The Glorious Empire (Democratic Union)

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Diabolus Imperiosus di Glorificus Imperiosus
The Satanic Empire of the Glorious Empire
Pitaflag4yg.png File:TGE COA 2
Flag and Coat of Arms of The Glorious Empire

Senatus Populusque Romanus
Anthem: Giovinezza
Capital Novus Roma (24,603,482)
Largest City Novus Roma
Spoken languages
 - Official

Government Fascist Empire
Head of State and Head of Government Imperator George Pita
Governing Body Roman Senate
 - Total
 - % water

4,820,666 km²
 - Total (2006)

GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (CR)
  - GDP/capita (CR)
  - Total (USD)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

National animal
English name

The Greater German Reich the Glorious Empire
Currency 1 Denarius (RM)
Time Zone +0400 / +0500
International abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Naval craft classification
  - Military
  - Civilian

Pronunciation (IPA) /The Glorious Empire/
Internet TLD .tge
Calling code +666

NSEconomy Pipian XML

The Satanic Empire of the Glorious Empire (Latin:Diabolus Imperiosus of Glorificus Imperiosus) or TGE is a highly Industralized Empire in the Democratic Union. It is comprised of the Imperialia Peninsula, and the Lands Immeadalty north of the Peninsula.

At first The Peninsula was home to a Neo-Roman Tribe that developed a highly sofistacted Culture and Conquered the Rest of the various Germanic Tribes to the north. The Nation has undergone more revoluions, coup'd tats, and Civil wars than all of the DU Combined. The nation is the "Boogy man" for all of the Nations of the Democratic Union, often being the only thing that unifies old enemies to defeat the Armies of the Glorious Empire witch are some of the best trained and Equipped troops in the DU.

The Empire, as the Name Sugests is Mainly Roman. All Important Government offices have been held by those of the Neo-Roman Culture and Every leader was born in Imperialia. The Only official and Accepted language is Latin, while other Languages are repressed in side the Glorious Empire. The Glorious Empire is the Largest Producer in the Democratic Union. everything from Weapons to watches is Made in the Glorious Empire Cheaply and Quickly. Thus The Glorious Empire Comprises most of the Regional Economy. The Glorious Empire is known to sell anything to any one.

Recently However a catastrophe that destroyed the Ozone layer over TGE has caused Mutations in the TGE People causing them not to appear Human, and in fact they Dont Consider themselves Human

However the Hole has been Repaired, and TGE has become, a Stable Empire


The Nation was founded, when the cataclysmic event that destroyed the Imperial Race ended. THe Glorious Empire's people took control of all of the main lands and soon began to take a hold in the region. The Corrino Emperors of the Imperal Race took control of these tribes and the Empire was born.


The Glorious Empire has always been, and will always be, the antagonist of the rest of the region. Being the "evil" nation that the region rallies against to prevent total destruction.

The Imperium

The Imperium of the Glorious Empire, was an Ancient Monarchy of the Imperial Race, that took control and soon became "God-Emperors" they ruled the Largest Empire in the DU for quite some time, and managed to find loopholes in several binding treaties that prevented, the might of the Glorious Empire from being used. However with the Invasion of Murky Moray the region began to take notice. The Murky Moray military was swiflty crushed and a Lengthy occupation began Resulting in massive executions of the Murky Moray People. After Pressure from the International League of Liberation (ILL), and a Threat of Invasion by the UN, the GLorious EMpire pulled out.

However Solray launched an attack against the Glorious Empire. Suprsingly, the Solist Forces Prevailed, as the Imperial Army was spread thin by threats of invasion, and actual invasions be many other nations including the ILL. The Glorious Empire surrendered and fell into a depression.

