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With all the finances of Pinguinum being taken care of, the nation can run effectively with funding from the government. It is essentially the backbone. Fortunately, Pinguinum has a strong economy with a flat rate of 26%.  
With all the finances of Pinguinum being taken care of, the nation can run effectively with funding from the government. It is essentially the backbone. Fortunately, Pinguinum has a strong economy with a flat rate of 26%.  
The Bank of Pinguinum controls all national rates and monitors the economy removing and injecting cash as needed. It also controls the Royal Pinguinian Mint, which is in a top secret location heavily fortified and patrolled by armed guards.  
The Bank of Pinguinum controls all national rates and monitors the economy removing and injecting cash as needed. It also controls the Royal Pinguinian Mint, which is in a top secret location heavily fortified and patrolled by armed guards.  

Revision as of 06:15, 24 September 2007

Penguinumflag.jpg royalsealpinguinum.png
Flag Emblem
Motto: Ad praesens ova cras pul.
Map of Pinguinum
Region Nova
Capital Avie
Official Language(s) English, Italian, Pinguinian
Leader HM King Dwight D.G.
Sovereignty 1500
Population 16 million
Currency pingu (png) 
Internet TLD .pg
Calling code +48
NS Sunset XML

The Kingdom of Pinguinum ...


Pinguinum is a country with a presently non-existent level of immigration and a devout population. Indigenous Pinguinians are fiercly patriotic towards their national animal and it is a punishable offence to harm a penguin in any way.


Pinguinum has a chiefly new form of parliamentary democracy. Although the government has control of all the national affairs, HM King Dwight maintains the divine right to overrule any decision he dislikes. His Majesty also chooses a selection of five candidates for the position of Chief Minister, who in turn delegates Ministerial positions to other members of the Pinguinian Parliament. It is important to note that unlike with many democratic governments, there are no opposition parties. The people of Pinguinum elect candidates not parties.

On a local basis, the nation divided into duchies then counties. The municipal area is governed by a baron.

  • Dextershire - Dexter
  • Sinistershire - Sinister
  • Saddonshire - Sand Down
  • Pinguinshire - Pinguino

See also:



The Pinguinian flag is made up of three colours. The first colour, white, represents the ice; the second, black, represents the peaks and the division for the third colour; the third colour, light blue, represents the clear sky. It also said that the flag is symbolic of penguin's feet in the water.


The emblem is a careful depiction of the island within a ornate circle. The penguin is wearing a crown to represen the Kingdom.

National Anthem

The national anthem of Pinguinum is Into the sky.


Though adversity, we triumphed
and came upon this land
the name of which was decided
and proclaimed upon the sand

The settlers that became us
did give us our fair nation
now sing it loud and clearly
in joyful celebration

We praise the lord for guiding
and seeing us do right
we stand for peace and harmony
if threatened we shall fight

Rise to your feet now
and reach into the sky
For all the nation's pride
and for honour we shall die

Sang to the tune of Virginia Company



The Pinguinian military boasts the most excellent service.
The military consists of:

  • PKA (Pinguinian Kingdom Army)
  • RPN (Royal Pinguinian Navy)
  • RPMC (Royal Pinguinian Marine Corps)
  • PKAF (Pinguinian Kingdom Air Force)

The nation's best military production is of submarines.

See also:


Since, Pinguinum is a sea-fairing nation completely surrounded by ocean and seas, there has beeen very little effort made to develop miliatary land vehicles. Any vehicles are relatively primitve and are used for defense only. The nation is in process of developing them for the future.

Navy and the Marine Corps

There are presently one class of submarines:

  • Aptenodytes P-Type
  • Aptenodytes F-Type

There are presently two classes of frigates:

  • Anser
  • Branta

There are presently one class of destroyers:

  • Tadorna

There are presently one class of aircraft carriers:

  • Cygnus

Air Force

Aircraft are split into a number of categories:
In each category are a number of different aircraft.


  • Falco T-Type
  • Falco S-Type
  • Falco B-Type
  • Falco R-Type
  • Falco P-Type (the 'Peregrines')


  • Buteo B-Type (the 'Buzzards')
  • Buteo J-Type


Air Transport

  • Pelicanus Type 1
  • Pelicanus Type 2


In 1500, a society of catholics trying to escape from the rule of the monarch, Henry VIII, set sail on a royal ship helped with the aid of the dissatisfied crew. The ship hit storms and was driven into the side of an italian ship. Most of the crew on both ships survived but their ships were badly damaged. They agreed to sail both ships alongside for support.

