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(Executive and Legislative Branches: Jevian Executives (JE) and House of Jevian Representatives (HOJR))
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The Government of Jey is comprised of 4 branches: Presidential, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Each branch is comprised of a certain political party.
The Government of Jey is comprised of 5 branches: Presidential, Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and International. Each branch is comprised of a certain political party.
===Political Parties===
===Political Parties===

Revision as of 13:03, 29 January 2006


In the year of 4050, The Empire of Domz was officially introduced. The formation of this extremely large and extremely wealthy Empire was the result of a peace agreement (The Treaty of Caxilan, signed by Domz himself in Domz City, 4049) between over 250 nations after a millenia of war. Most notable of these 250 nations were: The Republic of Zyzz, The Republic of Vvardenfalia, and The Republic of Jey. This peace was seldom seen, unfortunately. Although Caxilan, on paper, was supposed to unify over 250 nations, this could not be done. Caxilan granted political power (in the form of monarchies) to the former presidents of these nations, but little of these leaders could cope with no longer being in full and complete control. As such, political, moral, and social views inevitably clashed. No document, not even Caxilan, which was thought to be the most powerful treaty in history, could form a 250+ nation alliance incorporating an area over ten times that of the 1985 Soviet Union. This clash of beliefs led to the Domz War.

Flag of Jey
Motto: "Jey You!"
No Map Available Yet
Region United Nations
Capital Domz City
Official Language(s) Jevian
Leader Drew Domz
Population 1+ Billion
Currency Jey give me money 
NS Sunset XML

Domz War

Drew Domz, now our benevolent and loving leader, was the center of the deadliest and most terrible war in recent memory. Domz, who was elected the Emperor of the Domz Empire in 4050, condemned the actions of certian monarchies which violated certain aspects of the Treaty of Caxilan. After suspicions arose about the wrongdoings of these nations, Domz launched an investigation to determine if the accusations were true. It was discovered that 78 monarchies were guilty of using military drafts to bulk up their strength. (This violated Section 2, Paragraph 14, Article II of the Treaty of Caxilan, which states "Use of military drafts are hereby abolished").

The Emperor, refusing to accept any insubordination from the monarchies, announced that if they do not release the unwilling participants of these drafts, the Imperial Army of the Domz Empire would be set in force. Only 3 monarchies complied to the order and removed the unwilling participants.

True to his word, Emperor Domz unleased 2.5 million troops upon the offending monarchies in August, 4051. Understanding the inevitable defeat, the 78 monarchies (which were, consequently enough, all adjacent to one another in terms of political boundaries) erased the state boundaries between them to form one nation, The Grenevan Territories, with one goal--secede from the empire and remove themselves from the "oppressing" Treaty of Caxilan.

Outraged at the thought of secession, Domz was merciless in the Domz War. Slaughtering over 3.4 million of the Grenevan soldiers (unwilling or not, though some surrendered claiming they were forced into participation) and loosing 1.9 million of his own troops, Drew Domz was the center of the bloodiest battle to date. Thousands of protests surrounded Domz throughout this 4 year war, most of which condemned the though of killing the soldiers who didn't want to be in this war at all. Domz shrugged this off, knowing that if he let these monarchies secede, it would render Caxilan meaningless.

In the end, the monarchies were defeated, but this war prooved to only help the opinion of the monarchies, rather then Domz. In 4060, the Treaty of Caxilan was destryoed after an Empire-wide vote on the effectiveness of the treaty. As a result the formally 250+ nations would move into just 64 nations. Most notably, the Republic of Jey returned, the Republic of Zyzz, and the Republic of Vvardenfalia. The new peace agreement, The Peace of Qualo, though, would grant independence to a certain land--The Grenevan Territories. Outraged at the thought that over 5 million men had lost their lives in the war for nothing, Domz immediately protested the article. Instead of the Grenevan Territory's dissolvement, it was agreed that, as the Emperor, Domz was granted a seat of power in all of the 64 nations, though he would not be their leader. He was asked to become the leader of the Republic of Jey and accepted. Though still dissatisfied with Qualo, and still of the belief that his men had died for nothing because of Qualo, Domz is our leader to this day and the third-in-command of 63 other nations.

