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==Major Cities==
==Major Cities==

Revision as of 21:41, 19 July 2006

Flag of Kanami
Motto: "Unity, Justice, Freedom, Peace for All People"
Region A Free Democracy
Capital Carmina Gadalica
Official Language(s) English, Japanese, Jasoen, Kanmian
Leader Elenore A. Romney
Currency kanamian 
NS Sunset XML


Kanami is a nation founded upon principals of philosophy, theology, and democracy. A group of various people from countries of the Pacific banded together, with one thing in common. They hated their Governments. Some came from countries with no morals, no principals, others from tyrannical dictatorships, and places of complete anarchy. Many were in search for a better place, a place of refuge, or fresh and fertile farmland. Under the leadership of a young, but strong and feisty swords girl, name Yasashii Himura Her name meaning Gentle, and Cherry Blossoms. Yasashii was orphaned at age five and was taken in by a master swordsman. From him she learned not only the ways of the sword, but of religion, philosophy, and politics. She came to value the importance of democracy, and what it stands for in the world. Since then she has lived her life trying to improve the world around her. She began to teach others the things she was taught, but the local government disapproved of this. Since then she was threatened and eventually ambushed, beaten and left for dead. She was nursed back to health by a sympathetic group, who felt the same way as she did, and admired her for her courage to do what was right, even after the government ambushed her. They were also amazed at her vast knowledge for such a young age of only 16. They voted unanimously to make her leader of the group. Yasashii, reluctently took the position, with great humility and humbleness. When word got out that this new underground committee was teaching non government-approved material, they attempted to put a stop to them once and for all. Fearing for the lives of her fellow members, Yasashii ordered a mass evacuation of everyone and anyone apart of the committee, and who wanted to escape tyranny. "It's time to throw off the shackles of oppression. And from our own colony. Run by the people for the people and with the people."-Yasashii Himura Diary Entry. Yasashii stated that to all the people she knew, and to many on the street, much to great risk. The people selflessly left everything behind, to form a colony in the name of principals. Thousands boarded a ship called the S.S. Oka or Cherry Blossom(s). The journey was long and rough. The Pacific wasn't so pacifistic as it's name so deceivingly meant. Storms battered the ship often, and supplies ran short. "The weather shows no signs of ever changing and we are expending our supplies so sooner than expected, because the weather keeps slowing us down. I pray for land fall soon, even if it is already inhabited. Anything to at least restock out much needed food and water." Journal Entry-Two Weeks At Sea. However no nation wanted a band of rebels, and few were ever willing to supply the ship. Many navy ships chased them away. Three weeks and six day's into the Journey a brutal storm struck. The ship was tossed around for hours, and many areas of the ship flooded, even Yasashii's own cabin flooded. By morning the storm had finally cleared, and in the distance there was a great mass of land, completely unoccupied. Yasashii was first off the ship and declared: "May this land that we settle upon, be known as Kanami, (Meaning Our Port in the Storm) For the long journey we struggled and tossed and turned on the stormy seas, of life and nature. Here we can form our new Republic. " The first animal spotted on the mainland was a hawk. It was also found that Hawks inhabited the land. Amazingly, Kanami was also rich in natural resources, the Kanamians were well educated freely, and were told how to use the resources properly. "I fell truly blessed by God to have landed on a place so large, and so rich in natural resources. It is amazing that no other nation in the world has ever found this place, and settled it. Just a mass of land, nothing but wild animals vast forests, rich soil, and good solid foundations. The seas around it were treacherous sure, but still, I'm baffled by it. But still, writing by moonlight of my hopes for the future of this Republic, is a most wonderful feeling." Diary Entry-Fist Night. Carefully Yasashii helped form a constitution, and Government. The Republic continued to live in peace for many years. But the peace would soon come to an end. Other nations began to look upon the tiny republic with envious eyes. Its rich natural resource bank drew the interest of Capitalists, power hungry dictators, kings, queens, emperors, empresses sought to annex the nation for its own outpost to add to it's roster of control. Eventually one nation marched in. The still fragile Republic, took up arms and fought. Including Yasashii. She fought only with her sword, and wisdom. Hopelessly out numbered, Kanami's Parliament and ideals seemed doomed. Non the less they all fought bravely. Miraculously the enemy was defeated, and driven out. Kanami fearing further invasions, declared it's self independent, and granted the Parliament Democratic powers. Yasashii was the nations first and youngest Prime Minister. She declared: "And this our motto shall be, Unity, Justice, Freedom, Peace for All People." Which has since become a controversial statement amongst the people of the nation and of the world. Some wonder what she actually meant. It was read in her diary, that she meant it literally. "I have chosen our motto, unity, justice, peace, freedom for all people. And it is my wish that my fellow citizens will uphold this. Not just for themselves, but for all the world as well. City and country folk alike should band together to uphold the inalienable rights of others. I hope the world shall improve over time, untill then may Kanami remain free from the scourges of corruption, and may it remain a free republic based on morals and principals of the people. While in a democracy not everyone gets their way, all the time. Everyone should get there way, at least once. God Bless us all. " Kanami would come dangerously close to corruption. While Yasashii was away, to help others who sought the nation, the Parliament fell into corruption. The Vice Prime Minister was granted emergency powers, in the event Yasashii would die on the journey. He seized control of the National Economy, the militia, the navy, and the Parliament. He conspired with several big business of the region, along with the Pacific Communist Party, to turn the resourcefully rich nation, into a Communist-Capitalist Nation, solely of the benefit to the party, and the party's many corporate sponsors. Yasashii got wind of this news and hurried back into Kanami, to confront V.P. Yukito Mako. The two engaged in a now infamous duel known as Himura v. Mako. Yasashii with her superbious sword techniques killed Yukito and restored democratic order to the parliament, and regained control over the Armed Forces. She also enacted a checks and balance system, to assure no party would gain too much power. She also enacted a secret society known as The Order of the Hawk. A special elite group of hand picked people to assure Governmental order and stability. As to who is a member is strictly calcified; not even the Prime Minister or the Cabinet knows. Yasashii would die 16 years later, at age 32, from Shinjiku Syndrome. She was burried with the highest of honors. The people of the nation are forever grateful to Yasashii Himura, and to the others who gave everything for Kanami.


