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Flag of Philanchez
Motto: For King, God, and Country!'
No Map Available Yet
Region Democratic Union
Capital Metro-Philanchez
Official Language(s) Spanish English Esperanto
Leader Carlos VI de Borbon y Borbon
Population 2.1 Billion~
Currency Unit 
NS Sunset XML


Philanchez or The Holy Catholic Empire of Philanchez is a nation of 979 years. It was founded by the great Premiers, Sean Phillips and Andrew Sanchez (not to be confused with Leon Sanchez of imperialist fame). It was founded after they began to realize that the country they lived in was not supporting its people. They raised a resistance army of 500,000 and took the capital by storm. Unfortunately this nations name has been lost to history. Since then Philanchez has not been engaged in any wars although it supported Tetris L-Shaped Block in its war against "Tetris R-Shaped Block" and Led "Zeppelin". Since then Philanchez has remained steadfast allies with Tetris L-Shaped Block and considers itself close friends with Spooty, Kaduna, and Palixia. Philanchez went through a Social Monarchist phase and has now become a Catholic Monarchist state. Philanchez is also the founder of Democratic Union.

World Factbook Data


Terrain: Mostly lowland plains and coastal with inland hils and northern mountains

Climate: Temperate/Tropical

Natural Resources: Extensive iron, nickel, gold, aluminum, coal, and titanium mines. The mines cost a large fortune of the tax payers money, because the government cares so much about their "Fragile environment"


Population: 2.1 Billion~

Age Structure: 0-14 years: 17%; 14-64 years: 73%; 65 years and over: 10%

Life Expectancy at birth: total population: 95; female: 100; male: 90

Nationality: noun: Philanchian

Ethnic Groups: Hispanic 67%, Black 13%, White 11%, Other 9%

Religions: Government is officially Followers of the Church of Floyd, but people are free to worship how they wish. Catholic: 87%, Protestant: 7%, Jewish: 6%

Languages: Official language is Standard Esperanto, spoken by everyone, but everyone in the nation must speak at least 3 languages. Second Languages are as follow Spanish: 98% English: 87% German: 60%, Chinese(various dialects): 55% Japanese: 49%, Russian: 42%

Literacy Rate: total population: 97%


Conventional long form: The Holy Catholic Empire of Philanchez Conventional short form: Philanchez

Government Type: Left-leaning College State(5/22/06)

Capital: Metro-Philanchez

Administrative Divisions: Executive, Legislative, Judicial

Independence: May 2005

Suffrage: 16

Chief of State: Carlos VI de Borbon y Borbon

Elections: Every 5 Years

Terms: 5 Years

Political Parties: Carlist Party, Monarcho-Syndicalist Party, Socialist-Workers Party of Philanchez, Philanchez Liberal Coalition, Social-Democratic Initiative, Conservative Christian Party


Trade: Extensive shipping trade with Tetris L-Shaped Block and other nearby countries

Primary Exports: Woodchip Exports

Primary Imports: Textiles, Information Technology, Meat, Dairy Products

Currency: Unit. 100 Pieces = 1 Unit

Currency Code: UNITPIECES


Military Age: 16 (Universal Conscription)

Term of Service: 10 years of government/military service Max. After 6 months of intensive Basic and Advanced Training, the remainder of the 2-year enlistment is taken up with training in a State-provided University. After graduation from University, selected personnel (chosen for proven aptitude and skill) are offered full-time positions in the military services (making the active-duty ranks an All-Volunteer force). One third of active-duty military personnel act as cadre for training and administration of Reservists, and form the professional core of the Reserve ranks in the event of Mobilization.

Total Population of Military Age: Approximately 560,000,000

Actual Active-Duty military population: Classified, estimated at 50 Million

Total Reserves: Classified, estimated at 75 Million