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Revision as of 14:01, 12 July 2006

Flag of TheNeoDynasty
Motto: "A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic"
Region Asian Continent
Capital Shangri-La
Official Language(s) Dynastian
Leader Shing Tishomi
Population Over 1 Billion
Currency Shes ta 
NS Sunset XML

The Eastern Empire

The Asian Eastern Empire of TheNeoDynasty is a massive, economically powerful nation, renowned for its complete absence of social welfare. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population are kept under strict control by the oppressive Dictator

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Education. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Uranium Mining industry, followed by Gambling and Arms Manufacturing.

Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. TheNeoDynasty's national animal is the snake, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.


TheNeoDynasty or The Eastern Empire as it is most commonly referred to is by some, a backwards civilization that has evolved over the years through conquest and conquerization. It is because of it's rich history of death and destruction that Dynastian culture is almost completely centered on these core ideas. Dynastians are xenophobes which believe they are by all accounts the "Master race" and that by right they will conquer the world. They are a warrior based people, who hold their military soldier and leaders in the highest of regards. Their caste system prevents anyone other than Military personnel the right to fully succeed in life.

When it comes to family, the idea of such within the Empire is twisted at best. Females within the Eastern Empire have hardly any value outside the fact that they can give birth. Dynastian culture dictates that it is a women's (Or a Kree'sha as she is often referred to by her caste) place to sire as many children as possible.

It is only because a Kree'sha can give birth that they hold any value by the males. There is no real courtship when it comes to relationships within the Empire. Males simply find the female they are interested in and procreate. If a Kal'ma (child) is born and the father is the Kree'sha first mate, then the Kree'sha becomes the property of the father. She is titled the lady of the house in which her first mate represents. Example, Gwen has braid's child, braid is her first mate, so she is now known as Gwen, lady of the House of Braid. Adultery, however is not uncommon by both the sexes in the Eastern Empire since after all the main goal is to sire as many Kal'ma (Specifically males) as possible. However, should a male sire a child with a female who is already the lady of a house, the child is now consider the son of the female's first mate. Once a Kal'ma is born the Mother solely raises the child until he/she is of Prata (The age of maturity, which is 13 in The Eastern Empire). It is at Prata that males will undergo the great tests to put them into their caste and the females will begin their training to become Kree'sha. Though the mother of the Kal'ma is the one whom raises it, the Father is responsible for supporting both his Kal'ma and his lady.

It is not uncommon that a Kal'ma never meets it's father in person, however Kal'ma are aware of whom their father is due to the fact that they are consider Kal'ma's of the House of their father. For example a male, Adam has a son named john with his lady, so john addresses himself as "John, son of Adam." John will be "of the house of Adam" until he sires his own set of kal'ma with his first lady at which point, a new "house" is born. If John were to have a daughter, say Gwen, Gwen would address herself as Gwen of the House of John, until she sires her first child with her first mate, at which point she is now know as lady of her first mates house.

To ensure purity within the race, all Kal'ma which are born with any sort of deformities or develop mental disbilities over time are destroyed. Law prohibits a child with such deformities or disabilities from existing among the populace. It is the father's place to destroy the child. It is not uncommon to be walking down a Dynastian street and see the body of a dead child in the trash. Dynastians have little regard for them and simply throw them out without a second thought.

Though many would not believe it, Dynastians have a sense of honor though like most ideas in the rest of the world, in The Eastern Empire honor takes on a whole new definition. Honor, by definition in the Eastern Empire means doing what you must to serve your Sovereign and achieve glory for your house. Among Soldiers within the Eastern Empire (referred to mainly by their caste, Shalak-gul) it is not uncommon for a lower ranking soldier to kill his superior officer if he believes that his superior officer has failed in his duties. If this happnens the lower officers now gains the rank of the superior officer that he killed. However, should another officer contest the action, they will fight and the victor will achieve the new rank. Honor is usually achieved only through the military, since the military is the center of the entire Eastern Empire but in some cases it is possible for other castes to obtain honor for their house.


There is little in the way of politics in the Eastern Empire. The Eastern Empire by all acounts is a fascist state, ruled by the Sovereign who dictates how everything should be. The Empire owns everything, leaving nothing for the private citizen to own. Dynastians have become use to this, and actually favor this form of government over others due to the fact that legislation takes little to no time to either be vetoed or passed.

