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(The Formation of Glerica)
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The final battle unified all the Lords of the land, and The Constitutional Monarchy of Glerica was finally formed under its third King, Regin Glerican.  At the end of the campaigns, a total of 20 Lords and Ladies had signed the Treaty of Weltin.
The final battle unified all the Lords of the land, and The Constitutional Monarchy of Glerica was finally formed under its third King, Regin Glerican.  At the end of the campaigns, a total of 20 Lords and Ladies had signed the Treaty of Weltin.
===The Depression===
Several years after the unification, the nation moved onto its second Royal Bloodline, meaning that it was the first monarch not directly related to Mattian Glerican.  However, the Council of Lords decided that all monarchs should carry the title of “Glerican” after their surname to (according to Lady Franc Olivia) “Carry on the heritage, prosperity and… rugged good looks of Mattian Glerican)”.  King Hans Regstul Glerican I was chosen as the next King, and his coronation took place swiftly to avoid civil unrest in the cities.  Despite what is now looked upon as the darkest time of Glerica, the nation’s spirits were high, and the sounds of celebration filled the streets.
Regstul’s first act as King was to abolish the Council of Knights, giving him complete control over the nation.  He then proceeded to turn the nation into a Dominion, forcing all citizens available to fund his crackpot schemes, (such as creating a giant offshore clock so that people in high places can always tell the time) and his offshore invasions, namely the Safalran-Glerican war.
====The Peoples' Government====
An effect of this forced dominion was massive civil unrest, starvation, disgusting housing conditions; causing skirmishes and the eventual breakout of war.  The most notable battle of the Civil War was the “Bakers Strike” which involved the bakers of Mattopia filling the palace of Regstul with dough.  “It really wasn’t that bad” a palace official claimed “We just set the heaters on High and lit all the fires in the place and had bread-floors for a month or two.”  Despite the civil unrest, society eventually crumbled, forcing Regstul to have an emergency meeting with “the people’s representatives”.  Regstul was forced to abdicate, and a "People's Government" was set.  This led to the People’s declaration, which is still active today, as it holds dear many regulations which effect modern life, such as Free Speech, Right for a trial, etc.

Revision as of 19:39, 26 January 2007

Flag of Glerica
Motto: "Where does the evidence lead?"
Region England
Capital Mattopia
Official Language(s) Glerican, English
 - King Trucast Aldos Glerican II
 - Prime Minister Pell Quill
Population < 1 Billion
Currency Frond (GLF)
Internet TLD .gl
Calling code +107
NS Sunset XML

The Constitutional Monarchy of Glerica, also referred to colloquially as Glerica, is a country in the north-west of England it occupies around half of the most north-western island in England, and shares a land border with Safalra. Glerica is bounded by the Hypocriscian Sea to the East, International Waters to the West, and the “Most Northern Sea” to the North. Glerica was formed as a nation around 1200 years ago and takes its name from its first King, Mattian Glerican.

Glerica plays host to two fantastic lush forests, one of which spans the border between Glerica and Safalra. The “Rehn Forest” is situated in the north of the nation, and is a National Heritage site, as well as a wildlife park. It has never been officially explored fully, due to its massive size. Before some of it was cut down, it was recorded that Rehn Forest spread so far south that it bordered Mattopia. Now however, numerous private explorers have ventured into the forest and reported of various ruined toadstool settlements, Candy mines, Massive purple lakes, strange (and alarming) giant animals that have supposedly talked to the explorers in British Accents. Scientists believe that these explorers have encountered a plant which generates hallucinogenic spores, although this has never been fully proven.

“Queens Forest” originally was cut down until the border, but was replanted under the command of Queen Trillgif Glerican in the Trillgifian Ages. Due to its density and the two main highroads which ran through it, it fallen foul to famous highwaymen and women, such as June Gerl, Polly Will, and Robert Yillian. Highwaymen and women have plagued the area ever since, although now rather than a sword and pistol, it is usually a semi-automated weapon and an off-road vehicle. However, the current government has cracked down on highway robbery, and is now an incredibly rare sight.

