistapoch under executive orders delayed the Pullman inauguration for one month and kept the kidnapping secret. In response, President-elect Pullman asked the Supreme Court to overrule the executive order. With the world completely bemused about why Pistapoch had delayed the Pullman inauguration, Vice President Bradley told of the Jacquelyn Pistapoch kidnapping one day before the Supreme Court decided to overrule the executive order and continue with the Pullman Inauguration. Only a few days after Pullman became the 17th President of New Felix, Jacquelyn Pistapoch's body was found in Koivuusi.

Vowing to avenge Jacquelyn Pistapoch's death, Pullman ordered an all out offensive against drugs. He ordered Vice President Dunne to form a Senate Drug Commission in order to analyze the Wysterian Drug Trade, and appointed General Irvin Marshall as Drug Czar. Pullman also deployed National Guard troops to seaports and authorized the intelligence community to operate domestically in order to bring down drug traffickers. With eight months into the Pullman Presidency, the War on Drugs has been his defining theme and image.



Pullman has always opposed abortion throughout his poltical career, although he has acknowledged that outlawing abortion would not reduce the amount of abortions per year. However, he has constantly favored legislation to outlaw partial birth abortions.

Death Penalty

In his early senate years, Pullman was a proponent of the death penalty for drug traffickers and terrorists. However, starting with his first Vice Presidential bid, Pullman has changed his position to being against the death penalty.

Drug Policy

Pullman favors an all out offensive against drug traffickers using police and federal agents. Under advice from the Senate Drug Commission, he has also approved the use of National Guard troops to work against drug traffickers. However, Pullman refuses to allow full military intervention in the War on Drugs.


Pullman's Senate Record confirms an anti-environmental political agenda. He favors taking funds away from environmental protection and focusing more on education and commerce.


Pullman generally favors gun control legislation, but vehemetly opposes any political plan to outlaw guns. He has stated that "we should be focusing more on creating a better environment for our kids to grow up in rather than taking away people's guns."


Pullman is a strong advocate of universal healthcare and has increased the healthcare budget during his term. He also votes in favor of Veteran and Senior benefits.

Military Action

Pullman strongly favors using the military as a very last resort to settle international disputes. He is vehemetly opposed to unilateralism and prefers negotiations before military action is taken.


Pullman is strongly anti-tax, and has taken numerous initiatives to lower taxes for the lower class. During his eight months as President, New Felix income tax levels went from #5 in Wysteria to #55.


Pullman favors a "tough on terror" policy, but is strongly opposed to taking away privacy in the name of fighting terrorism. He has supported initiatives to put more anti-terrorist agents on the streets and has taken measures to increase police funding to deal with terrorism.


Pullman is a major proponent of free-trade. He supports Wysterian Union free trade agreements and has negotiated several bilateral agreements during his Presidency.

See Also

New Felix Election 1990-1991

New Felix Election 1992-1993

External Links

Preceded by:
Ned Pistapoch
President of New Felix
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
John Petersen
Vice President of New Felix
Succeeded by:
Ned Pistapoch