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Flag of Kedalfax
Motto: I may be drunk, but you're ugly and tomorrow I'll be sober!
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Region Simtropolis
Capital Newland, ND
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Leader Hon. Francais Sebuu
Population 103 million
Currency Kedalf 
NS Sunset XML


  • Newland Province(ND) Capital:Newland
  • Delon Province(DE) Capital:Delon City
  • Halen Province(HA) Capital:Halen City
  • Mountain Territories(MO) Capital: Weis City
  • Woodland Province(WO) Capital: Woodland City


Fast facts:

Type: Centrist Democracy

  • President: Hon. Francais Sebuu
  • Vice President: William Racton
  • Secretary of the Interior: Albert Lansing
  • Secretary of the Exterior: David Greene
  • Press Secretary: Heywood Jabuzov
  • Governor of Newland: Jerry O'Reily
  • Governor of Delon: Jason Jones
  • Governess of Halen: Jennifer Collins
  • Governor of Mountain Territories: James Foster
  • Governor of Woodland Province: Raymond Bell

Federal Government

The government of the Federation of Kedalfax is a centrist democracy. The president has almost no power. His job is mostly to be a figure head for the government. All laws are voted on by two seperate but equal organizations known as Congress and Senate. In Congress, there are two representatives for each province. They are elected once every four years. In the Senate, there is one representative for every million citizens in a province. Each province must have at least two representatives. However, since no province has ever had less than three million residents, this is just a safeguard. Senators are elected once every four years. For a law to pass, it must gain the majority in Congress, and then be passed on to Senate, and get the majority there. If it fails to get the Senate majority, it is passed back to Congress, where 4/5 must agree. If it passes, it will go back to the Senate, where it must get at least 1/3 of the votes. Then it is passed to the president, who can veto it. If he does, it will go back to the senate, and will need 1/6 of the votes. If it gets through all of this process, it goes to one last step. If it is a law regarding civil or political freedoms, it goes on the ballot in the next election. It must gain the popular vote here to pass. If it is not, it will pass without going to citizen vote. If someone is to break a state law, the matter will go before local court.

The Federal Supreme Court decides on all lawsuits against the government. It has 7 judges, who vote as to what the verdict shall be. Judges may not stop a law from being passed, unless it goes to citizen election, in which case they have the exact same amount of power as everyone else. They can, however, decide that a law is unconstitutional, but only if a citizen brings it up in a case against the government. Should they decide the law is not valid, it shall be repealed and all people held under that law will be released. The decisions of the court may be contested four years after they are passed. Decisions of the court may be contested as many times as nececcary.

Elections are staggered so that the President is elected in a year divisable by 4, Senators and Congressmen are elected the next year. The year after that is Provincial elections (Governor, Provincial Senate, etc.) and the year after that is local elections (D.A., Mayor, etc.). No officer of the government is allowed to spend more than 2 election cycles or 10 years in office.

Provincial Government

All provinces have a Provincial Senate and a Governor. To pass, a law must pass the senate and then be sent to the governor. If he vetos it, it will go to popular vote; if not, it will pass. Budget votes must be approved by half the senate to pass. If someone is to break a state law, the matter will go before local court.

Local government

In most citys and towns, a mayor will be the one through whom new laws will pass. He may also decide on local taxes, local budgets, and ususaly has a very large influence on city planning.


"In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two seperate yet equally important groups; the police who investigate crimes, and the district attornies who prosecute the offenders." District attornies are elected every four years. He/she will run along with an Executive Asistant District Attorny. The EADA will hire as many Assistant District Attornies as is nececcary. The ADAs will prosecute criminals. If nececcary, the EADA and ADA may assist in the prosecution.

Law Enforcement

Each town is allowed to have it's own police department. In large cities, an internal affairs department will usually be included. In towns where this can not be afforded, the Department of National Policing will step in. They will also step in to provide funding for police forces when nececcary. Provinces also have their own police departments. these are used mostly for speed traps on large highways and water patrols. The Kedalfax Guard Beauro, or KGB, is the Federal Government's police force. they act only in matters of national importance, such as mass murder and terrorism. The also are the group responsible for not(wink) spying on other countries.