Although seen as a fairly new country, Glerica ranks as a fairly influential nation, and tries to develop significant scientific and cultural developments to share with its Region, such as The "Glerican Herald". It is the place of origin for the Glerican Language ( language that is incredibly like english except there is no letter "X" simply because "It is a useless letter anyway") and the “Glerican Church of Whatever” (a religion which allows its followers to believe in anything as long as their beliefs don't hurt anyone and that they do not pressure anyone into their beliefs).

Brief History

Prehistoric Glerica

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The cavepaintings found in Riverton Caves

Cave paintings which have been found in the Riverton Caves have suggested that humans first settled in what is now Glerica at around 1500BC. Unusually, these paintings suggest that instead of the typical “Hunter-Gatherer” pictures common from that time, Prehistoric Glericans seem to have bought what can be described as fast food from traders carrying trays. There are also scenes of these people with domesticated Glerkbacks. Scientists agree that this is incredibly fascinating behaviour for people of these times, or just a really, really, really good hoax.

At this time, Glerica was connected to mainland England by numerous land bridges, and therefore increased population diversity.

The Formation of Glerica

The first group relating to “Glerica” was first recorded when Monk Cherimine Samuel of Yults Land wrote in his journal about a group of citizens of the nearby town setting of into the forest and creating a crude settlement. “A groupe total of 65 peoples set off this day under a flag of which I have not seen before. I asked a peasant who they were, and he said they called themselves the Franderks and were setting off to build their own town, free of the Lord, Before telling me to mind my own business.” The lord the monk is speaking of is Lord Yult, an oppressive leader who collectively controlled 1200 acres of land and the 25,000 peasants which lived on it. Yult was infamous for his “personal executions” in which the lord himself killed whoever he chose if that person was on his land. It goes without saying that many a person was chased to death by Yults dogs and horses as they attempted to leave his land.

The group of 65 (25 Women, 30 Men and 10 Children) that set off that day were under the collective name of the “Fanderks”, due to their leaders name, William Fanderk. The group travelled a total of 210 miles from the border of Yults land and settled in dense woodland, next to a river. Unknown to them, the land they had settled in belonged to Mattian Glerican. The group’s first settlement, simply dubbed “The Fanderk Town” consisted of crude, wooden tent-like houses and one hall-like structure which served as a fast food hut. Unfortunately, no remains or documentation has survived to tell us more about this settlement.

When Mattian Glerican heard of what was described as a “bandit camp” in his land, him and his personal army of 120 men charged toward the so-called camp. However, when Mattian arrived he soon saw that this was far from a bandit camp and rather refugees. Mattian dismissed his army, and asked to speak with Fanderk (who was defending himself with a frying pan), with who he sympathised with his current situation and offered him to stay on his land with no charge and no work quotas. The new settlement(which didn’t have an official name) originally had around 17 houses and one community hall inside Mattian’s land, but quickly grew into a small town, as various people migrated from Yults land, and other lands surrounding Mattians land. Before long, the small settlement grew into a thriving town, and was dubbed Fanderk, even though Mattian Glerican was the so called “lord”.

It wasn’t before long that the Lords of the surrounding lands of Mattian’s noticed a large amount of their people leaving, causing them to attack Fanderk. The most famous battle is the Battle of Yult, in which Lord Yult attacked Fanderk, only to be fended off and then defeated and killed in his own manor house. Mattian then claimed ownership over Yults land and founded Mattopia, the second city in his land.

Unfortunately, William Fanderk was killed by an arrow to the chest in the battle and was buried in Fanderk Cemetery. A statue was also erected in the city centre of Fanderk.

The Battle of Yult was the first in a series of battles in Mattian’s Campaign, which spanned over 150 years and resulted in the formation of the country of Glerica. After the Battle of Yult, Mattian’s army were the most powerful in the region, and due to this might many of the Lords in the surrounding land immediately handed over control to Mattian. The main exchange happened when 5 surrounding countries agreed to allow Mattian rule over their lands as long as they still held the title of lord, and were allowed to advice Mattian on certain issues, forming the Council of Lords. This was called the Treaty of Weltin, due to the location of its signing. The five lords which did surrender and become founding members of the council where:

  • Lord Santura of Sashil
  • Lord Remmin of Weltin
  • Lord Gurqua of Briane
  • Lady Pranses of Tillyland &
  • Lady Rofget of Poll

With these additions, Mattian’s land became a nation named Glerica, with Mattian becoming King.

