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Prelude to War

  • In late 2051, Pharaoh Osiris the Great of the Anubinian Empire is killed in a car accident, which is the first in many incidents in a coup which will bring his sadistic and evil brother, Set to the throne. During the first few months of his reign, he drastically increases the size of Anubinia's military, and begins testing nuclear weapons, all under heavy protest from Anubinia's neighbors and the DROOP. Set and Emperor Palpatine of Imperial StarWarsia reached a deal which resulted in the creation of a new alliance: The Holy Dominion. Officially, it was created as to stop the imperialistic actions of New European and Asian nations, but it was soon revealed that they had ambitions of conquest of their own...
  • In early 2052, the Republic of Yugopatomia acquires a large territory of land in the newly settled Farnsworth Glacier. Within months, the first shiploads of settlers arrive on the shores of the colony and establish a small city, Whoopopolis, which will serve as the capital of the colony. But soon after their arrival, the colonists come into contact with a native sentient species known as The Yeti, a large humanoid race, with an average height of 8ft and are covered in thick grey hair. They are extremely intellegent, and after a number of small skirmishes, the two peoples sign a non-agression treaty. But the day after the signing, a new boatload of settlers arrive in Whoopopolis to find the entire population of 8000 dead and their heads stuck on pikes along the shore. In response to this horrific act, Premier Marshal Whoopwhoopwhoop of Yugopatomia declares war on the Yeti Nation. Within days, 10000 Yugopatomia troops land in the Glacial colony and this is what many people consider the start of the Dominion Wars. Soon after, The Yeti allied themselves with the Dominion, who provided them with weapons and vehicles which easily broke the first wave of Yugopatomian troops.
  • Also early in the year, there was a great deal of political unrest in the Democratic Republic of Weinersteinston. After a mysterious kidnapping of President Silver, there was a series of murders of top Weinersteinstonian politicians of the Far Norh Communist Party. Soon after, upon executive decision, Silver disbanded the Parliament and declared himself Emperor for Life. Prime Minister Kurdt Kobain fled the nation with the surviving members of the FN Com. Party to the allied nation of Pastocia, where the seeked asylum. After growing suspicion, it was soon confirmed, when Imperial Weinersteinston joined the Holy Dominion and a joint Anubinian/Weinersteinstonian Army occupied the nation. In response, the Plutocracy of MDKCorp mobilized their armies on the western MDKC/Wein border in preparation for a Dominion invasion.
  • At the same time as the war with the Yeti began, Yugopatomia suffered a crippling power outage nationwide, which killed over 2000 people. It was later revealed that this was due to an attack from Anubinia and the Holy Dominion with their newly-constructed Superweapon, a space satellite EMP Weapon, partially based on a Bloodian weapon of similar design. After the weapon was revealed to the nations of PEEL many months later, Yugopatomia and her allies in COMECON declared war on the Dominion.