Kanami is a representative/direct Democracy. All issues are brought before the governmet, either by legislation, or by petioners (citzens usually) The Prime Minister runs the Executive Branch, which is the Parliament. The Judical Branch interperts the laws, and the Executive puts them into affect. The Legislative Branch is made up of both Parliameant Members who represent the people and even the people themselves, However the only ordinary citizens that can ever speak before the parliament are usually those who live in the Capital City. But it is open Forum to anyone of the nation. International Affairs are given to the Executive. However, if any other branches desire they can reject, any policy.

A Secret Society exists within the Governmen known as "The Order of the Hawk." The Order is there to make sure no Governmental branch or represneative, becomes too powerful and corrupted. Worst comes to worse they can overthrow a corrupted Government, and restart. The members are hand picked by the retiring member, or the group its self. Back after Kanami fell into Dictator ship, Yasashii Himura hand picked them her self.

This was the first Coat of Arms. Adopted by the country in 1883


This is a similar match today


The only differences are: A hawk in the middle as opposed to the egal, no stars and stripes, just a blue flag for peace time, read for times of war. Also during war time, the head is flipped to face the arrows, it times of peace, it faces the olive branches

Executive Branch

This is the branch of the Prime Minister, and her cabinate. This also includes the governing powers of the nation, as well as Ministries:

  • The Ministry of Defense-Handles all defense measures to the nation. Including DEFCON status, and international threat status. This Ministry controlls the armed services along with the Prime Minister for all Foreign Missions.

Defcons are phased increases in combat readiness. Expanded explanations follow below.

DEFCON 1: Maximum force readiness.

DEFCON 2: Increased force readiness (less than maximum).

DEFCON 3: Increased force readiness.

DEFCON 4: Peacetime; Increased intelligence; Strengthened security measures.

DEFCON 5: Peacetime.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-This handles all diplomatic relations with the international community. Trade, declarations of war, political crises are monotired here, as well as the Defense Ministry, should they become hostile.
  • Ministry of the Interior-Handles all domestic affairs, several subdepartments exist within this, including: Agriculture, Veterans Affairs, Education, Transportation, Energy, Labor, Housing, and Health. Treasurey is also handled by the Minister of this ministry, along with the Foreign Affairs Minister, and Prime Minister. Each subdepartment has it's own advisor, but all answer to the Minister of this Department.
  • Ministry of Home Land Security-Handles Domestic Security, as well as border. Assests threats from foreing bodies, and handles the Terror Alert Scale
Red Severe Condition
Orange High Condition
Yellow Elevated Condition
Blue Guarded Condition
Green Low Condition

This alert scale is used to tell the public of the risk of Terrorist Threats, and or foreing attack threats. Homeland Security also oversees natural disasters, and deployments of the National Guard to anywhere in the country.

