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2000 [[Persian Civilization]] Tanks<br>
2000 [[Persian Civilization]] Tanks<br>
2000 [http://z3.invisionfree.com/nationstates/index.php?showtopic=482&view=findpost&p=1792052| ATAP LRV] <br>
2500 [http://z3.invisionfree.com/nationstates/index.php?showtopic=482&view=findpost&p=1792052| ATAP LRV] <br>
1000 Mobile AA-AI Units<br>
2500 Mobile AA-AI Units<br>
2000 All Terrain Personnel Transports (equiv [http://z3.invisionfree.com/nationstates/index.php?showtopic=482&view=findpost&p=1790951|"Desert Fox"] with a 10 man carrying capacity)
A large number of All Terrain Personnel Transports (equiv [http://z3.invisionfree.com/nationstates/index.php?showtopic=482&view=findpost&p=1790951|"Desert Fox"] with a 10 man carrying capacity)

Revision as of 18:50, 25 September 2006

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Nag Ehgoeg
Flag of Nag Ehgoeg
Motto: In nomine die populus!
Region Middle East
Capital Syntha Prime
Official Language(s) English, Latin
Leader Andreas Malfisto Emmanulas
Population Over 8 Billion
Currency LC 
NS Sunset XML

  • Pending update. The Regent recently converted to Christianty and got married. Sigh. When I have some free time this is getting a major overhaul.*

Nag Ehgoeg

The Elected Regency of Nag Ehgoeg is a massive, safe nation, renowned for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of over 8 billion are effectively ruled by a group of massive corporations, who run for political office and provide their well-off citizens with world-class goods and services. Their poorer citizens, however, are mostly starving to death while being urged to go out and get real jobs. The populace has reasonably extensive civil rights, although these are mostly aimed at allowing them to buy whatever they like.

The large, liberal, pro-business government concentrates mainly on Education, although Defence and the Environment are on the agenda. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 5%. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Information Technology industry - led by ACO, Nag Ehgoeg's leading company - but the Uranium Mining and Gambling industries are also important.

Catholic protesters are up in arms over new nuclear power stations, the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, newborns are being raised as mindless killing machines and citizens can be frequently spotted going about their business stark naked. Not to mention the fact that the government extracts trade concessions from poor nations in exchange for humanitarian aid, birds and children's kites are regularly brought down by anti-aircraft fire, and all recreational drugs are legal. Citizens are expected to be proficient in at least five languages, Nag Ehgoeg's airwaves are dominated by corporate-backed commercial radio, and the people elect the Supreme Court justices directly.

Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Nag Ehgoeg's national animal is the Royal Eagle, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the LC.


History of Nag Ehgoeg.

Other Information

National Anthem

Currently, Nag Ehgoeg does not have a national anthem. The hymn "My Jesus, My Saviour" has been adapted to temporarily serve as an expression of National Pride. Many citizens, however, either adopt the old anthem or adapt traditional Turkic songs.


In practice the rights of Nagian citizens are unwritten, however a short and rather ‘open’ written document does exist:

  1. There is no law beyond "Do what thou wilt!"
  2. Love is the law, love under will.
  3. Let all be held accountable for their actions. Let every action have its reaction.
  4. All are free so long as do not impose on the freedom of others.
  5. An action born of malice for the sake of malice is to be reviled and carries consequences!

Key Civil Rights

While Nag Ehgoeg’s written constitution is scarce, the unwritten constitution of Nag Ehgoeg is extensive. A full list of Citizens Rights would be almost impossible to document, however some of the key elements of Nagian Life are shown below:

