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Flag of Redmire
Motto: United and Together We Are The Ultimate Shield
No Map Available Yet
Region Isles of Arden
Capital Walled City of Sanctuary Fortress
Official Language(s) English
Leader Frank Archer
Population 3.846 billion
Currency Bloodstars 
NS Sunset XML

The Sacred Haven of Redmire is a massive, safe nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its compassionate, cynical population of 3.846 billion are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet. It's current Dictator is Frank Archer. Redmire lies west of Drizzts and south-west of The Zoogie People. Redmire also occupies and earth sized planet named Socratis

Climate and Geography

Redmire is a large island country about the size of Australia, only slightly bigger. Redmire is defined by the fog surrounding the ocean around Redmire and is also defined by the giant stone wall that runs around the country(although broken in some places due to nature and man), Redmire is mostly urban with nature mixed in, no matter where you go there will always be trees and plants(this due to Redmire being Pro-Nature). Redmire is an all around nice place with the best weather in the Isles of Arden. It is pleasantly warm year round with snow in the winter.


Redmire is mostly made up of Native Redmire People with 12% being from other countries in the Isles of Arden. The population is closely tied to the government and the military, the government being compassionate (although at times strict) and the military providing around the clock protection.

Redmire people are generally intelligent, compassionate and militaristic. The culture centers around helping others and believing good always triumphs over evil, to be selfish is frowned upon. The people of Redmire are also very nationalistic and strongly support their country when it comes to war, people enlist by the thousands; To be in the military is honor and pride and to not be in the military is shame. Redmire funds it's military almost to a point of national bankruptcy. Redmire laws are strictly enforced and most carry the death penalty, due to this crime is almost non existance, although it does happen. Gangs or any sort of group that promotes vandalism or crime is strictly outlawed and any gang or mafia member caught in public will be shot on site, Redmire has been succesfull in enforcing this although some accidents have happened.


Redmire has an extremely large military that is well trained, well equipped and ruthless towards anyone threatning the safety of Redmires people. Divisions include:

Basic Ground Infantry is basically normal soldiers.

Advance Ground Infantry are soldiers that have been biomechanically enhanced to improve combat efficiency and recieved additional training(training for use of enhancements)

  • Air Force

Self Explanitory...

Training and deployement of Fighter Pilots for Redmire Ships

Training Crew and Captains for Redmire battle ships

  • Combat Vehicles Division, C.V.D.

Training Tank operators, Vehicle Specialists etc...

Training Mech Pilots

Training Select Pilots to operate Evangelion Defense units to protect The Walled City of Sanctuary Fortress, invite only.

Select Soldiers biomechanically enhanced and equipped with advance weaponry. Soldiers recognized for wearing Tactical Combat Armor, TCA.

The Redmire military has never been officially in a conflict. Noteworthy acomplishments include:

  • Finding and colonizing the planet of Socratis
  • Finally defeating and eradicating(completely destroying)the nation of Drizzts, causing it to cease to exist.


The most popular sport in Redmire is combat racing otherwise known as the IGPX. The sport, born from Redmires research into Mechs and their applications in non-military uses; is very popular in Redmire and has gained a large audience. So large infact that Redmire built an entire city was built for the racing industry where competitions take place on a huge, 60-mile track. The sport is also an important part of Redmire's economy, Redmires economy is generally poor due to the various projects Redmire undertakes and what little revenue and money Redmire gets from taxes is generally not enough. Fortunately the sport is popular with other nations and people travel to Redmire to witness this one-of-a-kind-event and will pay lots of money, the tourism the IGPX generates is important to Redmires economy.