There are no political parties with the Eastern Empire however some can conclude that the Dynastian equivalent to a poltical party is their house. Houses are constantly competing to gaining favor with the Sovereign. They mainly gain favor by having many family members in the military who succeed in their duties and gain higher ranks. To ensure stability within the Empire, it is not uncommon to have many houses join in allainces to ensure that their house will gain greater honor and in return more favor. Of course due to the formation of alliances, many houses are against one another.

Another way to look at politics in the Empire is the examine the cast system. When a male goes through his Prata he begins the great tests to see what caste he fits in. The first tests are that of the Shalak-gul caste. They are the military officers and officials of the Eastern Empire. They are held in the highest regards and it is seen as the greatest honor to enter into this caste. Shalak-gul are not only officers within the Military but they are also put in charge of all departments within the Empire. Aside from the Sovereign who has complete control, the Shalak-gul caste is the only caste which holds some power. The government pays members of this caste the highest salaries within the Empire. Not everyone is suited for this caste though and so once a male fails the shalak-gul tests, they are given the tests of the Keir'os caste. The Keir'os caste is not only the scientific community but also the general "thinkers" of the Eastern Empire. To be smart, is not something that is highly regarded among Dynastians as is physical strength, however the Keir'os caste is a slightly honorable caste because the government funds the scientific community to produce new military technology. It is highly honorable if you are able to help the military, and in return the entire Empire in any venture of conquest it may be in. Should a male fail the Keir'os tests then there is only one other caste they can be placed and that is of the Prim'ta class. It is most dishonorable to become a Prim'ta because they are seen as worthless in the eyes of the Empire. They are left with jobs such as janitors and farmers and are given little to no salary by the government. It is because of this that Prim'ta usually take the opton to become homeless. The Primt'a are also the only caste in which houses are never formed from. It is not uncommon that should a Prim'ta sire a child, that the father or "husband" of the mother kills both the Prim'ta that sire the child and the child itself once it is born. It is because of this that suicide rates are of the highest in this caste.

Dynastians also have Lo'tar (slaves) within the Empire. Due to it's hostile nature, few tourist ever travel to the Eastern Empire, however those that due are arrested and forced into slavery. It is also seen as a great honor if during battle in a foreign nation you are able to conquer some of the native people and return them to the Empire as Lo'tars. The Empire uses Lo'tars in their underground work facilities (or prison work camps )for basic labor. The facilities are a part of an extensive underground tunnel newtwork which extends to ever cornor of the Eastern Empire. To that effect, there are litterally thousands of Lo'tars working under the average Dynastians feet. Laws prevent Dynastians from becoming Lo'tars no matter how dishonorable they become so the entire Lo'tar population is made up of foreign born people. There are no records kept of how many or from where any of the Lo'tar come from and over time, they themselves forget.

Religion & Spirtuality

There is no world recongized religion in the Empire due to the fact that law bans it. Though some would believe that the Sakhan religion has become a legal religion int he Eastern Empire, this simply is a falsehood. The Empire has always dispised organizaed region ever since the Ganosiain occupation and will continue to do so, it is said, for as long as a Conn Family heir sits upon the throne.

However, though the Dynastians do not believe in religion they do have a sense of spirituality among them. Dynastains believe that males have a "heart of a warrior" which is his Kalash (soul) and that the body is merely a vessel in which to show the true power of his Kalash. Once a Dynastian male dies it is usually the place of his eldest living son to preform 'Ma'l sharran. Ma'l sharran is a ritual in which a dead Dynastian's eyes are held open by his son and while holding the dead's eyes open, the son it to let out a horrifying yell. It is believed that the yell, is to help the Dead's Kalash to find the eyes (which are believed to be the windows to the soul in Dynastian culture) and exit the body at which point it is free. It is the greatest of honors for a Dynastian to have Ma'l sharran perfomed on him because it signifies that he died free. After the son believes the Kalash has left the body he closes the eyes and disposes of the body. If the Dynastian was honorable the body is to be burned however if the deceased was an unhonorable individual they will most likely be buried. Females in Dynastian culture are not believed to have an Kalash and so Ma'l sharran is not performed on them. They are simply burned or buried depending on their honor.


To the outside world, Dynastian food is some of the most replusing food anywhere. Most meals consist solely of meat with hardly any vegetables. The meat itself is usually barely cooked. It is because of this harsh diet that many believe that Dynastians truly have "iron stomachs." Dynastian meals usually do not start with an Appetizer however on occasion there are a few that are favorites and they include:

  • Qul Dir: This dish is made by soaking pieces of animal skin, from whatever kind of animal is available, in a strong liquor, then removing them from the solution and setting them afire just before serving. This dish is eaten quickly, while the pieces are still burning.
  • Tlhatlh: Include your basic lettice and vegetables as well as several raw meats of sorta animals. It is usually covered in dressing made from the animals blood as well as several herbs, spices, and liquors.

