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(The Chaos of The Marxist State)
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=== The Chaos of The Marxist State ===
=== The Chaos of The Marxist State ===
To be written
=== Glory of the Conglomerate! ===
=== Glory of the Conglomerate! ===

Revision as of 06:18, 13 July 2006

The Honor Guard
Forum: The Honor Guard
Population: 33 nations
Delegate: None
Founder: Qlestine
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

The Honor Guard region has historically been quite secluded from the rest of the world, remaining under the radar of world politics for quite some time. Within the region however, governments have toppled, states have been completely wiped out and some nations have made their dominance known through vast military conquests.

A complete history of the region is near to impossible to compile, with each nation having their own separate time frames. However, with the formation of the Collective, recent times have been well documented; it is these events that I aim to set down for you.

Nuekallayan Might (Dec 4th, 2005-February 2nd, 2006)

Early regional history is dominated by the actions of one nation: Nuekallaya. Their sometimes overhanded actions have gained them enemies at many turns.

The Nuekallayan Genocide

The Theocratic Principality of Nuekallaya had faced years of brutal civil war, and despite the unification of the country five years ago, there was a series of secularist uprisings in the province of Qatar (not to be confused with the nation of the same name). After a particularly violent uprising in late 2005, the leader of the principality, Sovereign Cyrus Zathuri, chose to wipe out all resistance in the province. The majority of the Qatari residents were relocated to other parts of the country, but many still fell in the fighting. Nuekallaya's brutal crackdown on the local rebels drew a great deal of negative international attention. The extermination of rebels was so thorough that some were calling it genocide.

However, on December 6, Jonin Donovan Shy-elds of Ekram Kiros was captured by rebel terrorists while visiting the Nuekallayan capital of Persepolis. This one event turned the majority of Honor Guard nations against the rebellion, and Sovereign Zathuri found himself in the region's graces. By December 8, 2005, the majority of the fighting in the countryside was over with the only resistance found in Qatar City. Two days later the rebellion was over. Despite the end of the fighting, the Jonin was only found four days after peace had been established. An elite team of Nuekallayan and Kirosian agents rescued him from a terrorist hideout in the hills west of Persepolis.

This marked the end of resistance to the Zathuri regime in Nuekallaya.

Nuekallayan Invasion of Alfara

Not long after the end of Qatari resistance, Nuekallaya turned to external problems. The nation of Alfara (also spelled Alfaara) was across a small sea at Nuekallaya's north east, and was home to many oppressed ethnic Nuekallayans. The capitalist nation of Alfara had long been at odds with Nuekallaya, and treated Nuekallayans within its border as second-class citizens. Now that Sovereign Zathuri had consolidated power in his own country, he would not stand for these slights from a neighboring nation.

The Nuekallayan government attempted to diplomatically end the inequality in Alfara, but met no success. After these failed attempts, an ultimatum was sent to Alfara: improve the life on Nuekallayans, or face invasion. On January 11, 2006, the Theocratic Principality of Nuekallaya invaded Alfara, and took control of the nation within a matter of days. The battles were few and one-sided, most Alfaran troops deserted in the face of the vastly superior Nuekallayan military, and soon a foreign power was in control of another nation for the first time in Honor Guard history.

There was an immediate international outcry in response to Nuekallaya's invasion, but little was actually done to change the situation other than the exchange of condemning words. While The Honor Guard's conclave of advisors debated the issue, Nuekallaya began work on re-establishing order in Alfara. Damaged property was rebuilt, and a new government was being formed.

Amidst the debating and political maneuvering, one nation spoke against Nuekallaya the loudest: the Holy Republic of Gilead Zion. Gilead Zion was soon to become Nuekallaya's greatest enemy, it was also a theocratic nation, but of a far more oppressive religion, and the former president Abelard of Alfara wad taken refuge there.

