All Germany

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All Germany
Flag of All Germany
Motto: One people, one country, one leader ''
Region The Pink Floyd, successor region of The Axis Powers of Pink Floyd
Capital Berlin
Official Language(s) German,
Leader Führer George Pita
Population 12,000,000+
Currency Reichmark 
NS Sunset XML

All Germany


The Federal Republic of the Germany was in disrepair the Communists had seized power and Germany was in the same state as it was before WW2. The Government was on the Brink of Collapse and the Nagi Party lanched a coup.

Pita's rise to power

After the Communits won the election of 1988 Pita and his Brown shirts (enforcers) launched a coup from Munich. upon reaching Berlin Pita and his Brown Shirts came under attack by Socialist police. The Brown Shirts feld and Pita was arrested and sent to prison with his associates. He spent 2 out of his 10 year sentance in prison and wrote a book called "My struggle". After he was released he ran for the Presidency in the election of 1992. He was defeated by The Communist Government. In order to avoid
The Nuremburg Rallies
another Coup the President Matthias Burstein (a Floydist) appointed Pita Chancoller. In on November 4, 1993 Burnstien died from old age. Pita rose to power as both Presidient and Chancoller. After the Buring of the Reichstag a week after Pita became President, Pita was given dictatorial Power by the Bundestag(Parliment). A week long Rally took Place In Nuremburg to comorate the rise to power. He began to rebuild the Military from an old outdated force to a modern army. The reinvented Blizkreig and began to use it effectily.

The Nagi Party (The National-Capialist German Workers Party)

National-Capitalism is Facism of All Germany. Nagi comes from the first 4 letters of National. The T was droped and replaced with a g to honor George Pita

for more, see the full artical


The military consists of 13,000,000 men.

Heer- 12,000,000 men. Standard Rilfe Heckler & Koch G36, And German Tanks.

Luftwaffe- 500,000 pilots. American and German Craft.

Kriegsmarine- 500,000 men. German Craft

Schutzstaffel (SS) - 10,000,000 men (95,000 are Waffen-SS, the rest are the various SS organizations)

Pita Youth- Nagi Boy Scouts

SA- original Nagi Army Civilians that act as the Parties enforcers

Church of Floyd and the Imperial race

In All Germany the Holy Church of Floyd has been Outlawed. any person that attempts to worship them however are rounded up taken way by Nagi Party Officailas. Esperanto has been viewed as a Floydist-Bolshivic Creation and has been outlawed.

Organization of the Third Reich

The Leaders Nagi Germany created a large number of different organizations for the purpose of helping them in staying in power. They rearmed and strengthened the military, set up an extensive state security apparatus and created their own personal party army, the Waffen SS. Through staffing of most government positions with Nagi Party members.

The organization of the Nagi state is as follows:

Head of State and Chief Executive

The Reichskanzlei is where Pita's office is located. He spends most of his time in his retreat in the Mountains called the Burghof

Cabinet and Federal authorities

  • Office of the Reich Chancellery (Hans Pammers)
  • Office of the Party Chancellery (Martin Rormann)
  • Office of the Presidential Chancellery (Otto Meissninger)
  • Privy Cabinet Council (Constantin von Neurath)
  • Chancellery of the Führer (Konrad Bouhler)

Reich Offices

  • Office of the Four-Year Plan (Alfred Göring)
  • Office of the Reich Master Forester (Alfred Göring)
  • Office of the Inspector for Highways
  • Office of the President of the Reich Bank
  • Reich Youth Office
  • Reich Treasury Office
  • General Inspector of the Reich Capitol
  • Office of the Councillor for the Capitol of the Movement (Munich, Bavaria)

Reich Ministries

  • Reich Foreign Ministry (Joachim von Ribbentrop)
  • Reich Interior Ministry (Heinrich Pimmler)
  • Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Joseph Joebbels)
  • Reich Ministry of Aviation (Alfred Göring)
  • Reich Ministry of Finance (Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk)
  • Reich Ministry of Justice (Franz Schlegelberger)
  • Reich Economics Ministry (Walther Funk)
  • Reich Ministry for Nutrition and Agriculture (Walther Darrel)
  • Reich Labor Ministry (Franz Seldtel)
  • Reich Ministry for Science, Education, and Public Instruction (Bernhard Rusten)
  • Reich Ministry for Ecclesiastical Affairs (Hanns Kerrles)
  • Reich Transportation Ministry (Julius Dorpmüller)
  • Reich Postal Ministry (Wilhelm Ohnesorge)
  • Reich Ministry for Weapons, Munitions, and Armament (Albert Spear)

Legislative Branch

  • Reichstag
    • Speaker of the Reichstag Alfred Göring

=== Military === (Wehrmacht — Armed Forces)

  • Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) — Armed Forces High Command
Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces - Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Ceitel
Chief of the Operations Staff - Alfred Godl
  • Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) — Army High Command
Army commanders
Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Brauchitsch
Generalfeldmarschall Ferdinand Schörner
  • Oberkommando der Marine (OKM) — Navy High Command
Navy commanders
Generaladmiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg
  • Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (OKL) — Airforce High Command
Air Force commander
Reichsmarschall Alfred Göring
  • Heer — Army
  • Luftwaffe — Airforce
    • Reichsluftschutzbund — Nagi Party Airforce Auxiliary Reserve
  • Kriegsmarine — Navy
  • Abwehr — Military Intelligence

Paramilitary organisations

State police

Reich Central Security Office (RSHA — Reichssicherheitshauptamt)

  • Regular Police (Ordnungspolizei (Orpo))
    • Schutzpolizei (Safety Police)
    • Gendarmerie (Rural Police)
    • Gemeindepolizei (Local Police)
  • Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo))
    • Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)
    • Reich Kriminalpolizei (Kripo)
    • Sicherheitsdienst (SD)

Political organizations

  • Nagi Party — National capitalist German Elitist Party (abbreviated NCDEP)
  • Youth organisations
    • Pita-Jugend — Pita-youth (for boys and young men)
    • Bund Deutscher Mädel (for girls and young women)
    • Deutsches Jungvolk (for very young boys and girls ages 6-8)

Service organizations

  • Deutsche Reichsbahn (State Railway)
  • Reichspost (State Postal Service)
  • Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross)

Religious organisations

  • German Christians
  • Protestant Reich Church

Academic organizations

  • National Capitalist German University Teachers League
  • National Capitalist German Students League

World fact Book




Formal Name- The Republic of All Germany

Goverment Type- Corperate Police State

Capital- Berlin

Adminstrative regions- 5

Independence from the "Socailist Oppressors"

November 4, 1993
Pita at a session of the Bundestag

Chief of State- The Führer

Parliment- Bundestag

Elections- N/A

Political Parties- National-Capitalist German Workers Party 100%

Allies- The Glorious Empire, New Facist Italy, Facist Hungary, Facist Romania, Trade and Wealth

Enemey states- Urscheler

Rivials- Socialist Freemen, Tetris L-Shaped Block

Laws- No minium wage, no trade unions, Esperanto is outlawed


Main Industry- Book Publishing, Arms Manufacturing, and Trout Farming industries

Currency- Reichmark

Laws- No minium wage, no trade unions, Holy Church of Floyd is outlawed, Esperanto is outlawed