Most Dynastian meals begin with the main course. There are several main dishes in which you can find on the average Dynastian diner table and they include:

  • Ga': is a dish made of earthworms. Ga' comes in 51 different varieties with each variety having it's own different flavor as well as feeling different as you swallow it. Ga' prepared in the traditional manner has worms being placed in a bowl of ghevi (a sauce). This sauce is laced with a flavorful herb that the worms eat greedily, despite the fact that the herb is toxic to them. The worms must be consumed in minutes, or else they will die, and Dynastians believe that Ga' is always best when served live.
  • Ga' Stew: Is a stew which is made of the leftover Ga' which died before someone was about to eat it.
  • Bokra: is a raw cows stomach traditionally served in a bowl, on a bed of dark purple and green lettice.
  • Ra' nok Stew: is fresh chicken liver cooked in it's own blood with onions, garlic, pepper, parsley and maybe some Chech'tluth.
  • Da' Gham: Is the broiled legs of an octopus usually covered in a sauce and served with Ra'Hta (a variety of Ga' )

Most Dynasitains drink some form of alocholic beverage, though there are other beverages as well. Some Dynastian beverages are:

  • Chech'tluth: Is an alcoholic beverage considerably stronger than whisky.
  • Raktajino: Is a basic form of coffee
  • Klah'c: Is a hot, bitter drink of unsweetened coffee, vanilla and cocoa solids

After a large meal some Dynastian do indulge in deserts and some of the more favorable are:

  • Ro' keg: Is a pie consisting of animal meat and blood baked in a pie crust.

Leisure and Entertainment

Dynastians do little in the way of "extra activities" since it is the greatest honor to serve the Empire and make it stronger. Kree'sha have no time for such things since they are usually still raising children until the day they die. Males However, do sometimes have free time and all mostly use that time for physical training. Mastaba is the Dynastian's form of material arts which can include not only hand to hand combat but also combat with side weapons such as the famous bashir blade. Mastaba can also include time for meditation, which Dynastians use the clear their minds and focus solely on their enemies so that they can get a clearer picture of their goal.

If a Dynastian male isn't using his free time for Mastaba, then he can usually be found at any of several arenas where Lo'tars fight. Much like the Roman gladiatorial games, the Lo'tars are promised their freedom if they can battle and kill their oppoents which are usually another Lo'tar. However, it is not uncommon for a Shalak-gul or any other Dynastian to enter the fights to test his skills. Lo'tars that are left alive at the end of the games are usually killed, in order to ensure that do not spread the word back that Lo'tars are freed if they win.

Other than the Lo'tar fights, the Dynastians have little for entertainment. Television and radio is bland in the Empire since the only thing you can pick up is the local news stations. Dynastians have no word for "movie" and thus have no theaters of anything, movie, boradway, nothing. It is because of this lack of entertainment that Dynastians concentrate solely on their own physical betterment.

Music & Art

The Eastern Empire has little to nothing in the way of art or music. Both are seen by most as waste of time and enegery however there are some Keir'os class Dynastians who have become artists and have written songs and poems about the glorious battles which the Eastern Empire has one.


  • Industry:Military products; machine building, electric power, chemicals; mining (coal, iron ore, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead, and precious metals), metallurgy; textiles, and food processing
  • Agriculture: Rice, corn, potatoes, soybeans, pulses; cattle, pigs, pork, and eggs
  • Exports: Minerals, metallurgical products, manufactures (including armaments); agricultural and fishery products
  • Imports: Petroleum, coking coal, machinery and equipment; consumer goods, and grain
  • Natural Resources: Coal, lead, tungsten, zinc, graphite, magnesite, iron ore, copper, gold, pyrites, salt, fluorspar, and hydropower

History of TheNeoDynasty

The Union of Korea

Wishing for more a unified nation, The North Korean government began making plans to try and take over South Korea using military force. To head the entire operation they appointed the highest decorated soldier they had, Shi Conn. In April of that year he personally lead the entire North Korean Army into South Korea and began what became a fiercely bloody War. After personally slaughtering Hundreds, Shi Conn claimed victory over South Korea for...himself. In a strange twist of events, Shi Conn claimed South Korea for his own and then threaten the North Korean government that if they didn't surrender their sovereignty, he would turn their own army against them and storm North Korea. Having dispatched all their forces for Shi Conn, the North Korean government was left defenseless and so they reluctantly surrender. Shi Conn appointed himself sovereign over his new nation, TheNeoDynasty.