The exact numbers of the military are kept secret, although it will admit to having bases in the following cities:

  • Delon, DE: Airforce, Navy
  • Los Diablos, DE: Navy, Reserve Center
  • Newland, ND: Navy, Army, Airforce
  • Woodland City, WO: Navy, Army
  • Halen City, HA: Navy, Army
  • Williamsburg, DE: Army, Airforce, SpecOps

Kedalfax is known for having a very large Navy, as you can see by the fact that 5/6 military cities have naval bases.


In 1493, Juan Delon landed at what would one day be Delon City. He is considered to be the first person to ever discover Kedalfax. Seing the incredable hillyness of the area, he decided to set up a colony. See SanFransisco for mor information on hilly Spanish colonies. By 1551, They had moved accros the mountains to Los Diablos. In 1600, the English decided to capture the area. They managed to do so by 1662, and had also founded the new colony of Newland. By 1664, they had managed to opress the people to the point of revolution, and in 1666, the new Republic of Kedalfax was formed. In 1929, the Great Depression struck, and the already suffering economy died. Another year later, and the nation had changed into the Communist Union of Kedalfax. Communism survived until the Soviet Union started collapsing, and Kedalfax went with it.

The southern section of Kedalfax was very against communism, and so they revolted. The war raged on for about a year, at which point the nations agreed to stop fighting, and to erect two walls, which no man was ever to pass until such time as the nations agreed to join together under one government. On June 4, 1991, the Federation of Kedalfax was declared a sovergn nation, ruled by it's self. Coincidentally, this was the 21st birthday of Hon. Francais Sebuu, the leader of The Federation of Kedalfax.

The Federation apparently was formed at exactly the right time, because the economy boomed. Then, on June 4, 1999, another tragedy struck. A large bomb went off outside of the newly completed Eastland Plaza in Newland. It destroyed the plaza, along with the nearby fire house. As fires raged throughout the downtown area, more bombs went off, collapsing subways and rail tunnels, making it impossible to access the area. The entire area was destroyed, along with parts of the residential districts. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost, along with trillions of kedalfs. The corperations that were based there suffered severe losses in stock value, and people all over the nation suffered losses. It was then that the nation decided that Big Buisiness had to go. People started boycotting the Walmarts and chain stores in favor of smaller, more local stores. Some corperations still survived, but they didn't even try to be as big. This event shaped the way Kedalfax would be forever.

During all of this, the Communist Union of Kedalfax was trying to convince the government to go communist.the government was about to consider it, when the man who did the attacks was caught. He was found with a severe case of radiation poisoning, and minutes before dieing, he said "I will never reveal that the CKIB [Communist Kedalfax Investigation Beauro] made me do this!" The CUK denied involvment, and so did the Federation when the largest city in the CUK was attacked by a simmilar bomb. Many people thought this would be the rekindeling of the Kedalfax war, but it cooled down again fast.


The culture of Kedalfax varys very much from North to South. In the North, most things are fast paced, much like in most large cities. The accent is slightly like a New Yorker, although with a slightly more English sound. A full fledged English accent is not uncommon. Twords the South things get much more relaxed and calm. People are very freindly, and speak in an accent that sounds much like the American South, probaly because of the same isolation after English settlement.

The South also tends to be more traditionalist, while the North tends to be progressive.

The two most prominant sports teams, the Delon Clifhangers and the Los Diablos Devils have a rivalry comprable to the Yankees/Red Sox rivalry in that it is much bigger.

In school, both Kedalfaxian and English are required languages.


The Economy of Kedalfax is mainly small shops, along with beef-based agriculture.

Major Corperations

The largest corperations on the KSX.

The Eastland Corperation

The Eastland Corperation(KSX: ECX) is Kedalfax's largest single company. The company was devestated after the Eastland Plaza of Newland was bombed. They managed to recover from the attack, and have recently aquired rival Xeon Trading.

The Eastland Mutual Fund (KSX: ECMF) is currently trading at $150 US per share.

Hedquarters: Los Diablos, DE
Product: Insurance, Banking, Investment services, Mutual funds
Offices in: Los Diablos, DE; Delon City, DE; Newland, ND

Port Facilities

Baugher International Airport

Baugher International Airport (BIA) is the largest airport in Kedalfax The airport is built between the residential and industrial sections of Los Diablos, DE, Kedalfax, along Fedreal Highway 113. bia7qv.png

The airport is built in a modular design so as to conserve space. the airport has 6 runways: 4 East-West, 2 North-South.

--Kedalfax 10:04, 23 August 2005 (EDT). Approved by the Federation of Kedalfax Department of Public Relations.