  • Suffrage: 16 years of age; universal. Elections are held every 5 years on April 30th. The Regent is decided by popular vote, though each Nagian State has a branch of elected local government.
  • Age of Majority: 16. At the age of 16 a Nagian citizen is considered to be an adult for all lawful purposes. Nagian adults are free to drive motor vehicles, consume alcohol, smoke, have sexual intercourse and take certain approved recreational drugs. In essence, 16 is the only ‘age limit’ in Nag Ehgoeg.
  • Right To Naturalism: Nagian citizens are not required to wear clothing, though many choose to, both in public and private locations. Minors have the right to wear clothes, however their Right to Naturalism is governed by their parents.
  • Right To Bodily Freedom: The government of Nag Ehgoeg recognises that from birth to death a citizens body is there to do what they will with it. Thus it is taken as a given that citizens have the right to modify their body (both physically and with chemicals) in any way they so choose. However free public health care is dependent on the citizen taking certain steps to keep themselves healthy. Notably Nag Ehgoeg does not grant any rights to unborn children unless they could survive on their own out of the womb without intensive medical support. Also the Government claims the bodies of the deceased as government property.
  • Retirement Age: Citizens of Nag Ehgoeg are free to retire at the age of 60. However, as state pensions are so unbelievably pitiful, most citizens work into their late eighties.
  • Right To Service: The “Right” to Service is somewhat misleading. All citizens between the ages of 16 and 30 must enlist in the Nagian Defence Force for no less than one year. Most take this opportunity to train as military engineers or medical staff.
  • Right To Education: All citizens of Nag Ehgoeg below the retirement age are entitled to free education provided by the state up to the Doctorate level. Citizens about the age of 60 are still entitled to free education up to basic University Degree Level (i.e. Not a Masters or Doctorate Degree). All citizens must receive no less than 10 years of education and must start schooling between the ages of 4 and 8. Most commonly children are enrolled at the age of six.

Religious Break Down

Officially Nag Ehgoeg recognises 3 faiths: Catholicism, Satanism and Agnosticism. However independent surveys indicated that Nag Ehgoeg has the following religious demographic:

  • Christian: 45%
  • Catholic: 41%
  • Other: 4%
  • Muslim: 26%
  • Agnostic: 10%
  • Atheist: 8%
  • Satanist: 5%
  • Judaism: 3%
  • Wicca/New Age: 2%
  • Other: 1%

Ethnic Breakdown

Nag Ehgoeg is racially diverse, with a disproportionate number of mixed race citizens. As such, citizens tend to aquire cultural identity from the Sector in which they were raised, rather than from the teachings of their ancestors. However, a rough demographic would look something like this:

  • Turkic: 35%
  • Turkmen: 13%
  • Uzbeki: 12%
  • Kazakh: 7%
  • Other: 3%
  • Caucasian/White: 27%
  • Afro-caribbean/Black: 25%
  • Asian/Non-Turkic: 12%
  • Other (primarily Latino/Hispanic): 1%

Crime and Punishment

Crime in Nag Ehgoeg is virtually non-existent, eliminating the need for a conventional prison system. Every public place is recorded by security cameras. However this system is fully automated, and thus not monitored in real time, but rather a request must be made to a Judge in order to get permission to view the tape.

Criminals in Nag Ehgoeg are almost universally treated by a course of operant conditioning (brain washing). For minor crimes, such as shop lifting, this usually takes place along side counselling. For major crimes, however, the citizens civil rights are suspended and the conditioning is far more… intensive. Rehabilitated murderers often end the six month conditioning period envying their victim.


Nagian citizens are innocent until proven guilty. As such, accused criminals have the right to be tried after no less than 30 days after arrest, regardless of their crime. In practice crime is so rare that next day trails are the norm.

A Nagian jury consists of 21 members: 3 are chosen by the defendant; 3 are chosen by the prosecution; and the remaining 14 are chosen at random from the populace.

Every crime in Nag Ehgoeg is settled by trial by jury and requires a majority of 16 of the jurors to reach a concordance on a verdict.

The “contamination” of the jury by “professional” jurors has been criticized by the international community and so has allowing the defendant to select jurors – especially in cases relating to organised or gang crime. However prosecution jurors are closely reviewed and defendant plants who try to sway the jury by dubious means often find themselves swiftly put on trial.


Notably many things are legal in Nag Ehgoeg that are not legal elsewhere. These include:

  • Conspiracy to commit a crime: It is perfectly legal to speculate on breaking the law, even to plan detailed acts of terrorist, murder or embezzlement.
  • Prostitution and recreational drug use: Again, both legal in Nag Ehgoeg, however an individual partaking in such acts is required to register with the government and may find their free health care revoked.
  • Inciting Crime: It is not a crime to convince others to commit a crime. Everyone is free to make their own choices.
  • Virtual Child Pornography: Artificially created digital images that hurt no-one are not criminal. It is, however, illegal to edit the likeness of any citizen to appear naked with their consent (and consent of a parent of guardian if appropriate). Furthermore public nudity is legal in Nag Ehgoeg (though in the case of minors both the child and parent(s)/guardian(s) must consent).
  • Suicide: All citizens have a right to life, and the right to revoke their rights. This also included assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia.


