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==People of Note==
==People of Note==
High King Alicia li'Wye
*High King [[Alicia li'Wye]]
Victoria (Markova) li'Wye
*Victoria (Markova) li'Wye
Consul-General Josiah Willard Gibbs
*Consul-General [[Josiah Willard Gibbs]]
*Leiutenant-Admiral [[Hiro Storm]]
Lord Ash  
*Lord [[Ash]] of the Twilight
Fleet Admiral Valor Storm

Revision as of 21:10, 12 November 2004

Flag of Weyr
Motto: Leave us alone or else . . .
No Map Available Yet
Region Ros Na Riogh
Capital Wye, City of
Official Language(s) High Weyrik, Common Weyrik, Anglorat, Sindarin, Russian, Japanese
Leader Alicia li'Wye
Population 1.204 Billion
Currency The Weyr 
NS Sunset XML


The Kingdom of Weyr is a massive nation located on the fringe of the galaxy, and on Terra. It consists of six prefectures: Wye, Starhavven, Paradigm, Paradox, Marchese, and Ashkeloh. An anarchistic society, Weyr pays strong attention to self-determination. It also attracts every rogue, pirate, and renegate in the multiverse. Over the past hundred years, the Kingdom has become a significant, if not major player on the international scene.


The Early Years

High King Elrick the Great ‘founded’ the Kingdom of Weyr in 1561BL, sealing his position through a consortship with princess Ellena of Argos. The Landarch Magistra of Westgard challenged Elrick's claim to the throne of Weyr. The thirty years of warfare that followed resulted in the complete destruction of western Weyr, including Westgard, and formed the Great Western Desert. Horrified by the destruction, Elrick formed The Tower at Wye, which became Weyr's center for thaumaturgic studies for the next two millennia, and which pevented any further large-scale thamaturgic warfare in Weyr for one and a half thousand years.

Unstable Peace

The reign of High King Alphonse the Timid and his successors is known as the Unstable Peace. A weak king, Alphonse delegated much of his power to the local lords and to the High Council. A rewriting of the Contract in 410BL officially made the High Council the most important body in the Kingdom of Weyr. Included in the new Contract was a clause that made The Tower independent of the Kingdom of Weyr.

Times of Trouble

By 160BL, both the High King and the High Council were mere figureheads, with the real power now firmly in the hands of the regional governments and the emerging corporations. The High King Roman died without a direct heir. Three weak High Kings, each with more and more distant links to the main Royal bloodline, saw Weyr fall into anarchy. The Kingdom's armed forces fell into disrepair.

The Guilded Age

Theorems and Wars

The publication of Josiah Willard Leigh' General Theory of Magicka in 0AL revolutionized Weyrean society overnight. No longer dependent on foreign technology and energy, Weyr returned to its thaumaturgic roots, and soon outstripped its neighbors in many economic fields. Although numerous military technologies were coming onto the market at the time, the Weyrean military remained under equipped and understaffed.

The High King Alicia li'Wye came to power in 11AL. Two years later, the Armed Republic of Gramal threatened the Kingdom of Weyr with invasion over a misunderstanding of Weyrean foreign policy. A hasty alliance between Weyr, Akita-Ryuvius, Beta Aurigae IV, and San Texario resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Wye, which allowed Gramal a military facility on Weyrean soil and led to limited disarmament on both sides. Allied forces were withdrawn from the Gramal-Weyr border over the following two years.

The BattleSpire project was completed in 44AL. By 54AL, Weyr possessed numerous, semi-independent colonies throughout the multiverse. The Paradigm Prefecture was formally chartered in 58AL. By 61Al, Paradigm was Weyr's premier manufacturing and mining center.

Boiling Point

The prosperity of the preceding half-century alienated many people. Religious and social opposition to the rapid advancement increased every year. By 64AL, the Priesthood of Krim was leading a vocal coalition against the Kingdom of Weyr, the Tower, and the influx of immigrants.

The release of IG gas over the city of Southport in 65AL killed twenty million persons. The surprise attack was later linked to the Patriarch of Krim. The ensuing fighting between the High Guard, surviving Southport residents, and rebels, cost three million lives in a period of two weeks. Akita-Ryuvius, Beta Aurigae IV, San Texario, and Uchido all deployed forces into the area around Southport, and played a significant role in the fighting. Using extraordinary powers Field Marshall Elton Gran deployed the Alchemists into Southport. The resulting energies leveled the parts of the city not already destroyed by aerial bombardment. The terminal Flux-Torque distortions in realSpace made the area uninhabitable. Four trillion Weyrs were expended to construct a thaumaturgic barrier around Southport and prevent the spread of Flux distortions. Nonetheless, Flux storms have been known to terrorize the populace surrounding Southport.

To the Stars

Three months following the Fifth Civil War, Starchild III performed the first successful Translation jump. Within thirty years, Weyrean corporations had constructed private interstellar fleets. Rapid improvements in Translation drives allowed for nearly instant travel between any two points in the multiverse. In 68AL, the coordinates of the Paradigm system were formally revealed. By 76AL, Starhavven Station, based at Paradigm, was fully functional.

The Imperial First Distributed Kingdom

Weyr was not a major participant in the Sith Wars, and was ultimately absorbed into the Galactic Empire after two short and insignificant battles. Admiral Masato Igarashii Storm's attack on the Imperial Death Star fleet at Vortex resulted in the destruction of Weyr's Ocean Fleet. The exact reasons for the attack remain unknown.