Jey's Early History

As the debates over the Treaty of Quali cooled and the new 64 nations began solidifying their independance, The Grenevan Territories struck again, showing their true intention--assassinating Domz. A Grenevan Army Unit of 15,000 men marched accross the Jevian border in 4101 into Domz City, and into the capitol buidling. They marched into Domz's office and found nothing. Seconds earlier, he had been evacuated and was already in the air, 10 miles away. The survivors of the invasion of Domz City rushed out of the capitol building as artillery demolished it, killing all of the Grenevan soldiers. As news reached the Emperor of The Grenevan Territories, Ka'il Falshone, that the assassination was unsuccessful, he realized the great threat that arouse from not only Jey, but all other nations of the former Empire. Jey allied with 60 nations of the former Empire and threw an all-out assault on The Grenevan Territories in 4102. Within 2 weeks, the country fell. Less than 2 million men were lost in the War of Grenevan Succession, a small amount when compared to The Domz War. Jey immediately annexed all lands of Greneva, and called on its allies to join the union of the Allied Empire of Jey. Under the newest treaty, The Peace of Domz, 55 of the 60 allies agreed, and appointed a Parliamentary Bureaucracy system, still with Domz at the head. Each nation now became a state of the Allied Empire of Jey, and its leader became a member of Parliament, who voted on issues, pending approval from Domz. The former Empire of Domz, in 4105 was then consisted of 9 nations--an extremely large Allied Empire of Jey, and 8 other nations that refused to re-join the Union. As of 4150, the Peace of Domz is still in effect and still working. 3 of the nations that refused to re-join the Union have already become part of the Allied Empire, and all other nations have hinted that they may do the same. Through Domz's unwavering committment to his Empire, we have been able to hold together and become one of the greatest Empires ever. Praise Lord Domz!

Jey Today

Jey's current conditions are extremely promising. Through Jey's major exports of Arms Manufacturing, other military utilities, and Automobile Manufacturing, the economy is booming. The unemployment and crime rates are relatively low, and the citizens enjoy massive political freedoms and human rights from Emperor Domz. For more information on our major exporting companies and governmental policies and administrations, see below.

Recent Updates

Our military currently maintains control over large portions of land around the Empire. The Empire's military has assumed authority over half of the Grenevan Territories, which pose little threat to the life of Domz nor the Empire itself anymore. With the oceans around the Empire receding, large areas of land are now being discovered and inhabited by Jey. The Empire is growing quickly, and with Domz's approval rating at an all-time high of 89.7%, there seems to be nothing that can halt our growth.

The most recent activity in Jey occured on January 12th, 4155. On this day, the Republic of Zyzz officially ceded their territory to the Allied Empire of Jey. In exchange for this, Jey sent to the now Jevian State of Zyzz military protection and a considerable sum of money. Zyzz will remin partially independent of Jey's government until March 1st, when Domz and the administration will assume full control. The number of countries remaining from the previous empire that have not yet rejoined is now 4.


The Government of Jey is comprised of 5 branches: Presidential, Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and International. Each branch is comprised of a certain political party.