With Gilead Zion leading the way, the majority of the Honor Guard's nations seemed aligned against Nuekallaya. Despite this, Sovereign Zathuri announced his intention of making Alfara a Nuekallayan protectorate for the time being. This proposal was met with even more opposition, but Nuekallaya and it's sovereign refused to back down.

As the shouting match between Nuekallaya and Gilead Zion continued, inspectors from the nations of Qlestine and Norris Land discovered that the Alfaran government was being built directly by the Nuekallayan government, and there was an obviously unfair distribution of power. Norris Land responded to this with the mobilization of elements of its army to try and warn Nuekallaya of the possible consequences of its stubbornness.

Nuekallaya took heed. As quickly as possible, Sovereign Zathuri personally left for Alfara to set up a fairer system by which to establish the new government. Soon, the nations of the Honor Guard were in agreement: Nuekallaya would oversee the rebuilding of Alfara, the citizens of Alfara would democratically elect the government, and until this new government requested Nuekallaya's withdrawal, there would be a Nuekallayan protecorateship over the nation. However, the sonflict between Nuekallaya and Gilead Zion was not healed.

Nuekallaya/Gilead Zion Conflict

Not long after Alfara had fallen firmly into the hands of Nuekallaya, The Holy Republic of Gilead Zion annexed The Theocratic Union of Ghazaa’Saenai, a nation that shared Gilead Zion's religion and culture. While Gilead Zion presented it as the unification of one people under one government, Nuekallaya responded with less optimism. Ghazaa’Saenai bordered Alfara, and Nuekallaya feared this was the beginning of Gilead Zion's preparation for war.

Nuekallayan and Zionist forces became anxious, and the world watched in the fear of a war, but for the most part it remained a war of words. That is, until a Nuekallayan spy plane was shot down over Ghazaa’Saenai territory. Soon Gilead Zion’s armed forces, the Salvation Army, mobilized along the border. Nuekallaya, fearing international opinion after the scandal with the spy plane, did not follow in mobilization.

Although tensions remained high, Nuekallaya formally apologized, and the Salvation Army was demobilized. Relations cooled don for the time being, the animosity between Nuekallaya and Gilead Zion would continue, with devastating effects...

The Flames of War

The conflict between two nations would colide with Gilead Zion's and Nuekallaya's internal conflicts, sparking a war that would spread across the continent of Rigin.

Gilead Zion Revolution

During the conflict between Nuekallaya and Gilead Zion, the Communist nation of Oxdrivaren sought diplomatic relations with the Holy Republic. It is now known that Oxdrivaren never intended to have relations with Gilead Zion, but rather to incite a revolution. During the visit, an Oxdrivaren diplomat was "kidnapped," in actuality, he was contacting the People's Liberation Front of Gilead Zion.

Eventually the diplomat turned up, claiming to have escaped despite the death of his bodyguard. In fact, the bodyguard had stayed behind with the PLFGZ as a military advisor. It was not long before bombs detonated throughout Gilead Zion, wiping out most of the Holy Republic's leadership.

Oxdrivaren sent troops into the nation with the blessing of the Holy Republic. Officially they were there to help end the revolution, but they turned on the Holy Republic and aided the rebels. Soon, the only power the Holy Republic had was over the newly acquired Ghazaa’Saenai territory. Gilead Zion was split between the theocratic Holy Republic and the socialist People’s Republic.

The Spark

On February 2, 2006, Sovereign Zathuri announced his intent to visit the nations of Ekram Kiros, The People's Republic of Gilead Zion, and Qlestine. He never made it to Qlestine. The sovereign had been facing increased criticism from Nuekallaya's Traditionalist and Communist political parties for easing up on free-enterprise, and not being "too soft" on Nuekallaya's enemies.

There were some within the Nuekallayan government who conspired to kill Sovereign Zathuri and attack Nuekallaya's enemies at once. As Sovereign Zathuri arrived in the PRGZ, his car was ambushed by men with RPGs. IT was believed by all that these men were terrorists loyal to the Holy Republic. In truth, they were assassins hired by Nuekallayan conspirators.