Information on the current rulers of Nag Ehgoeg can be found on the Nagian Elections Page.

Elected Regent

Every ten years, a National Electoral Vote is held. Whomever wins the popular vote becomes the Elected Regent.

The Regent weilds total executive and judical power. Though in exceptional circumstances the Regents decisions may be overturned by other elected officals.

Regina Optiva/Optivus Rex

The (female/male) spouse of the Regent. Legally joined to the Regent by marriage, the Regina Optiva/Optivus Rex has diplomatic immunity but does not weild executive or judical power.

The Grand Senate

Citizens of Nag Ehgoeg are distributed over 8 thousand Administrative Sectors, each consisting of roughly one million citizens in the same geographical region. While the Regent is decided by popular vote, citizens also vote for their Sector Governor every 5 years, the vote taking place along side (but seperate to) the Electoral Vote when appropriate.

These Sector Governers handle the day-to-day governing of the local populas, but also form the Grand Senate which meets four times a year. The Grand Senate's chief duty is to elect the High Parliment, though they can also call for an "Emergency Vote of No Confidence in the Regent" causing an immediate re-election. A unanimous vote of the Senate may overturn any desicion made by the Regent, and may also take the Nation to war (or end a war) without the Regent's consent.

The Grand Senate provides an oppertunity for sucessful Governers to share their wisdom with their peers.

High Parliment

The High Parliment of Nag Ehgoeg is elected every year by the Senate. The Parliment consists of the 13 "Members Of Parliment": the Governers deemed "most fit to represent the People".

As a governing body, the Parliment weilds similar power to the Elected Regent and requires a simple majority vote to counter any desicion made by the Regent.

A unanimous vote of the High Parliment can instate the Regent with "Emergency Powers" allowing for the dissolution of the Senate, Parliment and the Democratic Process until the Regent sees fit. This has never yet been used in the history of Nag Ehgoeg.


A new title, relevent to the newly formed Colonies of Nag Ehgoeg. Each colony is divided into Administive Sectors, just like the main land. Local government by Governers is handled the same way, along with membership to the Grand Senate of Nag Ehgoeg. However all of the colony's Governers also form a "Micro Senate" to co-ordinate the colonies affairs. This Senate elects a single leader, much in the same fashion as a Member of Parliment is elected, to represent the Colony. This leader is deemed to be "The Custodian" of the Colony, ruling in the stead of the Regent.

Pop Info

Major Cities

Syntha Prime

Population: 2,002,794,031

The capital city of Nag Ehgoeg was originally constructed to house 500,000,000 in comfort and luxury. It was designed to be a collection of skyscrapers going deep into the ground, to high in the air. Each building designed to be a self contained city, its residents would need only to take an elevator to get to work, to go shopping or see the doctor.

Syntha Prime started off with only the central 5 building filled, and a population of but 1% of its maximum. Today a mass shanty town has formed on the fringes of the city that has ballooned to over five times the population it was built to house.

Industrial floors have been converted into purely residential blocks; residential blocks have in turn been demolished to make room for factories. The city grows out into Nag Ehgoeg, and in on itself: the heart of Nag Ehgoeg and its cancer.



Population: c2,000,000

Syntha Prime was built to be Nag Ehgoeg. But all too quickly did the city fill. Haven was initially founded as an outreach village: a small town designed to supply medical supplies to the natives living in what became Nag Ehgoeg.

Haven quickly swelled. However, unlike Syntha Prime, its mountainous geography prevented it from swelling to the size of other key Nagian cities. It was the second oldest city of Nag Ehgoeg, and it was founded on the principles of charity. Was it any surprise that Haven would become a bastion for Christianity in what was primarily a firmly atheist nation?

Used by the elusive Emmanulas family as a retreat, Haven initially maintained an independence from Genesis City. At one point it even provided shelter for the Arch Heretic Bishop Laab and Prince Thomas of New Harumf. However, as Nag Ehgoeg became more tolerant of religion (or “personal philosophy” as most faiths are still recognised as) Haven quickly became a Catholic city, then a symbol of religious freedom.

Currently approximately 80% of Haven’s residents are of the Catholic Faith, and Nag Ehgoeg’s Cardinal is based here.