Days later, a weary crew were to discover an island. Once they navigated around the the rugged coastline they encountered a natural harbour. Both ships sailed up onto the beach and were became grounded. The crews would quickly disover that this isalnd was filled with lush vegetation. Both crews cooperated but with difficulty in communication. However, with knowledge on both sides, they both succeeeded in creating a viable living environment. The early huts were in fact made of wood salvaged from both of the ships. Any metal work was melted down for use in other ways.

An excellent pulley system came into use through use of the ropes, wooden supports, metal chains and ingenuity. Water was collected from the sea , boiled in large pans heated by the sun and used to drink. The remaining impurities including salt was collected and preserved.

It wasn't until the group of men and women had moved further along the coast that they encountered a colony of penguins. Instead of killing them for food. they managed to coexist. Eventually the penguins won the hearts and minds of the settlers and became the symbol of the isalnd. One man above all the others, Blake Furr, declared that Penguins be treated as equal. They after all liften the spirits of the settlers. Blake Furr would soon to become the overall leader and declared himself king prompted by his fellow men. He was annointed by the escaping Catholics. He degreed that the island be called Pinguinum and then set up the PCO.


"National identity"

The Penguin plays the leading role in the nation's indentity.

Cultural particularities

The Ceremonial March of the Royal Pinguinian guards can be somewaht of an amusement to foreigners and even still some Pinguinians.
The ceremony is called 'The March of the Penguins' and involes keeping you legs together as much as possible and only using your feet to walk.
This takes place for the 1 mile of Waimanu Park Road and all along Wateredge Lane.




The nation of Pinguinum has its own system for education.

  • Royal Pinguinian University of Avie
  • Lake Dexter University
  • Flipper University
  • Wings' University

  • High Diplomas
  • Middle Diplomas
  • Low Diplomas


Fishing is major part of Pinguinian cooking.


The PCO (Pinguinian Catholic Order)

For more information, see the article on Religion in Pinguinum.


The government recognises three official national languages, with equal status: Pinguinian, English and Italian.

Main holidays

Date Holiday
January 1 New Year's Day
August 16 Hail Penguin Day
December 25 Christmas Day
December 31 New Year's Eve


With all the finances of Pinguinum being taken care of, the nation can run effectively with funding from the government. It is essentially the backbone. Fortunately, Pinguinum has a strong economy with a flat rate of 26%. The Bank of Pinguinum controls all national rates and monitors the economy removing and injecting cash as needed. It also controls the Royal Pinguinian Mint, which is in a top secret location heavily fortified and patrolled by armed guards. [Image:http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c139/Iron_1984/Pinguinum/10Pingui.png%7Cthumb%7C400px]



  • PIA (Pinguinian International Airline)
  • PNA (Pinguinian National Airline)
  • Happy Feet Airways -budget airline


PPS (Pinguinian Postal Ship) designates those vessels granteda licesne by His Majesty.
At present only one company has htis license and that is:


There are 3 categories to which land transport fits into.

  • Municipal: services in and around towns and cities.
  • County: services within a region.
  • National: services that operate over long distances

Royal Transport

The Royal jet is called 'Feather One'.

Find out more about Pinguinian transport.


News Services


The main national paper is called "The Daily Quill". There are also the local newpapers of Pinguinum, which publish news from their own area.

Feathered is a weekly magazine dedicated to the culture of Pinguinum.


The PMC (Pinguinian Media Corporation) broadcasts most programs and also gets the annual license fee. The nation gets to vote on the programs it watches and the Ministry of Communication takes an active role in promoting good programs.


The PMC also controls the radios but does not demand a license fee for use.

International relations

Pinguinum used to be a member of the United Nations but decided to resign for reasons yet to be disclosed. A representative of the nation also holds the title of president of IBIS. Pinguinum maintains diplomatic relations with various foreign nations.
See: Pinguinian diplomacy.

International codes

International Codes
Internet code (TLD):.pg
Sports' code:PNG
Telephone dialing code:48