Although Sovereign Zathuri survived the attack, we fell into a coma. While he was incapacitated, his Prime Minister Ian Kandiru took the role of leading Nuekallaya. It is unknown whether or not Kandiru was part of the conspiracy; there are many who believe he was despite the total lack of condemning evidence. Kandiru, always a military man, pushed Nuekallaya's parliament into declaring war on the Holy Republic in order to avenge his sovereign.


On February 6, 2006, the Theocratic Principality began its invasion of the Holy Republic of Gilead Zion with troops stationed in Alfara. Soon enough, the People's Republic of Gilead Zion and Oxdrivaren soon agreed to work alongside Nuekallaya in the struggle against the Holy Republic, although the Nuekallayan troops were on the other side of the country. Also, as Nuekallaya began it's invasion, the kingdom of Zertunia sent several divisions to help the war effort.

With so many nations aligned against their economic allies, the piratical nation of Peuto Royal sent it's impressive navy to help the Holy Republic. The Nuekallayan navy, which had been blockading the Holy Republic, was totally unprepared for the coming battle. Whereever the Nuekallayans fought the Peuto Royaleans, they lost. It was not long before Nuekallaya had no more navies to truly speak of.

The Nuekallayan government sent out a message begging it's allies for help against the pirates, but Nuekallaya's savior came from an unexpected direction. The Federation of Norris Land had previously stated it's neutrality, but could not stand by in the face of war's horrors. The Norris Land navy soon took to the seas, and from that point on the war at sea was one of maneuver. By the time peace came, Norris Land had the pirates trapped in the Red Sea, but the final battle never took place due to an armistice.

The war on the ground saw far more blood however. On the Alfara-Zion border, the opposing forces were fighting a war of attrition. The Holy Republic's Salvation Army had entrenched it's self along the border, and none of Nuekallaya's attempts to bring mobility to the war were successful due to an utter lack of sufficient armored units. Eventually the Nuekallayan forces had to settle down in defensive positions as well, leading to bloody trench warfare.

In eastern Gilead Zion, the forces of the People's Republic marched along side the Oxdrivaren across the mountains into HRGZ territory. At first the allies were unable to find the Holy Republic's army, and set about liberating the countryside. However, at this time, the near anarchic nation of Chomsky-Tolstoy was persuaded to join with Peuto Royal, and the pirates transported Chomsky-Tolstoy's drugged-up soldiers to the Holy Republic. There, the allied socialist armies suffered a vicious chemical attack by the Chomsky-Tolstoy forces, and were forced to withdraw.

Meanshile, in the islands to the north, Zertunia had re-directed its troop to fighting the pirates of Peuto Royal. In response, the kingdom of SlidingAlbion sent troops to defend its trade piratical partner. Here, too chemical weapons came to the front, this time fired by Zertunia. Despite these deadly weapons, the forces of SlidingAlbion fought on, and Zertunia was eventually forced to withdraw.

Towards the war's end, Sovereign Zathuri of Nuekallaya came out of his coma. Shortly thereafter, the conspiracy against him was uncovered due to a hasty assassination attempt. The true cause of the war had seen the light of day, but all involved were too busy tearing apart their mortal enemies to take notice.

As the larger nations fought among themselves, numerous smaller nations joined the war as well. Most of their efforts were inconsequential to the war as a whole, but had a major impact on their own regions. The Conglomerate of Vivalutsk also joined the Holy Republic in its fight against Nuekallaya, putting further strain on the beleaguered nation.

Metratan-Qlestian War: Demons Come

To be writen


The conflict known as the Honor War came to a close unexpectedly. It was a peace without victory or defeat. Amidst all the chaos, blood atrocities, and death, Sovereign Zathuri saw a hope for peace. His nation had started this war in vain, and it was his intention to end the suffering as best he could. He proposed an international convention to decide the "rules of war," in order to end the more heinous atrocities.

