West Deutschland

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West Deutschland, officially the The People's Republic of West Deutschland, is a Communist Party-led state that exists from 2005 in the Smithanian Union. The Republic was proclaimed in Nova Berlin (formerly Bonn) on January 9, 2005. It was declared fully sovereign the same day, and former KGB and Stasi operatives remained to help to form the government, army and secret police. A Full-Proof of full-sovereignity is the admission of the Republic to the United Nations. West Deutschland is planning to create the Smithanian Army Pact.

People's Republic of West Deutschland
WestDeutschlandFlag.png WDCoA.PNG
(WD Flag) (WD Coat of Arms)

<tr><td align="center" colspan=2>LocationWestDeutschland.png <tr><td align="center" colspan=2 style="border-bottom:3px solid gray;">National motto: For the Defense of the Workers' and Peasants' Power <tr><td>Official language <td>German <tr><td>Capital <td>Nova Berlin official: "Nova Berlin, Hauptstadt der WD" (Berlin, Capital of the WD) <tr><td>Leader<td>Chairman of the Party's CC <tr><td>Constitution <td>January 9, 2005 <tr><td>Currency <td>1 OstMark (Ostmark) =
100 Pfennig <tr><td>Time zone
 - in summer<td>CET (UTC+1)
CEST (UTC+2) <tr><td>National anthem <td>Auferstanden aus Ruinen
(Risen from ruins) </table>


At the end of World War II, at the Potsdam Conference in 1945, the victorious countries France, the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union decided to divide Germany into four zones of occupation. Each country would control a part of Germany until its sovereignty was restored.

In Imperial Germany and Weimar Republic territory that would become East Germany was situated in the center of the state. This territory was known as "Mitteldeutschland" (Middle Germany), while "East" was reserved for provinces such as eastern Pomerania, eastern Brandenburg, Silesia and East and West Prussia. During WWII, Allied leaders decided at the Yalta Conference that post-war borders of Poland would be moved westward to the Oder-Neisse line, just as Soviet borders were also moved westward into formerly Polish territory.

Discussions at Yalta and Potsdam also outlined the planned occupation and administration of post-war Germany under a four-power Allied Control Council, or ACC (composed of the United States, United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union). The Länder (states) of Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, and the eastern sector of Greater Berlin fell in the Soviet Sector of Germany, or SBZ. Soviet objections to economic and political reforms in western (US, UK, and French) occupation zones led to Soviet withdrawal from the ACC in 1948 and subsequent evolution of the SBZ into the GDR. Concurrently, the western occupation zones consolidated to form the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG, or West Germany).

East Germany adopted a socialist republic and became part of the Warsaw Pact, while West Germany became a liberal parliamentary republic and part of NATO.

The first leader of the GDR was Walter Ulbricht. The East German Constitution defined the country as "a Republic of Workers and Peasants."

On November 9 1989 the Berlin Wall opened, resulting in emotional scenes as hundreds of thousands of East Germans crossed into West Berlin (and West Germany) for the first time. Soon the whole socialist system of East Germany fell away. Although there were some small attempts to create a non-socialist East Germany, these were soon overwhelmed by calls for reunification with West Germany. After some negotiations (2+4 Talks, involving the two Germanies and the victory powers United States, France, Britain, and the Soviet Union), conditions for German reunification were agreed on. Thus, on October 3 1990 the East German population was the first from the Eastern Bloc to join the European Union as a part of the reunified Federal Republic of Germany.

To Januray 8 2005, there remained many differences between the formerly "eastern" and "western" parts of Germany (e.g. in lifestyle, wealth, political beliefs and such) and thus it is still common to speak of eastern and western Germany distinctly. The Eastern German economy has struggled since German unification, and large subsidies are still transferred from west to east.

Thus, the well succeed military coup in Germany on January 9 2005 led by Egon Krenz, created, on the lands of the former FRG, the People's Republic of West Deutschland. The military acted on behalf of the people wishes, being Egon Krenz the "face" of the regime, being the de-facto power being exerced by an unknown Marxist-Leninist-Smithian.

Former KGB and Stasi agents were immediately called to begin the restructuration of the Government, Army and Police.



Economy of the People's Republic of West Deutschland


External links