The Mattian Campaign

As mentioned above, the Mattian campaign spanned over 150 years and was the ongoing battles, wars and treaties of the kings of Glerica aiming to occupy the entire island. Some of the battles are listed below.

Battle of Swans River

This battle occurred when Rattal navy forces (around 5 Caviliers, 6 Warships and a mascot duck called "Admiral Quacks") attacked Riverton, a small settlement on the Glerican coast. In response, the Glerican army attacked and captured the Lord’s manor house, causing Cal Rattal to enter into the Treaty of Weltin. Rebelions of the Rattal people were recorded for days after their lords surrender, so Lord Rattal announced that "no sharpe objects, or horrible pointy thingse shall be allowed for the gruff peoples". As a result, the traditional Rattalian dress was fashioned out of their own hair.

Attack on Rens Beilding

A small attack force of the Glerican army attacked Beilding under the cover of night. This occurred because of said reports suggesting that Beilding was poisoning water supplies. Beilding was killed, and his land (and people) taken with minimal effort. There were reports of the Beilding people not really caring.

Seige on Mattopia

Known as “The final battle” not because it ended the Mattian campaign, but because it was the battle in which Mattian Glerican (The first king of Glerica) died. Some of the Lords of surrounding lands joined forces and attacked Mattopia and its people. They made it past the borders due to it being "opposite night" of the nation, where the gaurds thought that seeing an invading force signal meant that there wasn't actually an invading force. Few of the Glerican Land force was able to help support the Royal guard stationed in Mattopia at the time of attack. Two trebuchet shots were fired at the palace, killing the King, Queen and two gaurds that were asking the King if he'd just heard two trebuchet shots being launched. The attacking forces were eventually driven off by the regular citizens of Mattopia, armed with regular items such as spades, pitchforks, sickles, rolling pins, and "quite tough cushions".

The Unifying Battle

This battle was, in fact the ending battle of the Mattian campaign, but was rather a sharp attack on a rebel hide-out rather than a military battle. For 15 years, small attacks on markets, army patrols and parklands occurred, mainly by the Rebel group “Red Yurons”, who were fighting for the liberation of their old Lord who had signed the Treaty of Weltin. A small force of men forced there way through a Yuron bunker, killing all inside.

The final battle unified all the Lords of the land, and The Constitutional Monarchy of Glerica was finally formed under its third King, Regin Glerican. At the end of the campaigns, a total of 20 Lords and Ladies had signed the Treaty of Weltin.

The Depression

Several years after the unification, the nation moved onto its second Royal Bloodline, meaning that it was the first monarch not directly related to Mattian Glerican. However, the Council of Lords decided that all monarchs should carry the title of “Glerican” after their surname to (according to Lady Franc Olivia) “Carry on the heritage, prosperity and… rugged good looks of Mattian Glerican)”. King Hans Regstul Glerican I was chosen as the next King, and his coronation took place swiftly to avoid civil unrest in the cities. Despite what is now looked upon as the darkest time of Glerica, the nation’s spirits were high, and the sounds of celebration filled the streets.

Regstul’s first act as King was to abolish the Council of Knights, giving him complete control over the nation. He then proceeded to turn the nation into a Dominion, forcing all citizens available to fund his crackpot schemes, (such as creating a giant offshore clock so that people in high places can always tell the time) and his offshore invasions, namely the Safalran-Glerican war.

The Peoples' Government

An effect of this forced dominion was massive civil unrest, starvation, disgusting housing conditions; causing skirmishes and the eventual breakout of war. The most notable battle of the Civil War was the “Bakers Strike” which involved the bakers of Mattopia filling the palace of Regstul with dough. “It really wasn’t that bad” a palace official claimed “We just set the heaters on High and lit all the fires in the place and had bread-floors for a month or two.” Despite the civil unrest, society eventually crumbled, forcing Regstul to have an emergency meeting with “the people’s representatives”. Regstul was forced to abdicate, and a "People's Government" was set. This led to the People’s declaration, which is still active today, as it holds dear many regulations which effect modern life, such as Free Speech, Right for a trial, etc.