The proposal led to a general armistice, when in turned blossomed into peace. The Honor Guard was no longer at war, but the war had many lasting effects. Nuekallaya's army was soon modernized, and made one of the most powerful in the Honor Guard. The pirate cadres of Peuto Royal lost much of their power, eventually leading to a civilian government taking charge. Many of the more oppressive elements of the Holy Republic of Gilead Zion were left dead or exiled. The nation of Oxdrivaren was severely weakened, leading to isolationism and eventual fall. Finally, the seeds of hatred were planted in the kingdoms of Zertunia and SlidingAlbion.

The war was over, but the situation still shaky.

New Peace, New Conflict

After the war had died down, the Honor Guard had it's one and only opportunity to come together in peace and unity. It did not take that opportunity. International squabbling plagued the Persepolis Convention, and a new economic conflict was beginning to bud. All the while, the insular nation of The Marxist State began to fail.

The Persepolis Convention

The Persepolis Convention faced problems from the very start due to bickering over where to hold it and who to allow attend. On March 1st, 2006, however, representatives from the nations of The Honor Guard arrived in Pax City, the heart of Honor Guard politics. Although the coming weeks would prove tense, the road to peace had finally found a solid foundation.

Early propositions put before the convention, such as the banning of chemical weapons and the penalty for nations joining war for economic reasons were widely accepted by the majority of the attendees.

Three days into the convention and the delegates in attendance where allowing their own circumstances get in the way of proper discussion. However, Nuekallaya, the very nation that had brought the region to war, in part redeemed itself by putting forward the first written draft of the Persepolis Convention.

Upon the presentation of Donovan Michael Smith by Sub-Archonite Methys, the representative of Thracianhorse, the discussion immediately turned to the discussion of the protection of prisoners of war. Discussions took over and, despite events slowing down the progress toward the real goal, on April 4th, 2005 – the thirty-fifth day of the convention – Sandra Kirkpatrick of Western Akirema put before the convention a document that is now known as the Persepolis Convention.

Peace With Honor

When the Persepolis convnetion was being planned, there was a great deal of debate over where it would take place. Cyrus Zathuri, who proposed it in the first place, wished for the convention to take place in his capital of Persepolis, but many others wished for it to take place in Pac Per Honoious. The reasoning for it to take place in Nuekallaya was that Pax Island was in the center of hostile waters. Eventualy, to ensure the convention would happen in Pax, most nations agreed to a general cease fire for the duration of the convention. After a few weeks inactivity on the fronts, some nations began signing peace treaties and withdrawing troops. Soon, what was meant as a temporary cease fire became a region-wide peace. The Honor War ended without victory or defeat, and thus came to be known as the Peace With Honor.

Northwest Trade Agreement

To be written.

The Eye of God

The nation known as The Marxist State remained isolationist during most of The Honor War, but as the region-wide war came to a close, The Marxist State's own war began to intensify. For some time, the secular communist government had been fighting a religious rebellion called The Eye of God. However, Eye of God terrorists got hold of a small nuclear weapon. They detonated it in the city of Red Peace on March 10th, 2006. The rebels went on to take control of The Marxist State's "super weapon," the SELEE gun. The SELEE gun was a massive artillery piece capable of extraordinary rages that fired a radioactive shell.

With terrorists in control of such weaponry, the international community began to take notice. The Theocratic Principality of Nuekallaya began to fly sorties into The Marxist State, bombing terrorist bases and cutting their supply lines. Eventually they managed to destroy the SELEE gun it's self, ending the threat to The Honor Guard as a whole.

After the threat was eliminated, the Marxists were left to fend for themselves. Most had little interest in who ended up in control of the country, as the official Marxist government was unpopular for their treatment of the international community and their military's uneven amount of control. It was not long before the entire country descended into chaos.

Rivals for Trade

International Explosion

It was not long before the many minor, internal, or political conflits in the wake of the Honor War exploded into violence again. Thit time, however, there were rules to war, and hope for peace.