The State of The Glorious Empire

The State of the Glorious Empire Existed Just after the Imperium Fell, It was the main agressor in The First DU War, but after its defeat The Empire fell into Depression. Casuing Pita to Claim Power

The Hell Dominion

The Hell Dominion was created, when George Pita Declared himself a God and Established his Capital at New Rome. He was declared by Many Christians as The Anti-Christ and many Christians dubbed this new Cult forming around the Emperor, Satanism, The Name Stuck.

The Ozone Disaster

The Ozone Disaster made the Glorious Empire uninhabitable to all but the native people and created a region-wide environmental crisis.

After centuries of industrial production, the ozone layer around the Glorious Empire collapsed, creating a burning hole in the DU. The influx of radiation darkened the skies, killed many plants and animals, and led to the TGEian "Evolution". The people were forced to adapt to the new, much harsher environment of the Empire. Those who were unable to withstand the extreme conditions perished, but those who survived gained a greater ability of endurance. After the disaster, the people of the Glorious Empire no longer consider themselves human (despite the fact they have not significantly mutated from mainstream humanity). They are cruel to "normal humans" and treat them with contempt, feeling that they are "the next stage of evolution" and "superior to all others".

George Pita condemning the Dumner to a life of servitude after their rebellion.

The Dumner Rebellion

The Dumner, a strain of people evolved to live in the Southern Ashlands of The Glorious Empire, felt that being ruled by the cruel dremora would forever force them into misery and servitiude. Many rose up in armed rebellion and several coastal towns were seized, but the Marine Corps of the Glorious Empire quickly crushed the rebellion and forced all Dumner into a life of serfdom in the massive volcanic farms of TGE. Dumner are rarley encounterd outside TGE as most have been forced to live in the wastes, where they toil away in massive bubbles that protect their valuable crops from the UV light and help cool the plants. This allows for the rich volcanic soil to be fully harvested.

Cruzada de O Império Glorious

The Most recent war in witch The Empire was involved. The Begining of the war saw many victories by TGE. First the Defeat of the Palixians and here allies in the TGE Homeland, Then the overrunning of the TGFR then Brezec fell to the Glorious Empire. The Glorious Empire began to size the Palixian Overseas Emperical Land. However seeing the Philianchians ammassing on the Border of the COlony, TGE Left the Colonies to her allies, and attacked Philianchez. This Proved to be a fatal mistake, as after some inital success, the army was bogged down in Trench Warfare. Eventually, The army fell back to pre constructed Defences at the Ebon-Excelsior Border, and troops sent to force EE into Submission began subduing the fanatical Populice, and resulted in the deaths of 50 million EE Civilians.

After Years of Struggle Pita was Arrested by his Praetorian Guard and given to the Allies to stand trial for War crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, and Crimes Against the People of the Glorious Empire. A Federation was Formed in his absence and Democracy has returned to The Empire. All colonies were returned back.

The Federation

With The Satanists Defeated, The Ozone Layer is Being Re-constructed. Democracy has returned to TGE and soon Humanity will Return. The new Government wishes to keep TGE's Status as A Superpower and increase trade to all Nations.

Pita's Return

Not long after the War ended Pita Resurfaced, His Plane Crashed while Brining him to Philanchez, and His Body was never recovered. He Commanded the Loyalty of 99% of the TGE Populice, and Soon Most of the Military joined Him. He Called for an Election to determine if the People wanted A Republic dominated by Forgein Powers, or an Independent Superpower Empire.

The Satanic Imperium

After Pita was Re-elected, The Glorious Empire, returned to its Satanic theocratic Empire. Pita immedaly halted every project that the Former government Created, and Prepared for an attack by the ILL and Allies, again. The Projects Cancelled included the Repairing of the Ozone.