Shi Conn's Rule

While ruling, Sovereign Shi Conn built a mighty nation. He trained his soldiers and built a mighy military. He order the construction a large defense grid of SA and SS turrets to be built all along the coastline of what he called his Eastern Empire and also had a large wall errected on the border between TheNeoDynasty and that of Trilateral Commission. Shi Conn was not a complete military individual, he also enjoyed archeology. It was through this passion that he discovered the ancient religion of The Scrolls of Ganos. He enjoyed it's teaching so much that he made it the nations official religion and put on the search for a new Avatar for the religion. As the scrolls predicted, they found Avatar Mishu and he was appointed Avatar and spiritual Advisor to the nation. To show his devotion to the religion Shi Conn had his large army travel far noth into old Russia and annex into the Empire a small penninsula to act as the capital and holy land of the Ganosian Faith. Sadly however, Mishu would prove to be Shi Conn's undoing.

Ganosian Occupatiion

Sadly on May 28th 2005 Shi Conn passed away from an unknown disease and Sovereignty was given over to Avatar Mishu of the Ganosian faith. He renamed the nation TheHolyLandsOfGanos. During this time Avatar Mishu made many reforms to the nation which completely destroyed everything which Shi Conn had once built. However, the populace flocked to the religion because it offer immortality to it's believers. The Catholic Faith, and in fact Catholic Europe itself was the Ganosian one true enemy. It was believe that the Scrolls of Ganos and the entire Ganosian religion predates that of Catholicism and it was the Catholics who ordered the Roman Empire to hunt down and destroy the Ganosains and their faith. It is believe they succeeded and were able to wipe out any trace of the faith aside from the scrolls themselve which have survived til this date. The nation survived for one years until Shi Conn's son Shoa Conn learned of his father true fate and came home to reclaim his birth right.

The Religious War

One year later Shoa Conn, Shi Conn's son reuturned the Asia the reclaim his father's nation in the name of the Conn Family. With the help of the newly born nation of Norightsia, Shoa Conn waged a holy war against Avatar Mishu and his Ganosians. IN the end of the war, Shoa Conn exposed Avatar Mishu of murdering his father and in return killed Avatar Mishu. With the Avatar dead, Shoa Conn took control of the nation and returned it to its former name of TheNeoDynasty. Shoa Conn banned religion and began to reconstruct the nation into the Eastern Empire that his father once had. However, this Eastern Empire would be more evil and more vile than any of nation in Asia.

The Hunt for the Vallahalla

The Valahalla situation was an international incident which involved the Ganosian (formerly Dynastian) Nuclear Missile Cruiser, the HGMS Vallahalla (formerly the EEV Vallahalla). The Valahalla had been out to sea under Ganosian control when the revolution returning Shoa Conn to power occured. The ship had been under the command of Bijj Techi, a Ganosian zealot who wished to seek revenge for those who had helped bring down the Avatar and the religion by way of a "purifying" Asia. The situation lasted several days with a standoff against the Valahalla and ships from Norightsia, Kasnyia, Assassination Army, and the Eastern Empire. It finally ended when the Valahalla rammed into Crystal Harbor, a port in Kansyia, crippling it and allowing allied forces to come together and storm the wrecked ship. It was also during this situation that the Eastern Empire betrayed the nation of Norightsia and Shoa Conn finally showed his true colors. He personally lead his team into the wrecked Valahalla and after mortally wounding the ship's insane Captain Bijj, he left the ship, leaving the Norightsians and the other allies to defend against the rest of the ship's crew as they attempted to cancel the emergency missile launch. It was because of that act, that the Norightsian government sees the Eastern Empire as it's worst enemy.