Political Parties

Party Leader Information  % of Votes in latest Election (4152) Number of Seats in JE, HOJR
Jevian Emperical Party (JEP) Emperor, Ex., Rep. Drew Domz This political party is led by Domz himself. Commonly seen as left-wing extremists and aimless followers of the Emperor, the JEP are primarily atheists and pro-life. Their economic beliefs tend to be capitalistic, and their proposals dealing with the economy usually involve the rich receiving the highest taxes. Since most of Jey's COJ and HOJR seats are controlled by the JEP, most of Domz's proposals are passed by the governmental process. These bills include the outlaw of performing an abortion, the ability of gay marriage, and the removal of any religious affiliation of the government. 49.8% 32, 67
Jevian Republican Party (JRP) Rep. Valiro Gregon Perhaps nearly direct opposites of the JEP, the JRP is considered by numerous other parties to be anti-Jey. Leader Valiro Gregon has publicly stated of the party's desire to return to the terms of pre-Peace of Domz--in that Jey would return to a Republic and the other states return to independence. Their political beliefs are derived from a deeply woven love in thier god, and their economic standpoints tend to be communistic. Though the JRP is the second most popular party, they are the one to have never passed any legislation in the COJ. 21.0% 17, 29
Jevian Libertarian Socialists (JLS) Rep. Philo Caron N/A 17.2% 9, 25
Jevian Green Party (JGP) Ex. Anron Balix N/A 6.4% 4, 5
Jevian Anarcho-Syndicalists (JAS) Thomand Qurat N/A 3.7% 2, 3
Jevian Independant Party (JIP) Rep. Warren Baytes N/A 1.1% 0, 1
Jevian Federalists (JF) N/A N/A 0.5% 0,0
Jevian Neo-Liberalists (JNL) N/A N/A 0.3% 1,0

Presidential Branch

Drew Domz is the head of the Presidential branch of the government. In terms of power, the Presidential Branch is the ultimate authority, with the power to overrule decisions by the executive branch, and the ability to submit new proposals to the executive branch, without consent of the Legislature. The Presidential Branch is comprised of the Emperor, Deputy Emperor, and 13 Cabinet Members, all selected by the Emperor. Upon an Emperor's death, Jey hold's an Emperical Election, in which every vote-bearing citizen (those of the 16th year of age) is asked to cast a vote upon 5 candidates. After an Emperor is elected, he selects his Deputy, and his Cabinet Members, all of which are subject to approval of the Executives, thus making the Presidential Branch.

Executive and Legislative Branches: Jevian Executives (JE) and House of Jevian Representatives (HOJR)

The Executive Branch of government is comprised of 65 Jevian Executives (JE), one for each official state, all of which are voted on by the people of the respective state. The JEs retain the power to ratify bills passed by the HOJR into law, treaties, Cabinet Members, and Deputy Emperors.

The Legislative Branch of government is comprised of 139 citizens in the House of Jevian Representatives (HOJR), two for each official state, and one for each officially recognized Jevian Territorial Area. The HOJR retains the ability to pass bills to the JEs to potentially become law, and propose ammendments and repeals.