Iron Glass


Population: c32,000,000

Iron Glass the Underhive was the second major Nagian settlement. Built to mirror Syntha Prime, Iron Glass is an even more run down, poorly built hellhole. However, while Nag Ehgoeg’s capital is surrounded by makeshift housing, Iron Glass is surrounded by factories and military bases.

Nag Ehgoeg’s military is primarily based in a number of autonomous facilities in undisclosed locations. However, if Nag Ehgoeg could be said to have a military capital then Iron Glass might well be it.

Despite its importance, Nag Ehgoeg can survive the loss of Syntha Prime, but where it to lose Iron Glass as well then it would be rendered incapable of carrying out foreign military action without major support from it’s international allies.



Population: c19,000,000

Taba'et – the City of the Learned. A city built to further Nagian science, Taba'et is also a major military think-tank. Joint projects with other nations of less than unimpeachable repute take place in Taba’et, particularly such any project involving the Trilateral Commission. Taba'et houses the central building for Nag Ehgoeg’s leading umbrella corporation, ACO, and a secondary United Nations building.

Taba'et is the Nagian city most friendly to foreign enterprise, and when the Red Death ravaged the world it was the most open to try foreign cures while working to improve on existing discoveries – eventually engineering an airborne bacterium capable of replicating the cure and vaccine from inside a host body which was used to clear out Syntha Prime.

Being open to foreign enterprise, Taba'et has just welcomed oZ Corp Enterprises building into Nag Ehgoeg.



Population: c30,000,000

Sagen is the definition of what a boarder city should be. Sagen has the transport links needed to get around, and into Nag Ehgoeg proper. Containing Nag Ehgoeg’s second largest train and underground train stations, and its third largest airport not to mention the military airstrip outside of the city making Sagen almost as well connected as the Capital. Secular, devoted to research and a large enough military presence to hold off an attacking force: Sagen is a reflection of Syntha Prime’s versatility.

However Sagen is hardly everything a Nagian city should be. Every city has its problems, Iron Glass is a shadow city of pollution, but Sagen’s problems are not so obvious.

Sagen is secular enough to attract religious fanatics, but not open enough to worship to appease them. Major Catholic and Muslim terrorist groups operate out of Sagen, and as most of Nagian intelligence is centralised many of their actions go unnoticed. More worrying is how Sagen is so far removed from the rest of Nag Ehgoeg: the military has a surprising amount of control over the city. This wouldn’t be too bad, where it not for the shadow war of religious extremists vying for control of Nag Ehgoeg who aim to undermine the influence of their rivals within the military. Should a major league Christian or Muslim nation attack Sagen, it is possible they might find half of their opposing Officers being killed in their sleep, and the other half defecting to their cause.


Neo Nag Ehgoeg

Situated in the North American Continent, Neo Nag Ehgoeg is the first colony to be formed by Nag Ehgoeg. It is noted for its (by Nagian standards) highly religious populas.

Conventional Long Form: The American Commonwealth of Neo Nag Ehgoeg
Conventional Short Form: NNE
Government Type: Elected Regency, Colonial Democracy.
Capital: Syntha Secundus
Administrative Divisions: Currently 5 Administritive Sectors, each with a representive to the colonial goverment and holding a seat on the primary Nagian Sennate.
National Holidays: As Nag Ehgoeg
Suffrage: As Nag Ehgoeg (16)
Chief of State: Custodian Andrew Harris
Chief of Government: Elected Regent Andreas Malfisto Emmaluas
Religions: (Christian: 72%) Catholic: 61%, Protestant: 8%, Orthodox: 3%, Other: 1%; (Muslim: 7%) Sunni: 4%, Other: 3%; Agnostic: 7%; Judaism: 7%; Wicca/New Age: 3%; Other: 4%; Atheist: 1%.
Languages: English is the primary language, though Latin is also in common usage. Many other local languages are in unoffical use.
State Animal: Eagle, Bald
Currency: The LC, Colonial
Motto: "In nomie die populas!"

Swiss Nag Ehgoeg

Situated in Central Europe, Swiss Nag Ehgoeg is Nag Ehgoeg's second colony. It is dominated by the Emmanuli family who are at odds with the Genosian Catholic Church.