War of the Dead Salmon

Another one of Shoa Conn's greatest crimes was the events which transpired into the war of the Dead Salmon. The nation of The Iron Fish looked to annex a small portion of land which was not recognized by any other nation in Asia and wished to build a city called "Peace." Peace would be a town where hospitials and other facilities could be constructed to help mankind. Shoa Conn was opposed to these actions and made plans with terrorists to bomb a hospital to detour the Iron Fish from continuing with their plan. This event sparked the war of the Dead Salmon and pinned the Eastern Empire with its newly found ally the Trilateral Commission against the allied nations of The Iron Fish, Norightsia, Sarawakh,and The Assassination Army. Though with the combined strength of the Eastern Empire and the Trilateral Commission at his disposal Sovereign Shoa Conn feared that the allies would win. So in a last ditch effort he bult a bomb which would destroy the entire Korean penninsula and held it hostage. He demanded that the Iron Fish agree to a treaty that Shoa devised which gave his Sovereign power to a nuetral Dynastian group known as Tok'Con rebel faction. (Tok'Conn is Dynastian means "against Conn"). The faction was a large group of rebels which worked to put an end to the rule of the Conn Family. The Iron Fish agreed and signed the Treaty along with Shoa Conn himself. As it was written in the treaty, Shoa Conn left to live in exile in Old Shangri-La and the Tok'Conn agained power.

The Tok'Conn Occupation

After the treaty of the war of the dead salmon was signed, The Tok'Conn terrorist group within the Eastern Empire established a government body to rule over the Empire known as the Tok'Conn governing council. Their reign over the Empire lasted for three years and during their time in office they brought the nation to ruins. They disposed of the caste system as well as made many other reforms which the population just wasn't ready for. So after taking enough, many Shalak-gul soldiers rallied together and began to make many attacks on the capital city in an affort to hunt down and kill the Tok'Conn and take the nation for themselves. the end result was that the entire Tok'Conn governing council was murdered except for one newly elected member, a Shing Tishomi who through talks with the attacking soldier persuaded them to allow him to rule as sovereign and in return he would bring back the old ways.

The Rebirth of the Eastern Empire

Before the last Tok'Conn were killed they were able to elect new members into the governing council including a young Shing Tishomi. It was Shing who finally brought an end to the rebellion by promising The Eastern Empire's first ever elections. He stated that it was the only way the people could decide how they wish their nation to be run. Shing Tishomi himself ran under a party which promised to bring back the ways of the old Eastern Empire and gain enough favor with the populace to win the elections. He reinstated the title of Sovereign upon himself and began rebuilding the nation once again into the fear Eastern Empire of TheNeoDynasty.

Governments of the Eastern Empire

Exectuive Branch

Sovereign: The Eastern Empire is ruled by a dictatorship government of which a Sovereign of who rules for life is seen as leader. The Sovereign has total executive and legislative power over the nation and since most men who hold this titled are the most fear due to their endless lust for death and destruction to those who oppose them, few within the Empire every challegen or go against their judgement and authority

Prime Chancellor: Also sometimes refered to as the Sovereign's "first Prime," the Prime Chancellor is the advisors and secretary to the Sovereign. He heads the Office of the Sovereign as well as the Eastern Tribunal. Though The Sovereign wields complete executive and legislative power over the Empire, the Prime Chancellor is given limited power to carry out requests of the Sovereign himself. In the event that the Sovereign should fall ill or in the event of the Sovereign's death the Prime Chancellor will be granted full Sovereign authority over the Empire if an heir has not be assigned by the deceased Sovereign.

Judical Branch:

The Eastern Tribunal: The Eastern Tribunal is the supreme court of the Empire. It is a nine seat court of which only members of the Kree'sha class are allow to hold seats. Members of the Eastern Tribunal are given the task of interpreting all Dynastian Laws as well as heading administrative departments for the many lower level courts needed within the Empire. Members of the court are headed by the Prime Chancellor and are appointed by the Sovereign. All members of the Prime Court serve life terms.

Sovereigns of the Empire

First Sovereign

Shi Conn
Status Deceased, age 32
Reign from the birth of the nation til 20 years later
Predecessor N/A
Successor Shoa Conn
House The house of Conn
Children Shoa

Shi Conn was TheNeoDynasty's first Sovereign. Shi was korean in heritage however, being born from a Russian prostitute, he was half Russian as well. Shi knew little about his father who he only met once, when he return to Shi's mother. However, shortly after his return he left again and Shi never saw him from that point. However, until his death sometime after Shi's younger sister Lursa turned eighteen, he supported his children finacially, ultimately leaving them a vast fotunate upon his death.

When Shi was old enough, he was sent away to an all boys Russian academy where he was verse in all areas of study including archeology, which Shi saw as a wonderful hobby. It was during a dig sponsored by his college that Shi found the Sacred Scrolls of Ganos.