  • The Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister do not have a separate category. Rather they are put together as the cabinate overseers.

The Attorney General while is classified as an Executive Power, is in charge of the judicial branch

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch oversees the court system of Kanami. Through court cases they explain the meaning of the constitution and laws passed by the Parliament.

The Supreme Court is highest court in the land, and can not be overruled by anyone. This court rules whether something is unconstitutional or not, and/or is permitted by the constitution. There are nine justices, eight are associates, and one is Chief Justice. The judges are nominated by the Prime Minister, and approved by the Parliament.

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch is the made up of the Parliament members, comprised of 268 members. Parliament members are elected to a three-year term. The Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister are considered head of the Branch, but do not vote, unless there is a tie.

Each branch checks and balances the other. To become a law, a bill is introduced, then a committee hearing is held, followed by a debate. If passed, it will go on to further review. The amendmates can be made, then a second debate, follow by a vote. If passed it will go to the Prime Minister, where she can chose to sign it or veto it. A veto can be overturned by a 2/3 vote in the Parliament. The Prime Minister can make changes to his/her desire, but the Suprem Court and Parliament must review the changes made, and vote to accept the Executive AmendmentsA bill when passed will become law as of January 1st of the next year.

Social Aspect

Kanami is a diverse wonderful place. Rich in natural resources it has a really good economy, and supply. Many people towards the Capital speak all English or are bilingual in English and Japanese. Further out west in more rural areas people speak Japanese or Jasoen. The Language of Kanamian is a older language back in it's early days. Deriving of English Japanese and Jasoen, it usually only applies to people who are trilingual or are interpreters.

Religion is big. Kanami isn't an extremely secular nation, although Church and State are respectfully separate. There are many churches, for Christian and Non Christian Religions. (e.x. Scientology) The major religion is a cross of Christianity and Shintaoism, as Yasashii was a devout Christao, many followed her in her practice. It takes a combination of old religious believes new age believes, and gives it a different light on it. Students may attend Seminary during before or after school hours. In a off campus building, with no school credit given.

Public Schools are all intergrated of males females, and diffrent races. Many subjects provide for not only challenging academics but fun and interesting extra activities such as art, music, Model Parliament, Model United Nations, (in a different aspect than the existing NSUN) and a soon to be Model League of Nations. Various subjects are taught for all career fields. From Computer Sciences to Homemaking, to Farming and Fishing. And Arts such as cinema, Painting, crafting. School kids usually wear uniforms. This usually leads to higher grades and fewer clothing distractions. Student's seldom mind the uniforms.


People enjoy going to concerts, movies (see entertainment) themeparks, or just spending time with the family. Kanami encourages strong family relationships. The only nation with more on it is Kurona

Many people are book writers or publishers; with the limits placed on capitalism. Others chose the profession so they can be with their family more. Particullarly women, who chose to stay home.


Kanami has a warm climate, with it's Pacific location. Summers are hot and humid down south towards the coast and Capital. Up North Summers are warm and wet, not so much humid as there is rain and dryness. Only the highest peaks ever receive snow.

{{|Image|http://images.quizilla.com/A/arcticglow/1059481244_sPSPicepic.jpg%7Cright%7Csnow%7CA girl in high mountains enjoys the snow}}

Major Cities

Carmina Gadalica the Capital is the largest city in Kanami. It also holds 1/3 of the nations population. Starlight City home to Kanami's NASA Space center ranks in second place. Other cities such as the port city of Kyohami, the in land city of Serenity are on the top ranks.



Kanami is an Island. It's a rather large island, but it has no land connections. The terrain up north is mountainess and rough. Vallies are the polluted areas in the mountains. More south it's smoother and flat. Some areas are so flat they are flatter than pancakes. Farms ranches rural comunities, are more inland and more west of Carmina in the East.


People will get around in any way they can. Be it car, boat, train, bike. All of which are popular. People often cruise on the rural highways, but the intercities it's slower, and a little more time.

Natural Disasters

Disasters affect Kanami all year round. Hurricanes are common in coastal areas, earthquakes in more mountainas regions, tornadoes and fires in the plains area. High peaks receive heavy snow fall in the winters. Floods happen often during heavy rains.