Conventional Long Form: The European Commonwealth of Swiss Nag Ehgoeg
Conventional Short Form: SNE
Government Type: Elected Regency, Colonial Democracy.
Capital: Aryanus
Administrative Divisions: Currently 5 Administritive Sectors, each with a representive to the colonial goverment and holding a seat on the primary Nagian Sennate.
National Holidays: As Nag Ehgoeg
Suffrage: As Nag Ehgoeg (16)
Chief of State: Custodian Sarah Emmanulas
Chief of Government: Elected Regent Andreas Malfisto Emmaluas
Religions: (Christian: 33%) Catholic: 30%, Other: 3%; Agnostic: 21%; Satanist: 17%; Atheist: 15%; (Muslim: 5%) Sunni: 4%, Other: 1%; Wicca/New Age: 5%; Judaism: 3%; Other: 1%
Languages: English is the primary language, though Latin is also in common usage. Many other local languages are in unoffical use.
State Animal: Eagle, Bald
Currency: The LC, Swiss
Motto: "In nomie die populas!"

The Enclave

Recently Nag Ehgoeg voted on forming an offical Inquisition. While the vote on the mainland was voted down resoundingly, New Nagian governers passed the motion three to two.

The Inquisition will offically be noted as the "Offical Nagian Government Spiritual Enclave".

With the passing of this motion Cardinal Graffin announced his intent to move from Haven, one of the only mainland sectors who voted for the formation of the Inquisition, to New Nag Ehgoeg to spread the Word.

Politically, the Enclave has national administrational power, however it's funding is only allocated on a sector basis it's effective range will in practice be limited to New Nag Ehgoeg as transport to Nag Ehgoeg proper will be almost impossible unless the Pope wishes to fund this Inquisition.

The first act of the Enclave was to offically intergrate thirteen regiments of the Nagian Milita and one regiment of the Special Force under Inquisitorial control.

"It is precisely because of the heritics in this God forsaken region that the Inquisition has been formed here wher it may do the most good. Clearly it is the will of God that we bring the Word to the Heathans of America." - Cardinal Graffin


Gecko, New Nag Ehgoeg, 02:35

"Old man, you WILL come with us." The hulking seven foot Giant rippled his muscles, flexing his barrel like arms clad in several inches of armour.

"Leave us alone. I will never support the cause of your superiors." The plain dressed man interposed himself between the giant's two armoured bodyguards and his own wife. The man's wife sobs gently, hugging their son close.

"I will not ask you again. Come now, or you will be made an example of." The Giant's tone was level, almost mechaincal.

"I would rather what knowledge I have disappear with me into the grave." The man stands clear of his familiy and spreads his arms wide in defeat.

The giant turns to his armoured guard on the left, then the one on his right. The two guards pull out their huge gattling like weapons. "So be it. Kill them all."

Bullets rip through the air towards the man's familiy. Hundreds of shots are fired in a matter of moments, shredding the woman and child into strips of pulpy red meat.

"NO!!!" The man screams as he runs towards his families butchers, the Giant casts a sideways look at the man, raising an armoured fist. The undermounted cannon on the fist fires a single shot that blows the man's head clean off his shoulders.

News Excerpts

This is NNN.

Our top story this afternoon is a tripple homocide on the outskirts of the New Nagian town of Gecko. Influential scientist Tobias Yan, along with his wife and only child where found dead this morning at seven. A close familiy friend found the bodies, which had been mulitialed beyond recognition, and initial ID was made from Dr Yan's wallet, found intact at the scene which was later confirmed by DNA records.

The Yan familiy are famous for their human cloning research, Maria Yan currently attending the cloning conference in San Deigo was unavailable for comment.

Tobias was a card carrying member of the Nagian Church Of Satan and a simple note was found at the scene of the crime reading "He smilied his work to see". The police are not ruling out a race hate crime at this point.

Cardinal Graffin refused to comment on the possibility of the newly formed Inquisition overstepping it's mandate by hunting down and butchering those invovled in the cloning research so strongly opposed by the Church, but did give this comment.

"Christianity is a religion of peace. Not all religions, however, are peaceful. Some are warlike and wish for world domination. While I certainly would not like to incite hatred by naming such evil religions, I can only urge people to come to Christ."

On a related topic, known terrorist group "The Apocolaspe of Saint John" formorly announced an end to it's terrorist activities. Peace talks are being held with senior members of the Enclave to discuss furthing the Catholic cause in Nag Ehgoeg by peaceful means.

