South Lorenya

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South Lorenya
Flag of South Lorenya
Motto: By the Dragons, For the Dragons
Region The Three Kingdoms
Capital Rinnora
Official Language(s) English, Dragonic
Leader King DragonAtma
Population 1.06 billion
Currency Rupee 
NS Sunset XML

The Kingdom of South Lorenya

The Kingdom of South Lorenya is a kingdom of peaceful, human-sized Dragons (western, not eastern) on what corresponds to Earth's southern China (the provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, and Guizhou). The nation is a constitutional monarchy, with DragonAtma serving as both King and President. He is quite willing to let someone else take the top elected post, but election after election the voters give him a double-digit lead.

UN Categorization

As of right now, South Lorenya is described as "Liberal Democratic Socialists". Most of the time, however, it is categorized as a Left-Wing Utopia with occasional forays into Scandinavian Liberal Paradise and Civil Rights Lovefest. With crime being totally unknown and the nation repeatedly leading the region in kindness (oh, how cute those kittens are!), the government spends a surprising amount of time with nothing to do.


As a nation run and occupied by Dragons, not humans, visitors are often surprised by how the cities are designed. Roads -- even "major" roads -- are generally two-lane, as automobiles are a rare occurence (why drive when you can fly?). Apartment buildings and office towers are commonplace and famous for having doors on nearly every floor, as it's no big deal to fly up to to the 40th floor and enter the building there. Elevators and standard entrances are still in place, however, as they provide entry to human visitors and a way for residents to visit fellow tenants in inclement weather without heading outside.


By human standards the military would be so low South Lorenya is asking its neighbors to conquer it, but such rules do not apply when you have bulletproof scales and fiery breath. As a majority of the residents match the power of a fighter jet despite being unarmed, a repeat of Lilliput's ill-fated 1971 invasion is highly unlikely.


The 2007 census shows that the vast majority of South Lorenya is atheist, with the rest being mainly agnostic:

  • Atheist -- 94.18%
  • Agnostic -- 4.13%
  • Flying Spaghetti Monster Worship -- 1.19%
  • Invisible Pink Unicorn Worship -- 0.43%
  • Church of the Holy Dingleberry -- 0.07%
  • Other -- <0.01%

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