The Federal Republic

The Federal Republic Existed Breifly for several Years in TGE. It was Created after Pita stepped down from office due to Mounting Pressure from the Rest of the DU. He said "My People will never survive if i lead them". It allowed the Rebuilding of the Ozone layer and lasted longer than most Democracies in the Nation's Histroy. However, It soon collapsed to the Nakis after a Long Series of Events that where very similar to Pita's Rise to power

The Third Reich

National insignia (Hoheitszeichen) of The Glorious Empire

The Reich Was Created, When Adolf Hister was appointed Chancellor of The Glorious Empire. He soon Became President as The Former President passed away. He Delcared Himself Fühur of the Glorious Empire with Powers appointed to him after, the Reichstag (Legislative Branch) was Burned down.

The Naki Party (The National-Capialist German Workers Party)

see the full artical

The Civil War

After it was discovered that Hister was dealing with Floydists, The Populice rose up in support of Geroge Pita again, he seized Power, and Restored order. He revealed the Crimes of the Third Reich, and Re-established himself as Emperor, He however created a Senate to Prevent accusations that the Nation was Dictatorial

Return of the Satanic Imperium

Pita after regaing Power, focused on Rebuilding the Destroyed Roman Culture. He Created a State similar to that of the old Roman Empire, and Established Himself as Emperor. He allowed the Creation of a Sentate, and Returned it to its old Satanic Ways.

Foreign Relations and Military

The Glorious Empire has few steady allies, very often allies are kept until there purpose has been served, or they have been deemed to weak to serve TGE. Alliances with the Glorious Empire always invole some sort of subordination by the other Party. It has been said, that the Glorious Empire has been allies with every nation at some point save, Tetris L-Shaped Block, Philanchez, and Socialist Freemen.

The Military of the Glorious Empire is only kept in check by massive alliances that would prevent the might of the Glorious Empire from being fully unleashed. Recently in the Crusade of the Glorious Empire it took 9 Seperate Nations to Keep the Glorious Empire from taking Philanchez. The Glorious Empire's army killed at least 80 Million Enemy Combatents, without having to instill a draft and only taking 6 Million Casualties, a fact that it still prides itself on. The Military is often at odds with Palixia and is always improving technology to make the individual trooper more leathal, so that he will be able to hold the line as most often TGE troops are outnumbered, but show no fear in the face of being outnumbered 10 to 1. In a Paradoy of the old Spartan Saying, "TGEians dont ask how many, they ask where they are"


The climate of the coastal areas is very different from that of the interior, particularly during the winter months. The higher areas are cold, wet, and often snowy. The coastal regions, where most of the large towns are located, have a typical Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot and generally dry summers. The length and intensity of the summer dry season increases southwards (compare the tables for Rome, Naples, and Brindisi).

There is no great difference in the temperatures at sea level from north to south. The east coast of the peninsula is not as wet as the west coast. The east coast north of Pescara is occasionally affected by the cold bora winds in winter and spring, but the wind is less strong here than around Trieste.

TGEy is subject to highly diverse weather conditions in autumn, winter, and spring, but is mostly sunny during the summer months. Erratic weather can continue into late May and may commence any time after early September. Throughout the winter, however, cloudy rainy days alternate with spells of mild, sunny weather.

The least number of rainy days and the highest number of hours of sunshine occur in the extreme south of the mainland and in Sicily and Sardinia. Here sunshine averages from four to five hours a day in winter and up to ten or eleven hours in summer.

Generally, the hottest month is July (where temperatures can reach 32°C/34°C); the coldest month is January; the wettest month is November, with an average rainfall of 129mm; while the driest month is July, with an average rainfall of 15mm.


Population- 2.415 billion

Age sturcture- 0-12 10%, 12-18 15%, 18-70 70%, 70 and above 5%

Life Expectancy- Male- 70, Female- 72

National Noun- Satanist

Literacy rate- 98%


Formal Name- The Satanic Empire of The Glorious Empire

Short name- TGE,

Goverment Type- Corporate Police State

Capital- Novus Roma

Adminstrative regions- 10

Chief of State- Imperator of the Glorious Empire

Rivials- Socialist Freemen, Tetris L-Shaped Block, Philanchez , Palixia