This ties in nicely with the recruitment of a new missionary army under the jurisdiction of the newly formed Enclave, seeking to spread the word of Christ to the Citizens of New Nag Ehgoeg, and indeed all of North America.

In other news, oil prices remain stable but in light of...

People of Note

People of Nag Ehgoeg.

Government Spending

As of (0) 028 006 M3:

Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Capitalizt
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Thriving
Civil Rights Rating: Superb
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 0%
Major Industry: Information Technology
National Animal: Royal Eagle
National Currency: LC
Total Population: 7,087,000,000
Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0%
Social Welfare: $0.00 0%
Healthcare: $559,367,203,077.84 3%
Education: $8,576,963,780,526.88 46%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
Defence: $5,034,304,827,700.56 27%
Law & Order: $1,491,645,874,874.24 8%
Commerce: $0.00 0%
Public Transport: $1,118,734,406,155.68 6%
The Environment: $1,678,101,609,233.52 9%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Nag Ehgoeg Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 LC = $1.1075
Gross Domestic Product: $175,601,173,314,512.28
GDP Per Capita: $24,777.93
Unemployment Rate: 3.11%
Consumption: $159,259,064,000,000.00
Government Budget: $19,835,716,421,200.00
Government Expenditures: $18,645,573,435,928.00
Goverment Waste: $1,190,142,985,272.00
Exports: $18,675,856,330,934.27
Imports: $20,979,320,452,350.00
Trade Deficit: $2,303,464,121,415.73


Army: 3 million soilders (~0.042% of population)
Special Forces: 1 Million (~0.014%)
Militia: 1 Million (~0.014%)

Details on the Nagian Ground Forces.


100 Fighter Jets produced in Kiensland
20 Kienslandian bombers

700 Nagian Fighter Craft
400 Attack Choppers

600 Nagian Bombers
180 Nagian Bomber Choppers

A huge number of Mi-17 Hip H Transport Choppers and Nagian Transport Planes

1000 Challenger Tanks
2000 Persian Civilization Tanks

2500 Mobile AA-AI Units
A large number of All Terrain Personnel Transports (equiv "Desert Fox" with a 10 man carrying capacity)


Currently Nag Ehgoeg has outfitted a number of civilian ships with some sort of armament to defend it's boarders.

An international patrol fleet sitting in the Red Sea was constructed by The CNNP and consists of the following 17 vessels:

NPF Zero Wing - Enterprise Class Aircraft Carrier
NPF Striker - CVC Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier
NPF Haven - CVC Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier
NPF Achilles - BB-61 Battleship
NPF Blake - DD-963 Destroyer
NPF Challenger - DD-963 Destroyer
NPF Dryad - DD-963 Destroyer
NPF Expedition - DD-963 Destroyer
NPF Ranna - FFG-7 Frigate
NPF Mosrael - FFG-7 Frigate
NPF Ravening - SSBN-762 Submarine
NPF Khef - SSBN-941 Submarine
NPF Strogi - LHA-Tarawa Class Amphibious Craft
NPF Chimera - WASP Class Amphibious Craft
NPF Inquisitor - MHC-51 Mine Warfare Vessel
NPF Ultimate Ship The Second - SSN-Seawolf Submarine
NPF Credibility Problem - SSN-Seawolf Submarine

For more details, see the Nagian Patrol Fleet page. Nagian Ports in Gaza are aiming to reproduce the fleet, but contruction is going slowly.


Nag Ehgoeg is known to possess WMD, in spite of being a member of the UN. It is claimed that Nagian Citizens have a right to hold arms and that all such devices are owned by private companies and individuals. What is known is that Nag Ehgoeg has only a very limited capacity to deploy such weapons.

Total Personnel

~6 Million active troops (<0.085% of population)
~60 Million logistics and support (<0.85% of population)
Total: 66 Million, 0.93% of population

Current deployment

Some one million soldiers are stationed around the nations capital of Syntha Prime, along with the navy (though not the NPF). About half of the Citizen's Militia is also drawn from the capital.

Two hundred and fifty thousand members of the Nagian special force are stationed over seas in Jerusalem.

The NPF is drifting between ports of friendly nations.

The rest of the Nagian army is held in classified locations, though in practice the movements of the air force (which primarily is providing support for the Special Forces) are easy to track.

Private Industry

Nag Ehgoeg's leading company is ACO which provides many services to the government of Nag Ehgoeg.