Imperialist Powers

The wounds of the Honor War were never really healed in Zertunia or SlidingAlbion. The two bordering monarchies continued to treat one and other as enemies even after the peace. To the south of Zertunia, the nation of Soviet Kalasel feared the imperialist power of these monarchies, and felt it had to act in self defense. Some time earlier, Zertunia had expressed a desire to expand into Soviet Kalasel, which made the soviet leadership perticularly anxious.

When it was discovered that the king of Zertunia intended to preform a speach at Agar, the soviets prepared to make thier "defensive" move there. What they did not know was the Zertunia was preparing for a renewed war with SlidingAlbion. On April 11th, 2006, a soviet agent assassinated the king of Zertunia just before his speach, throwing the nation into chaos. Most assumed the agent responsible for the assassination was from SlidingAlbion.

The Chaos of The Marxist State

To be written

Glory of the Conglomerate!

Echos of The Honor War

After the assassination of the Zertunian king, many in the nation feared the SlidingAlbion would make its move to attack. The Zertunian government made an official request to its ally Nuekallaya to protect her borders, a request the Nuekallayans could not deny. Many hoped the Nuekallayan presence would encourage both sides to back down. No one wanted to re-start the Honor War, and it was assumed the Nuekallayans would keep Zertunian aggression in check and prevent an invasion by Albion.

They were wrong. The interim leader of Zertunia, General Dalku, made an illegal attack on SlidingAlbion. A number of scud missiles loaded with deadly chemical agents were fired on Albionese positions on the other side of the border, provoking skirmishes all along the lines. Shortly thereafter, General Dalku was killed, presumably by a Nuekallayan agent. Colonel Ribald replaced the man, and Nuekallaya prepared to defend against a possible retaliatory attack.

SlidingAlbion was somewhat held at bay by Nuekallaya's presence, but they could not let the Zertunian attack go unanswered. SlidingAlbion made a move to attack the Zertunian position in order to eliminate their scud missile positions, thus eliminating their ability to attack SlidingAlbion effectively. The Nuekallayans did not want to get bogged down in another war, and at first did not interfere. When the Zertunian forced folded after only a few hors of fighting however, the Nuekallayans counter-attacked.

The fighting lasted for about a month, with the SlidingAlbion's forces advancing far into Zertunia. The war waged back and forth, with no one clearly taking the advantage. To end this deadlock, Nuekallaya made a bold move. SlidingAlbion had never once in its history been invaded, and Nuekallaya threatened just that. The Nuekallayan navy moved off the shore of Albion, bombarding their coastal defenses, launching bombing sorties from aircraft carriers, and preparing the Marine Corps for an amphibious invasion.

The threat of invasion was only a ruse however; the Nuekallayan leadership had no interest in fighting a war they could only lose in their enemy's homeland. But when SlidingAlbion's attention was focused on the sea, they launched an offensive that freed most of Zertunia from the SlidingAlbion's grip. With their forces defeated in the west, a threat of invasion from the sea, and constant bombing from the Nuekallayan navy, it did not take much for Nuekallaya to lure SlidingAlbion to the negotiation table. Soon enough peace was established on the condition of Status Quo Antebellum.

New Frontiers

End to the turmoil in Rigin came to be within sight, but not before one last bout of violence. Many hoped this would lead to a new era of peace, stability and unity within the Honor Guard. At the same time that Rigin began to stabilize however, the developing continent of Aegis began to open -and be opened- to the world.

Norrisian Civil War

SlidingAlbion Unmasked

Clefe Reaching Out

Zorica's Wrath

Nations in The Honor Guard with NSwiki pages
Qlestine | Nuekallaya |Western Akirema | Narwah | Gilead Zion | Herspegova | Thracianhorse | SlidingAlbion | Imperious Imperials | Puerto Royale | Sons of Bayushi | Mannerstein | Halandra | Zertunia