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What is it?: Landmass
Region: Sisgardia
Planet: Earth
Status: Anarchy/Unclaimed


What is it?

Tavaroth is a Landmass. A landmass is a geographic presence that is depicted on a map. As such while nations may posseses them, if they vanish for one reason or another, the landmass will remain. Sisgardia has a large ammount of landmasses that like Tavaroth are unclaimed.

A landmass, regardless of being posessed by a nation, can be used at all times as a RP background because it 'exists' permanently as a regional presence as opposed to a map serving only a single nation where if the nation vanishes, the map goes as well.

Location & Topography

Tavaroth is located in the North East of Sisgardia and is connected in the north to the landmass Handalar. Tavaroth is connected to the Sea of Aelios to the south and west and is connected to the Sea of Phatir to the east. From north to south the length of Tavaroth is 660 miles while from East to West the length is 480 miles. The land has a few major rivers running through it and it these alone that made it possible for any advanced civilisation to form here.

Tavaroth has for centuries been divided into four major 'lands' (not provinces.) These being the North Land, East Land, South Land and the West Land.


Tavaroth is for nearly 70% pure desert. Soft sand dunes, rocky clifs and fields of cracked soil make up most of the land. The sole exception to this are the parts of the land along the two primary rivers. The 'Bata' and the 'Karine' running through upper parts of the lands. The entire southern portion of the land however is a fertile land and it is there that most people have lived throughout the history of Tavaroth.

Tavaroth is a rough land that shows little kindness to those unable to care for themselves. It rarely rains outside the South Land, but when it does so large portions of the desert bloom to life for short periods of times giving the land an unearthly beauty.


Tavaroth has a large ammount of animals that thrive in it's desert. The majority are quite common to most deserts but there are a few races that are indiginous to Tavaroth and while they have begun to spread to other places since a short time, this is still their birth place.



Despite what on would think on first think when they are confronted with a desert, there is a substantial ammount of flora within Tavaroth that manage to survive quite well within the harsh enviroment. The West Land has the most plants of the desert while the South Land has many plants that thrive in the warm but gentler climate.


Tavaroth was once under the rule of the Enduring Empire of Tarakalar but a few decades ago this Empire fell after it had passed a 1000 years of rule only a short while ago. As such Tavaroth is currently unclaimed by any nation and is in a state of anarchy as many of the remnant of the old Empire that left behind are fighting against one and other for possesion. As it stands though none of them are capable of taking over and it is likely they never will form a nation again unless a outside force steps in.


The Tavarothians/Tarakalarians have a long history that is trenched within honor and surviving under harsh conditions. They glorify act of the hunt and intelligent one on one combat that employs the enviroment and stealth rather then facing one and other head on. They have long standing hatred for monotheistic believes but in the past decades a new monotheistic cult formed in the South Land and swept the land by storm. This cult would also play a prime part in the collapse of the nation of Tarakalar.

The inhabitants are fiercely independent and exceptionally proud; Referring to themselves as the 'People' at all times.

Current state

Pure anarchy. The nation is devided between innumerable factions. The most notable however are:
Azerran Outposts: The nation of Azerran currently has four outposts in the West Land which serves as a beach point should the fled Tarakalians seek to retake the land as well as a safe point for refugees that seek to flee to Azerran.

Quoan’dal est Ure (The Church of Illumination): The monotheistic cult that was lead by the charismatic Sosjom’dal before his dissapearance shortly after the fall of Tarakalar. The Church is technologcally the most advanced faction within Taveroth. With the dissapearance of their leader the cult has fractured and they are now fighting the other groups as much as themselves. Most of the South Land is under their control.

'Rebels': These are mainly people who are not affiliated with anyone else. They tend to be small groups fighting for such things as democracy, communism or simply trying to prevent any of the other groups from taking over.

Houses: The noble Houses that betrayed the imperial Taurain Family. These refused to stay loyal to the Taurain's after the Emperor and his oldest son were killed. They now form small alliances and seek to re-instate a new imperial family and re-assert dominance over Taveroth.

Eduyab’Kerrudar: The Desert Elves who remained behind are mostly neutral and stay far away in the desert. They defend themselves but have cut all ties to any other faction.

There are also rumors amongst the people of Tavaroth that there are secret military installations belonging to a so far unknown faction who seem to be technolically equal or superior to the Church of Illumination.

As of recently Tarasovka has also set up a small base on the Olra province off the coast of the Tavaroth mainland. This base is so far only a temporary set up due to the dissapearance of several Tarasovyian nobles lost by Tavaroth. It was believed the Quoan’dal est Ure was responsible for this and as such they prepared to retrieve the nobles.