Kanami has several health codes for schools, business, hospitals, and Government establishments. Health care is affordable and generally given to everybody. Special attention is given to those in poverty, or the working class families. Although smoking and alcohol and drugs are banned there is becoming a wide problem with STDs. Sex awareness is being spread more thickly, but not quite enough. Some blame the "Abstinence Only" policy that schools teach. Others feel it's because of the lax concern to nude art.


Of course TV and Movies are popular. Generally entertainment goes uncensored. Usually because most get a Certification from the Kanami Board of Entertainment Classification and Ratings. (KBECR) Certification is optional though, and a good deal of independent films go with out an official rating. Several Guilds make up the Movies System. Including the Academy of Arts, which gives out the ultimate award annually for outstanding motion pictures, videogames, and T.V. Movie theaters are spread all around the country, and the A.A. is working to ensure even the smallest of towns get a good quality theater. Video Games are very popular too. Tournaments are held all around the country, and great prizes are given out. Other popular things to do are going to concerts. Orchestras are big, as well as jazz bands, and all brass/wind bands. Opera is not an extremely popular, but it draws it's crowds. Stage Plays are also a big part of night life. Comic Books are big. They come in almost every genre from Action to Drama, and even some naughty adult books, which are restricted to licensed shops.

See also Motion Pictures of NS and Music of NS

Critics and Supporters

Several countries do not like Kanami because of Kanami's Democratic Policy. Some say the nation is a foolish idealistic colony that causes ruckus where ever it goes. Such incidents when a hostile and tentious cold war broke out between Kanami and Stevid. Stevid was expelling all people of Muslim faith, and Prime Minister Koolridge, saw this as as "A perversion of Government rule, and a violation against democracy." War nearly broke out, however it was ended with a Non-Aggression Pact. They failed to stop the expulsions, and change their minds. Many in the world saw this as an infrigement to sovereignty, and many feel Kanami will violate any nations freedom to get what they want. (See Stevid Cold War)

Many also do not like it's heavy anti-capitalist stance. Kanami tells it's not anti-capitalist, they just don't like what greedy corporations do to society.

Kanami has been striving to start a League of Nations, after withdrawing from the United Nations. Many also dismiss this as foolish idealism.

On the flip side, many think Kanami is a good nation. "Honerable and Just." Says the Queen of Aqua Anu. "Friendly it will reach to any nation in need." Princess Tomoyo of Kurona said. Even Stevid which was once a bitter enemy now slowly becoming friends must give a nod to Kanami.


Any sport is popular in Kanami. Football, Soccer, Horseracing, Boat Racing, Base Ball and so on.

Although Sports players salaries are often subdued by the Government, and put into things such as education, and other works.

Oath of the Armed Services

I Private (name) do hereby solemnly swear, that I will uphold and defend ideas and believes of the Republic of Kanami, against all enemies, foregin or domestic.

That I will sever my duty just and honerably,

That I will protect innocence from loss of life

That I will serve my commanding officers in just reasons.

And that I will protect my brothers in arms

Foreign Policy/Relations

Kanami always seeks countires with both ideals the same, and diffrent form theirs. The one thing their diverse population has taught them, is that people will have very diffrent views, and if you don't know their viewpoints, it's impossible to negotiate, or compromise.

Building Embassies is one of these methods. They jump at various points to build embassies in nations in hopes of creating more and more relations in the world. And they hope they become out-posts of democracy, for fleeing refugees, seeking the nation.

Two of the closest allies are Kurona and Aqua Anu. While Aqua Anu tends to be a bit of a dictatorship at times, it has been a long time friend and ally. Yasashii Himura visited the Queen of Aqua Anu in 1809, and established friendship. However Kurona is a complex relationship. Kurona is a semi-PT nation, and a rather stricter and less democratic nation. In fact they've only been allies for about 16 years. And their relationship only furthered under the Koolridge Administration. Because of Kurona's domestic policy, many in every party have saught to break off relationships with the nation, stating: "It's no better than dealing with a genocidal dictatorship" In fact this was Sen. Polk's (D) plan if he we're to be elected. This caused a bit of fright with Princess Tomoyo, fearing her nation would lose the nation she trusted most, and the one that came to their rescue when they needed it. Of course Prime Minister Romeny had no intentions of doing such things providing she was elected. She believes the complex relationship helps Kanami in dealing with more oppressive states. And she says "Kurona isn't really very oppressive."

Kanami can become aggressive when it comes to Violations of Human Rights. (such as the Stevid Cold War) Recently a poltical cartoon was published showing a Genocidal Dictator, with one nation saying "We have to stop them." But three others stating "Why, they have SOVEREIGNTY?" The cartoon was to show how much the world stands up for the dictators, all in the name of that word.

