Alliance of Abh Nations

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Alliance of Abh Nations
Headquarters: Scattered across all NS regions
Members: 5 members
Type: Defense Treaty
Forum: [None]

Founded on 3 April 2006, the Alliance of Abh Nations (also known as the Abh Alliance) is a defense alliance formed between Abh nations and space-faring nations that shares the Abh ideology. The treaty arose to counter the increasing raider threat to members' regions, and ensures full defense, technological and political cooperation among its members in peace and time of need.

Mission Statement

This pact was drafted by its founding members and ratified by each of its signatory nations, of whose leaders have dedicated themselves and their Star Fields Navy to establishing a mutual defense alliance in the spirit of Abh unity.

For the glory of the Abh Empire; we, the signatories of this pact dedicate ourselves to the establishment and preservation of this treaty uniting all Abh nations. Should any member nation come under implied/or direct threat of any kind, full military force will be mobilized in defense of such nation. This defense cooperation extends to cover each member regions' sovereignity and political stability should they become the target of aggression.
We, the signatories further agrees to share all military intelligence and cooperate in the deployment of the Laburec for the general preservation of peace in our territories and the safe passage of our forces in normal space or planar space travel. Member nations will allow each other free access to their star system and free use of their gates for any purpose.
We are Abh, Kin of the Stars!


In alphabetical order:

Acceptance of new pact members will be done on a sponsorship only basis, nations who wish to become signatory nations must contact an existing member. Potential members need not be Abh nations or have majority Abh in their population. However, they must share the Abh ideology of Free Travel and Passage among stars, non-interference in lander planets' daily affairs, and abhorrance against any raider/pirate activities that distrupt peace.