The Death Star and the combined Imperial fleet entered the Paradigm System on 91AL, two days after the Vortex debacle. During the following battle, half of the Kingdom of Weyr nullified the Contract. Thirty minutes after accepting the Empire's surrender terms, the High Council dissolved the Kingdom of Weyr.

On the night of the surrender, the Council Hall of Paradigm City went up in flames when the Source engine at its base, which supplied over a hundred million persons with Feed links and energy, exploded. Close to fifty million persons lost all energy and Feed links for two days, while Seed machines were installed to restore the Feed capacity.

-- To be RP-ed --

sunJammer Wars

To be RP-ed

At the Edge of Night

To be Rp-ed

Foreign Involvements

The Lightning Star

The Kingdom of Weyr deployed into the Empire of the Lightning Star during that nation's first civil war. The Weyrean mission was primarily humanitarian, although both the Skyfleet and the High Guard participated in active combat. Weyr spent most of its time rebuilding the Lightning Star's capital city of Norvington, and ferrying refugees to neighboring nations.

Since large portions of the Weyrean Skyfleet lacked even the most rudimentary armor or weapons, Weyrean success in the area depended on luck and show more than on force.


Weyr deployed into Akaton shortly after the Weyrean Civil War, in order to halt the release of demons initiated by Akatani thaumaturgs during an experiment. With assistance from the Resurgent Dream and Weyrean thaumaturgs, the Akatani sealed the realSpace rifts and destroyed or removed the remaining demons.

Sith Wars

Weyr was a minor player in the Sith Wars, acting on the side of the Coreworldians, and later the Rebels, none of whom were interested in Weyrean assistance. Weyrean siding with the Rebellion ended with the destruction of the Weyrean Ocean Fleet at Vortex, and the subsequent appearance of the Death Star at Paradigm. The Kingdom was dissolved after a twelve-hour battle, although the territories of the former Kingdom continued to act as a cohesive geopolitical entity.


The Contract

The contract is Weyr's equivalent to a constitution.

  • Article 0
    • Society is based on trust.
    • Trust depends on a common set of morals.
    • A government that can't adapt to its society's morals will collapse.
  • Article 1
    • The government must protect its people from external threats.
    • The government must guarantee basic economic status.
  • Article 2
    • The people guarantee to support the government, and to allow it the rights of taxation, in return for the statements of Article 1.
  • Article 3
    • Failure by the government to comply with Article 1 is grounds for nullification of this contract.
    • Failure by the people to comply with Article 2 is grounds for nullification of this contract.

The High King

During peacetime, the High King has very little real power. He, or she, acts as an ambassador to other nations, oversees government departments, and can propose laws to the High Council. the High Council can vote to give the High King emergency powers, but those powers are still less than those wielded by the High Council.

The High King spends most of her time keeping the Kingdom of Weyr from splitting along the seams. She irons out disagreements between local governments, and between various phyles and the central government. In a few cases, she has argued against High Council acts.

The High Council

The High Council is Weyr's legislative body. Laws and regulations are normally proposed in response to particular issues brought before the High Council. In addition, the High Council decides on the legality of Phyle, Corporate, and Urban Council actions, although this task has been shunted to the High Court in recent times.

Councilors are elected every four years by a popular vote. There are three thousand eight hundred and four seats. Each of the nine hundred Urban Cores receives a number of seats dependent on their population. Representatives from Wye City and Paradigm Urban Cores hold over half of all seats. The High Council meets in Council Hall, a massive spire on the highest tier of Wye City.


The Weyrean judicial system has long ago abandoned moralization and religion as ways of determining sentences. All sentences given are monetary in nature. If the defendant is unable to pay his court sentence, he is forced to work his fine off at a government establishment.

If the crime is committed in a phyle, that phyle's judiciary is permitted to try the defendant, issue the sentence, and carry it out.

Judges are elected into office by popular vote in much of Weyr, but phyles are permitted to alter the requirements for holding office.

The three crimes that exist in all of Weyr are murder, theft, and malicious manipulation. Phyles and Urban Cores may add further crimes. Enforcement of phyle laws across phyle boundaries depends on intra-phyle treaties. The Kingdom of Weyr does not enforce phyle laws.



Phyles are small, independent states within the greater Weyrean sphere. They have their own laws, their own agendas, and their own territories. A phyle may be as large as the Neo-Victorian phyle, which spans every prefecture and over a hundred worlds; or as small as the h0x phyle, which has four members. Despite their differences, every phyle is ultimately tied to the Weyrean government.


Corporate Weyr ranges in temperament from Wye City's brutal coups to Paradigm City's negotiated transfers of power. Powerful corporations influence High Council and Urban Council decisions, and a numbed of Councilors are known to be in corporate pay. Corporations are often linked to a single phyle, although large and old corporations such as Integrated Auto and Emulated Magicka remain independent pseudo-phyles in their own right.


Clans are a mainstay of Weyrean society. They are associations of people who band together for protection and for profit. Clans often have their own military organizations, emergency services, public shelters, markets, and governments. Powerful, established clans pursue relatively legal enterprises. Smaller clans involve themselves in racketeering and money laundering.

Clans should not be confused with phyles. Phyles are legal, semi-independent governments. Clans are fully under the jurisdiction and control of the Kingdom of Weyr. While (chartered) phyles are fully legal, most clans are not.

People of Note

  • Lord Ash of the Twilight