State Executive Representative A Representative B
Aboria Ex. Helen McGibbons Rep. Rep.
Achronis Ex. Davus MacRonis Rep. Rep.
Atheia Ex. Bebo Ferland Rep. Rep.
Buron Ex. Een Lorn Rep. Rep.
Bynarm Ex. Petre Hilso Rep. Rep.
Camerown Ex. Scott Owncarm Rep. Rep.
Checon Ex. Rep. Rep.
Cuvil Ex. Rep. Rep.
Dalgracin Ex. Rep. Rep.
Dargraco Ex. Valeia Bues Rep. Rep.
Domz Ex. Drew Domz Rep. Drew Domz Rep.
Duro Ex. Davi Belsi Rep. Rep.
Effonia Ex. Rep. Rep.
Exis Isle Ex. Rep. Rep.
Fargathe Ex. Rep. Rep.
Feerlon Ex. Rep. Rep.
Futor Ex. Anron Balix Rep. Rep.
Gairon Ex. Rep. Rep.
Gayeit Ex. Bens Tatorin Rep. Vaenessa Morns Rep.
Ghosul Ex. Andrea Cosil Rep. Rep.
Guba Ex. Claia Sana-Barath Rep. Rep.
Hiro Ex. Rep. Rep.
Hyznelvania Ex. Rep. Rep.
Ionicalia Ex. Rep. Rep.
Isle of Beson Ex. Rep. Rep.
Jillournia Ex. Rep. Rep. Georgial Caccario
Kym Ex. Rep. Rep. Daniella Purnoffical
Koupina Ex. Rep. Rep.
Lanfia Ex. Rep. Rep.
Loel Ex. Rep. Rep.
Mondaccicio Ex. Rep. Rep.
Mordenelli Ex. Rep. Rep.
Narque Ex. Rep. Valiro Gregon Rep.
New Jeca Ex. Rep. Rep.
Nurmolur Ex. Rep. Rep. Kyol Purro
Oaathe Ex. Jenifa Warrenth Rep. Rep.
Orion Ex. Rep. Rep.
Oscheeth Ex. Rep. Philo Caron Rep.
Pambol Ex. Rep. Hal Cvaer Rep.
Panagela Ex. Rep. Rep.
Pcarth Ex. Jalo Scolarin Rep. Rep.
Peonovalic Ex. Rep. Rep.
Poolon Ex. Nickolar Khalioulin Rep. Rep.
Quitae Ex. Rep. Rep.
Recaria Ex. Rep. Rep.
Requisite Ex. Rep. Rep. Xando Teneth
Reroown Ex. Rep. Rep.
Ronmb Ex. Rep. Rep.
Saolort Ex. Rep. Rep.
Taccorbi Ex. Rep. Rep.
Televar Ex. Rep. Rep.
Tormil Ex. Rep. Rep.
Tuttorio Ex. Rep. Rep. Warren Baytes
Tuzim Ex. Rep. Rep.
Uria Ex. Rep. Rep. Yuri Cancar
Uz Ex. Rep. Rep.
Valen Ex. Rep. Rep.
Ven Ex. Johnny "B" Baites Rep. Rep.
Vuroiloso Ex. Rep. Rep.
Warp Ex. Rep. Rep.
Westaria Ex. Rep. Rep.
Wurrot Ex. Ric Zeeotirburn Rep. Rep.
Xan Ex. Rep. Rep.
Yalae Ex. Rep. Rep.
Zyzz Ex. La'O Warsor Rep. Rep. Fon Dulo

Judicial Branch


Military Companies

Presently, Jey maintains one of the largest Armed Divisions in the world, the Jevian Commanding Forces. Working behind the scenes is the company which exports the largest amount of professional firearms on the globe for our grand army -- Jevian Arms League.

Jevian Commanding Forces

Containing Invasion Forces, Defensive Forces, Special Operations Units, Air Forces, and Naval Forces, the JCF employs over 95% of Jey's official standing military units, whose top Generals report directly to Emperor Domz. For more information, visit the Jevian Commanding Forces page.

Jevian Arms League

The JCF receives their armed capabilities from the Jevian Arms League. Producing over 2 million handguns and light weaponry daily, the JAL is the world's leading arms manufacturing company. Providing not only the rifles for our troops, the JAL constructs all the materials used by the JCF--from airfields to vessels to intelligence buildings, as well as sending numerous other nations with miltary help through exports. The JAL's President is also under the authority of Emperor Domz. For more information, visit the Jevian Arms League page.

Religious Organizations

As The Allied Empire of Jey currently provides no federal spending to any religious organization and taxes them just the same as other companies, religious organizations find trouble in amassing followers.

Latest Census Figures

UN Category: Capitalizt

Civil Rights: Superb

Economy: All-Consuming

Political Freedoms: Very Good


Population: 1.1+ Billion

Income Tax: 78%

GDP Per Capita: $32,404.94

Unemployment Rate: 2.56%

Exchange Rate: 1 jey give me moneys = $1.5512

United Nations Involvement

Passed Resolutions

UN Resolution #125 Repeal "DVD Region Removal" (Author)

UN Resolution #138 Artistic Freedom (Author)

UN Resolution #139 Repeal "Mandatory Recycling" (Co-Author)

Other Proposals


UN Organizations

UNA Member (UNA-J)

TPP Member

IRCO Member

GTT Member


3 (Hawths, ExistentialVegetarians, New Togos)