Kanami will only intervene military wise if it feels needed. But it's always willing to help in humanitarian aid. Such as the Kuronan Storm Crises

The Prime Minister and The Cabinate

The Prime Minister usually self chooses his/her own cabinate to serve. Occasionally they are voted into office.

Elenore Amy Romney


(Republican Socialist Party)

Elenore is the second youngest woman Prime Minister ever in the history of the nation. And She is only the fifth in office. She was raised by her mother after the death of her father. Her family began to fall apart. Her sister was killed by a drunk driver who had been drinking bootleg liquor. She lost two of her brothers to drugs. After that she decided to make her mother proud and happy again. She studied very hard and skipped several grades.

Molly Katherin Anderson Minister of Homeland Security


(RS party)

Molly served under Steven Koolridge as Homeland Security Minister. Molly originally enrolled at Freedom Military Academy after leaving University of Kyohomi. She was hopping to eventually become a Naval Commander, but was discovered by Steven Koolridge during a risky operation in a war game. Because Molly pulled it of splendidly, she was hired as the Domestic Security Advisor and eventually put as the Minister to Homeland Security. Her father was a Commander for the Special Forces years prior.

Alex Jacob Lang Minister of Defense



Alex was a special ops Lt. In Delta. He was bumped to NSA advisor under the KoolridgeAdministration, and served on Centra-Spike, during the Kurona Sub Crises. His intel lead to the arrest of several Sub operators that launched the nuclear attack on Kurona. He is also a brilliant puzzler, he loved puzzles as a kid, no jigsaw puzzle was too much for him. This lead him into an interest in codes as a teenager.

Karou Airashii Kamiah Minister of Foreign Affiars


(RS Party)

Grew up in a traditional family. Because of that she almost always wears a Kimono and ties her black hair back with a ribbon. Her family has been in the Government ever since the country was founded. While non of them have been Prime Ministers, one was a Minister of the Interior in 1889, another was an executive in Trade. Her parents we're advisors to the Prime Minister. Elenore meet Karou as a young grad studnet, just earning her B.S. She was amazed about Karou's knowledge of other cultures. And her deep Christian Faith. When Elenore won the election, she asked Karou to serve as her Foreign Affairs Minister.

Emmy Jane Willent-Attorney General


(Democratic Party)

Emmaline Jane Willent as her full name would dictate, was actually an extremely poor girl. Her parents we're too proud to accept welfare or charity. This often made her go to bed very hungry. This made it hard for her to focus in school. She began to steal, for money and food. But one day she got caught. But instead of the store owner punishing her, or telling on her, he cut her a deal, she find work hard in school, and he would give her a breakfast lunch and dinner when she needed one. Emmy was rather grateful and kept her end of the bargin. She got interested in Law and Justice after a fieldtrip for history class to the Supreme Court. She took several law classes in high school and always excelled at mock trials. After graduation with a Bachelors in Law, Elenore Romeny gave her the position of Attorney General after reading her college paper on "Justice."

Akiko Reiko Mashimo Vice Prime Minister


(RS Party)

Akiko was born at sea. It's true. Her parents we're on a fishing trip and during a storm she was born. Because of this some kids often teased her mercilessly, calling her a foreigner, and rumors began that she was also a Bastard Child. This was of course disproven. She struggled to make a name of her self, so she vowed oneday she would go into polotics. And she did. At first she started out as a speech writer for the Prime Minister. Having written several for Koolridge. Elenore discovered her after reading her speeches, and thought she would be a good partner. Elenore could care less if Akiko was dropped on the door step by aliens, she saw Akikio as a citizen like anyone else. Akiko has good ideas and is a very helpful person. She may become Prime Minister her self oneday.

Jason Robert Izen Minister of the Interior


(RS Party)

Jason was a farm kid from the west. He and his 7 siblings would get up and work everyday, and go to school part of the time. But high taxes, along with natural disasters made farming tough, and often discouraged him from wanting to follow his family. Although three of his older sisters are running their own family farms now. Jason went to law school to become a lawyer. He often represented down on their luck farmers, who lost their harvest and we're unable to pay their taxes. But then he began researching crime rates, poverty, business, commerce, and manythings that we're affecting the state of the union. He attend protests for both sides, and talked to average citizens Elenore admired his concerns about the state of the interior, and hired him.