Eventually Shi grew bored with Russia, and moved to his father's homeland and his ancestrial beginnings, North Korea. After several favors, Shi was enrolled in the military and quickly moved up the ranks to general. It was at this point in North Korea's history, that they planned to once again resume a war against South Korea. With a large army amassed, Shi was chosen as the general to lead the war on South Korea. In April of that year he personally lead the entire North Korean Army into South Korea and began what became a fiercely bloody War. After personally slaughtering Hundreds, Shi Conn claimed victory over South Korea for none other than himself. In a twist of fate, Shi claimed South Korea and then threat to take North Korea by force. Having no other option, Shi was able to talk the North Koreans to surrend their nation to him.

After single handedly unifying the Koreas, Shi con set to work on building his nation. He declaired himself Sovereign for life and over the next several years he created an entirely new culture and civilization out of the ashes of what was the koreas. Eventually however, after using his power to revive the Ganosian faith, Shi Conn was killed by poison by none other than the Avatar of the Ganosian faith.

Second Sovereign

Shoa Conn
Status Cryogenically Frozen
Reign from Shi Conn's death to 37 years later
Predecessor Shi Conn
Successor Shing Tishomi
House The house of Conn
Children Shing & Shang (Twins)

Shoa Conn was the son of the first Sovereign Shi Conn. Shoa was born to his father and his father's personal mistress, a woman of whom Shoa would never met. After being raised by personal aids until he was five, Shoa was sent away to the same Russian schools his father study at. It was during his last years at college that Shoa learned of his father's death, however having grown to hate his father, Shoa did not return home to attend the funeral.

It was until a personal aid of his father, Grendal told Shoa of his father's true death that Shoa decided to travel to his homeland. After organizing a large army, Shoa waged war of the man and religion which killed his father and ultimately murdered the man who murdered his father finishing the cycle. Being rightful heir, Shoa declared himself Sovereign and worked to rebuild his father's Empire.

It was during the reign of Shoa, that TheNeoDynasty gained his more common name of "The Eastern Empire." It was also during the reign of Shoa that the Empire recieved his blood thirsty reputation. Shoa became corrupt with power and used his influence to dictate Asian Politics. He did this through any means necessary, from dastardly betrayal to terrorist acts. The most famous betrayal was when he betrayed the Norightsia, the same nation which had help him win the war against the Ganosians. It was that act the forever made The Eastern Empire and Norightsia enemies.

Shoa Conn continued to make enemies and rule the Eastern Empire with an Iron fist until the War of the Dead Salmon. It was at the end of the war, that Shoa was forced to create and sign a treaty, giving up his Sovereign rights to the Eastern Empire and live in exile within his palace. He lived for several years after that point, using his influence to continue to dictate the political policies of his nation. He eventually devised a civil war against the new administration of his nation, the Tok'Conn, and was successful in having his son Shing Conn, assuming the name Shing Tishomi, take to the Dynastian throne as the new Sovereign. It was at this point that Shoa felt for now his duties to his nation were done, and took the option of being Cryogenically frozen to ensure that he would not die by his enemies hands and in the hopes of returning again to the Empire to finish his work.

Few people know in the Empire, that Shoa Conn was frozen and even fewer know exactly where his body is. All government records on him, state that he died at age 49.

Third Sovereign

Shi Conn
Status Alive
Reign From Shoa Conn's death to present day
Predecessor Shoa Conn
Successor N/A
House The house of Conn
Children Kahless

Shing Conn is the son of Shoa Conn and like most Conn children, his father's mistress. Much like his father, Shing was sent away early in his life to study abroad. With only his twin brother Shang, and their personal aid by their side, Shing study in some of the finest school in the world. It wasn't until several years after Shing and his brother graduated from college that Shoa Conn sent for Shing.

Shoa Brought Shing back to the Empire and instructed him to inflitrate the Tok'Conn organization. Hoping to bring honor and make his father proud, he did so and way able to gain the favor of a Tok'Conn leader, Chi Tishomi who would adopt him as his son, giving him the family name of Tishomi. Shing severed in the Tok'Conn for several years after that, all the way up to their time as the ruling party of the Eastern Empire.

It was during the rebellion that Shing was able to become a part of the governing council of the Tok'Conn and make a deal with the Shalak-gul soldiers which were running the rebellion against the Tok'Conn. Promising the bring back the old ways of the Shoa era, Shing declaired himself Sovereign and outlawed the Tok'Conn once more.

Presently Shing is ruling the Empire much like his father did before him however he is still living under the name Tishomi. Only one man knew his true identity and that was God-King Sakha XXXVI. However, after making a deal with a Norightsian rebel known as Oregin, the God-king was killed along with his father's mortal enemy Emperor Galerius I of Norigtsia.